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    Re: Greetings

    Thanks so much for the welcome Shaedema


      Re: Miranda Dances

      What kind of dance do you do?


        Re: Miranda Dances

        Hello and welcome to PF!
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Suantiu Vida!

          Hello, I'm a Gaulish Celtic Reconstructionist and I'm new here. The language in the title is reconstructed Gaulish. Anyways, I'm hoping to find some information on the site and find more out about the gods and how to honor them. Also, I'd like to take a look at some other traditions and practices, particularly of other Celtic paths to see how they compare.



            Good morn, afternoon or eve

            I am very new here (about 15 minutes and counting; maybe 20 now, sometimes hard to focus when at work)! So, I found this site as I was stumbling across the net about some questions, and inquiries on somethings. Normally, I just by pass forums, just use them as a search resource but I decided to try this one out! I am not much of a forum person but it will be a second I joined (other is music - bass specifically - related.)

            As for myself, paganism, specifically Wicca, has been an interest of mine for many years. My first exposure to this belief system was when I was pretty young, I think around 10 years old? However, I was far to young to think for my own and was a raised and practicing Roman Catholic. A few years later the ideas of it kept popping up in my life, probably (and possibly cliche sounding) because I would visit Salem, Massachusetts almost every year. There is such a vibe there that brings one back and time after time it grows a bit more. So for a few years I decided to read about the religion as well as other belief systems. Greek, Roman and Norse myth have always been of interest. I have looked at other religions to try and grasp their ultimate underlying roots and take from them. As you can see, in my profile, under the belief area I wrote "Seeking Perfection." As a Virgo, we tend to be very analytical and perfection seeking and this has been evident in my everyday life. I do not believe in just saying "Oh hey, ____ seems like a really cool religion... It practices magick!" (Which I do believe is sometimes the motivation of some people - not to say that is bad motivation; I personally just seek for the deeper meanings.)

            I have a few set beliefs that can be seen from a lot of places but ultimately; its all very simple for me. However, I want things to get more complicated in my thought processes. I feel a bit of a challenge (which is definitely present - I just have not accepted it, yet) is imperative in my growing. Joining this forum is another step forward in taking on that challenge to define where I fit in a belief system. I hope to learn so much from everyone on this forum and in turn I wish to let on some of my own knowledge and have it deemed knowledgable by someone else

            I am a Virgo in the seventh house; a moon in Capricorn and a rise in Aquarius. My Life Path number is 9. I am greatly interested in Tarot and Runes (which have such great stories behind them!) as well as other forms of divination. I have studied psychology for many years but have been drawn to the subject since as early as I can remember. These two things combined with a logical (if I do say so myself) thought process (sometimes TOO analytical - darn Virgo ways!) with a belief in nature and science makes me one very curious and ever searching character.

            That is my introduction and if you have read this far, I thank you for taking your time and interest in what I have written about myself! Have a great day!



              So my name is Peter . Im live in small village in Slovakia. I was born into catholic family... but im never in that religion.i have forests 20 minutes from my house (on foot) so i spend all my chilhood here. Later in age of 17 im found im not only visit these places for beauty but i feel spiritual bond here. So im celtic pagan (as my ancestors probably-slavs and celts lived there) not wiccan but im into slavic religion too.And sry for my grammar im still learning english... so thats probably all if you have any questions let ask
              Last edited by Guest; 07 Apr 2012, 09:50.



                Hi everyone. My name is Robin & I am a stay at home mommy from Texas to a little monkey dude named Gabriel. He's 18 months old and my first (and ONLY--ha) & the light of my life. I have been with my fiance for almost 3 years now & we are working on raising our son & my 2 step children (who live with us permanently). My step daughter's name is Athena & she's 8 and a half. My step son is Ethan and he will turn 7 next month.

                I gotta say that my thinking and beliefs are so far from what's considered "normal" in my personal world that it's just really hard to find people I can relate to. I am not religious & believe very strongly in secularism (that alone gets me in "trouble" with most people around me). I am very interested in Paganism, tho I don't believe in any kind of gods or goddesses, but I love the idea of Wicca and respecting the Earth (tho I'm far from perfect in doing that). I love art, reading, writing, drawing, photography (which I hope to pursue someday), and music. I think out of all of those music and photography are my passions. I also enjoy reading about Astrology and the constellations. I am a Scorpio & have found that my birth chart is fascinatingly similar to how I truly am.

                Anyhow, I hope to get to meet some like-minded people & get to know some of you. I look forward to it.


                  Re: Hello~

                  Hello and welcome! I just joined this site as well and I am an eager little post-er! Hope you, as well as I find the things we seek! xD


                    Re: Salvete!

                    Hey & thanks for the welcome on my intro. I thought I'd do the same. I was also raised religious (Methodist Christian), but never truly felt any of it. You must elaborate on the Runes--it sounds intriguing. I have known a Virgo before, and said Virgo was very analytic and critical (tho in his case it was to a fault), but they are good with conversation (well, from what I've experienced) & seem to have interesting views on things.

                    I look forward to reading more of your posts.


                      Re: Hello~

                      Welcome to this little corner of the Web,I think you will find this forum a very welcoming place. There are many very nice people here,and discussion generally is very open and social.
                      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                      my new page here,let me know what you think.

                      nothing but the shadow of what was



                        Re: Salvete!

                        Welcome to PF to both of you.

                        Now just leave any lingering sanity at the counter next to the door...
                        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                          Re: Salvete!

                          Not a problem What goes around, tends to come around and it did once again with your returning comment! xD

                          Runes are something I heard of before but than looked more into for a deeper understanding. At first, I thought they were symbols that represented certain things, such as protection and fertility. One a vacation one day, I went into a store and was highly recommend a book. This book is called Northern Mysteries and Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers by Freya Aswynn ( This book opened my eyes and I am only part way through. Her introduction is captivating and enlightening! I believe it does a lot of talk about early Christians and how they replaced pagan beliefs with "their" own and speaks a lot of similarities between the two religions. I believe the author started out as Wiccan but than found her roots and beliefs in Norse mythology which is where she said the Runes all started. Apparently there are three aetts (groupings) for the Runes. Many of them are based upon Norse gods AND goddesses (she is one of the first [I believe] to talk really talk about the females of Norse myth which is commonly seen as masculine and viking based). Each rune has a representation, meaning and story. They are commonly used for spells, say using Algiz for protection.
                          Algiz (all-yeese)

                          They are also used for divination like tarot cards. The meaning of the runes can be interrupted in different ways (like tarot) if the a certain rune appears reversed or inverted. Some runes, like Algiz have the same mirror image since it is symmetrical and therefore does not have an inverted meaning. However, it can have a reversed meaning since it looks different upside down. (I think I got those descriptive words correct).

                          And to agree (we Virgo can be conceited....) I think we can make great and interesting conversation due to our analytical ways. My analyzing causes me a lot of trouble and heart ache sometimes. I like to KNOW things that are happening... Not knowing causes me to think of possibilities of what is going on and I will think of the worst of things and focus upon them most. I have gotten to the point of almost developing an ulcer due to stress, worry, fear and heart ache (we Virgo people tend to get very upset stomaches with anxiety and stress).

                          xD But yes, I hope to be an active member of this forum and meet a lot of great people along the way!


                            Re: Salvete!

                            Thank you, thank you! Your statement seems to imply there was still sanity present when I entered.


                              Re: Hello

                              Welcome! I'm a fellow Celt too, although I follow the Heathen path rather than the Celtic.

                              Hope you enjoy it here. I know it's hard learning another language
                              "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                              Of friends the falsest it is."

                              Havamal, 74

                              "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                              Or the sleeping man success."

                              Havamal, 58


                                Re: Suantiu Vida!

                                Welcome! This site is a pool of knowledge, and I hope you can find what you're looking for.

                                Can you give me the names of a few good books about Gaulish Reconstuctionism? I have to admit I've never really heard of it before.
                                "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                                Of friends the falsest it is."

                                Havamal, 74

                                "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                                Or the sleeping man success."

                                Havamal, 58

