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Curiouser and curiouser

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    Curiouser and curiouser

    Been dreaming of the same being since my teen years. The dreams are never constant or consistent, except for him. In the dreams he always saves me from something (teen years), offers comfort from something (early twenties), or asks me directly what it is I want (last two years).

    Last two recent dreams he showed more of who he he actually is then any other. Him on a throne made of rock from the walls. A line of devout followers in a queue dropping their first born males into a large fire pit in the center of this large cave-like throne room. He asks me a question and when I refuse to answer by leaving I find myself at the entrance to a cave high in the cliffs overlooking a desert. I blink (in dream) and find myself in front of him again.
    Most recent dream was of me atop a mountain of corpses, in different states of decay, overlooking a small river that has turned red. He's on the other side. Then behind me, weirdly enough smirking.

    Never once in any of these dreams was I fearful of him.

    So here are my questions, maybe someone can answer or add more.

    Who is this entity or deity?
    (Tried asking received through meditation either nothing or more mocking dreams of smirks)

    Could a person venerate an entity/ deity without truly knowing what or who it is?

    Why me?

    Re: Curiouser and curiouser

    Sometimes, entities choose to speak to us without giving a name. I couldn't say who He is, but perhaps once you get to know Him better, He will reveal His name. Yes, you can absolutely venerate one whose name you don't know.

    As for why you, only He could answer that.
    Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

    Honorary Nord.

    Habbalah Vlogs


      Re: Curiouser and curiouser

      I would have to agree with Habbalah. Some entities come into our lives for a long time without establishing who they are. All one can do is simply wait. I would encourage to continue meditation to connect with him nonetheless.
      "By yarrow and rue, and my redcap too."

