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    Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

    Welcome back, Rok! I thought you'd left for good - good to have you back

    Mostly art.


      Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

      Good to see you again!
      Great Grandmother's Kitchen


        Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

        Welcome back Rok



          Hi all my name is Ryne Vine (it truly is its my middle and last name)

          im new here and serching for some thing idk what but have been for a long time. im not even sure how i found this place im just glad i did. ive been lurking for a bit to get a feel for the place before i said anything so i doint have people yelling at me(its happened before)

          i love to read and write and am curently working on 2 storys and a manga

          thats about all i can think of to say if u want to know more just ask im very open


            Hello everyone! Newbie here!

            Hello everyone, I am glad to have found this forum! I have been struggling with finding my path for years now and although I am still a bit lost I feel like I at least have on foot in the right direction. I was raised without a religion which was wonderful because it allowed for me to come to my own conclusions in life. When I was younger I had no concern for a sense of spirituality but as I am approaching 30 my feel a longing to have a connection to something greater than myself.
            I have dabbled in Buddhism and Taoism but have found these religions restricting. My central belief is in energy and that we have more control over our lives than we think we do.
            I have yet to find branch of paganism that would describe my beliefs entirely but I tend to feel like elemental magic makes the most sense to me.

            I look forward to learning from everyone!

            Also, how do I change my avatar to a picture I have saved on my desktop?


              Re: Scheduled Downtime

              The forum is all updated now!
              �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
              ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
              Sneak Attack
              Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                Re: Hello everyone! Newbie here!

                Hi and welcome to the forum!

                Do edit your avatar, you click on Settings (at the top right of your screen) then scroll down until you see a box on the left side that says My Settings and select Edit Avatar.

                Or you can go to this link:
                �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                Sneak Attack
                Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                  Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

                  Thanks everyone - catching up is just about right

                  Where to start? Well, we moved from Las Vegas (Nevada, the one in New Mexico sucks) to Portland (Oregon, not Maine...their Portland sucks almost as much as Las Vegas, New Mexico)...this was at the tail end of my road trip that carried me about 7000 miles without getting more than about 2000 from home

                  Found work - of course, I'm hating it, but it's my field...can't take a new field unless I can take the heavy pay cut, so that won't be happening any time very soon.

                  I'm a lot clearer about what I know and believe, and a whole lot more comfortable in my own skin. Some of it is probably experience (spending 4 nights in a homeless shelter in a foreign city (and country) probably helped), some of it has just been me coming to grips with my own abilities (and recognizing where other people overestimate their own).

                  I'm much more calm (I think) than I used to be, and of course, now that I hate computers I'm less inclined to spend too much time overthinking Forum posts

                  It's nice to see the warm welcomes are still around!


                    Re: Hello everyone! Newbie here!

                    Welcome to the Forum Serene!

                    That's pretty much how my wife and I have raised our son - without religion (my wife is Pagan, I used to be but am now Atheist). Religion can be a fun trip - enjoy the ride


                      Re: Hi

                      Welcome to the boards RV - you'll like it here after the break-in period (that period of time when you aren't sure if what you say will be taken wrong)...sometimes it takes folks a little while to settle in, but most manage just fine


                        Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

                        Owow! lots of stuff happening to ya. Good to hear that things are going (reasonably) well for you
                        They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                        Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                        -Madeline Miller, Circe


                          Re: Hi

                          Welcome!! I see you're interested in Alchemy, well we have a resident alchemist who I'm sure would love to help you.
                          Hope you settle right into the pf family, because we really are a family ^^
                          They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                          Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                          -Madeline Miller, Circe


                            Re: Re-introduction (or, The Second Coming of Rok)

                            So.. you're less argumentative? But I liked the old you ^^ Well, I'm sure I'll still like you and I'm looking forward to getting to know a wiser Rok!

                            It seems that a lot of people overestimate their skills actually. It used to enrage me, but now I just write them off as not worth my energy. Although... there are a few people at work who like to point out the weaknesess of others. I recently had to hold up a metaphorical mirror so they could see themselves. Didn't go down well, but I just got tired of listening to their bitching.
                            夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


                              Re: Hello everyone! Newbie here!

                              Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself here.
                              "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                              Of friends the falsest it is."

                              Havamal, 74

                              "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                              Or the sleeping man success."

                              Havamal, 58


                                Re: Hi

                                Welcome to PF!
                                "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
                                Of friends the falsest it is."

                                Havamal, 74

                                "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
                                Or the sleeping man success."

                                Havamal, 58

