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    Re: Another Newbie amongst you.

    Welcome to the forum hope you enjoy your time here and learn a lot along the way


      Re: Another Newbie amongst you.

      Welcome. I hope you have a good time


        Re: Mama Fortuna

        ---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

        Ah, Volcaniclastic, you have an excellent memory! Yes, it's been 2 or 3 years since I've been here. I believe the forum was going through ownership change around that time, and I switched to PaganSpace. Now that site is going through a reorganization, so I'm making myself scarce until the new regime is in place...and hopefully switches on the profanity filter.

        Just finished all my recordings, I believe I just started the radio show before I left. I did a year at the radio station, then went over to YouTube. During that time, my organization got approved with a 501(c)(3), so lots has happened. We're still looking for a Pagan with accounting, bookkeeping or business experience to be our (volunteer) treasurer. Would really like someone with good pr experience to help develop a membership....but I'm rambling.

        How've things been here?

        ---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

        I'm also doing consultations, tarot readings, etc. at Live Person That's actually a pretty new gig, so I'm fishing around for how to announce it.


          Re: Mama Fortuna

          Thought I just replied, but it disappeared, so I'll type this again (no, I'm not spamming you Yes, Volcaniclastic, it is the same in a way. In a way, I am also different, because of the changes a person goes through in 2 or 3 years...which has been the time span since I departed for other networks. I believe this one was going through a change of ownership, wasn't it owned by someone in the UK before? Or am I mixing it up with a different network? It's good to see a friendly face, I had built up quite a following at PaganSpace, but you know people being people, there's always someone....or a few someones....that enjoy an argument. Sadly, I am not one of them So, it's off for greener pastures again for me.

          Aside from all that how have you been? Faithful to this place the whole time....I'm impressed!!!

          As for me, I believe I had just started doing a weekly radio show before I left. It was on for over a year, had some great guests, Macha Nightmare, Selena Fox, fabulous musicians (including my cousin Jesse Green like Brian Henke and Tuatha Dea. It was a decent show for someone just practicing at being a free radio show host. Then...the radio station went through some policy changes and I moved I am known to do.

          The show went to YouTube for a year, and this is the first week of reruns. So I have a little downtime to chat around, because I'm Finished Producing Free Shows Online!!! Luckily I did get something for the efforts, which was an approval as a tax exempt organization in the USA for Temple of Fortuna. So proud of that. We are looking for someone to fill the treasurer position, that actually has banking, accounting or business experience. Right now, the position is being held by Bob Place, who is known as a successful business person because he's a renown tarot artist...but he's technically not exactly the classic fit for treasurer. Nice guy, though, extremely cordial, intelligent and dependable. Honest, too, which is good quality for a treasurer.

          But, I'm no longer doing a lot of free online shows...I've graduated to paid a clairsentient psychic and tarot reader, I'm over at psychic power network as Regina Fortunata and at Live Person as myself.

          Whew! That was a lot of catching up!!

          What's new with you, over the last 2 or 3 years since we chatted here?



            Well lets see a little about me would be nice eh? Spiritual I'm always evolving. My father tragically passed away in 2005 and with his death a lot of myself died as well. I started to question a lot of things and my views began changing. I'm rather eclectic and don't proclaim any particular religion. I find a lot that makes sense in various paths. My mother has also passed away, she crossed over in 2009. I'm currently a collage student. Have a wonderful boyfriend and we will be together for 5 years toward the end of June. I love animals, especially dogs. I have a lot of varied and to some rather odd interests. I love to learn new things, am interested in theology, psychology, anthropology, metaphysics, astrology, divination, the tarot, the paranormal, stones, crystals, dragons, fantasy, art, writing, drawing, and many other things. Well I guess that will do for now.

            --Best of wishes--


              Re: Hello to all

              Well you already know me and pointed me here but welcome and thanks lol.


                Re: Another Newbie amongst you.

                Welcome from one newbie to another!


                  Re: Greetings

                  Hello and welcome to sounds like you have a lot of interests and perspective! I hope you jump right in and start posting!
                  Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                    Re: Greetings

                    Welcome from me as well,lots of good people here to discuss many varied and interesting topics.
                    MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                    all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                    NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                    don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                    my new page here,let me know what you think.

                    nothing but the shadow of what was



                      Re: Greetings

                      Thank you for the welcomes thus far. I'm still getting the hang of this forum. I'm a member of a few others but each is different. I look forward to exploring the threads.


                        Re: Mama Fortuna

                        Sorry Mama! First, welcome back!!

                        And second, I don't know what it is with this anti-spam software but it keeps nabbing a regular member's post, once in a while, and is getting really aggravating. Rest assured, though, we aren't trying to censor anything or keep our members muffled!!! LOL

                        "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                        "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                        "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                        "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                          Re: Mama Fortuna

                          Originally posted by Mama Fortuna View Post
                          Thought I just replied, but it disappeared, so I'll type this again (no, I'm not spamming you Yes, Volcaniclastic, it is the same in a way. In a way, I am also different, because of the changes a person goes through in 2 or 3 years...which has been the time span since I departed for other networks. I believe this one was going through a change of ownership, wasn't it owned by someone in the UK before? Or am I mixing it up with a different network? It's good to see a friendly face, I had built up quite a following at PaganSpace, but you know people being people, there's always someone....or a few someones....that enjoy an argument. Sadly, I am not one of them So, it's off for greener pastures again for me.

                          Aside from all that how have you been? Faithful to this place the whole time....I'm impressed!!!

                          As for me, I believe I had just started doing a weekly radio show before I left. It was on for over a year, had some great guests, Macha Nightmare, Selena Fox, fabulous musicians (including my cousin Jesse Green like Brian Henke and Tuatha Dea. It was a decent show for someone just practicing at being a free radio show host. Then...the radio station went through some policy changes and I moved I am known to do.

                          The show went to YouTube for a year, and this is the first week of reruns. So I have a little downtime to chat around, because I'm Finished Producing Free Shows Online!!! Luckily I did get something for the efforts, which was an approval as a tax exempt organization in the USA for Temple of Fortuna. So proud of that. We are looking for someone to fill the treasurer position, that actually has banking, accounting or business experience. Right now, the position is being held by Bob Place, who is known as a successful business person because he's a renown tarot artist...but he's technically not exactly the classic fit for treasurer. Nice guy, though, extremely cordial, intelligent and dependable. Honest, too, which is good quality for a treasurer.

                          But, I'm no longer doing a lot of free online shows...I've graduated to paid a clairsentient psychic and tarot reader, I'm over at psychic power network as Regina Fortunata and at Live Person as myself.

                          Whew! That was a lot of catching up!!

                          What's new with you, over the last 2 or 3 years since we chatted here?
                          That's quite the update, Fortuna. If you take a look around, you'll see many of us from way back then are still with us now. Hell, some of them have been here longer than I have! I don't think I knew you well enough to know about the radio thing, but it looks like you've had quite a busy few years. As for myself, a bit of this, a bit of that, and a whole lot of traveling.

                          Welcome back.

                          Mostly art.


                            Re: Greetings

                            Hello and welcome. I'm very sorry for your losses. I hope you do enjoy it here, though.
                            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

                            Honorary Nord.

                            Habbalah Vlogs


                              Re: Greetings!

                              Welcome to the forum.
                              There once was a man who said though,
                              It seems that I know that I know,
                              What I'd like to see,
                              Is the I that knows me,
                              When I know that I know that I know.


                                Re: Waves

                                There once was a man who said though,
                                It seems that I know that I know,
                                What I'd like to see,
                                Is the I that knows me,
                                When I know that I know that I know.

