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    Hello! I am obviously new here, looking to learn more about paganism in general. I know that there are many, many different paths/forms of Paganism, and am looking forward to anything and everything that I can learn here.


      Re: Hello!

      Im rather new here as well and i can tell you right now, you will find alot of great info here. I have been reading none stop since i have been here lol. Enjoy your time here !


        Re: Hello!

        Thanks! It's going to be a fun ride, that's for sure.



          Hello, I've just joined the forum so thought I'd give a quick introduction!
          I've had a huge interest in Witchcraft and Paganism since I was a young teen when I found books on witchcraft and tarot on my local library shelves and this interest has reared itself and waned throughout the past 12 or so years. I've always had a huge love of folklore and faery and this is something that I actively study, and a huge part of my work as an artist and illustrator. I've also always felt most at home in the countryside inamongst the trees and within the wilds and this has never ever left me.
          After a lot of sporadic but frantic reading of books about Pagansim et al throughout the past few years I've made the decision to make a serious start along the path and see where it takes me.
          I'm mostly interested in green witchcraft and hedgewitchery along with my interest in Faery, which is something I want to incorporate more on a I suppose more spiritual level, rather than simply reading about faery lore and folk tales.
          But anyway, other than that, I love creating things, goth culture and rats!
          I'm looking forard to participating in this forum and thank you for reading!


            Re: Hello!

            From one new member to another, welcome!


              Re: Hello!

              my etsy store
              My blog

              "...leave me curled up in my ball,
              surrounded by plush, downy things,
              ill prepared, but willing,
              to descend."


                Hi there!

                Hi everyone, I'm Jesse. I'm 23 years old and have been interested in paganism for about a decade now. I've long felt a sort of calling to it, I guess, but until this point I've only occasionally dabbled in theory and some sparing practice as a solitary newbie. But I've decided it's time to get serious about discerning my spiritual path and see if some form of paganism is right for me. I hope that being active on this forum will help me learn more about paganism and help me grow as a person a little bit, too.


                  Re: Hi there!

                  Welcome to the forum
                  my etsy store
                  My blog

                  "...leave me curled up in my ball,
                  surrounded by plush, downy things,
                  ill prepared, but willing,
                  to descend."


                    Re: Hello!

                    my etsy store
                    My blog

                    "...leave me curled up in my ball,
                    surrounded by plush, downy things,
                    ill prepared, but willing,
                    to descend."


                      Re: Hi I am new

                      my etsy store
                      My blog

                      "...leave me curled up in my ball,
                      surrounded by plush, downy things,
                      ill prepared, but willing,
                      to descend."


                        Re: Hello!

                        Thank you both!


                          Re: Hello!

                          You're very welcome!


                            Re: Hi there!

                            Hello Jesse and welcome. I'm new here too.


                              Re: Hi there!

                              Hello Jesse, I've just joined here as well, welcome!


                                Re: Hi there!

                                Hi and Welcome.

