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My own Radio Show ! !

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    My own Radio Show ! !

    Some of you will remember that I have been interviewed a couple of times now on OneWorldRadio on the Avalon Whisperer Show. My next appearance there is on October 11th - more details to follow.

    What is really great though is that I have now been offered my own regular show - The Magical World of Tylluan Penry - with them. I don't have much by way of details at the moment, but I sent off a demo yesterday and heard back this morning that they really liked it - so I am well excited about that.

    My family always say that I can talk for Wales... this has definitely proved them right! I'll post up details of the various shows here on the forum so that people can catch up with them if they wish.

    I'm so excited...a lot of hard work and an extremely steep learning curve but I'm getting there!

    Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....

    Re: My own Radio Show ! !

    Holy Moly Tylluan!

    Things are really taking off for you!

    How long did it take you to become an overnight success?
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


      Re: My own Radio Show ! !

      Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
      Holy Moly Tylluan!

      Things are really taking off for you!

      How long did it take you to become an overnight success?

      Several lifetimes....

      Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


        Re: My own Radio Show ! !


        You might consider making facebook pages for each of those, and then you can update people there too...and its an easy way for people to spread the word further
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: My own Radio Show ! !

          Thanks Thal - I shall definitely look into it. This is all a very steep learning curve for me at the moment.... but wonderfully exciting (and how I wish I could put in the odd exclamation mark, but my keyboard isn't functioning properly at the moment...;-))

          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


            Re: My own Radio Show ! !

            That's great news Tylluan!!!
            I'm going to have to figure out a way to lesion in on your shows.
            Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

            Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


              Re: My own Radio Show ! !

              Thank you MOnk - I shall keep everyone updated as soon as I have some more news.

              Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                I'll stay tuned for further updates. !!!!!
                Thought you deserved a few more smileys.
                Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

                Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


                  Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                  Thank you for the smileys - and here is the good news.... my show The Magical World of Tylluan Penry goes out next Thursday at ten pm (GMT) I can try and work out the variations for the US and Canada if you tell me where you are. It will then be broadcast every last Thursday in the month...hope you enjoy it

                  Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                    Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                    Can I ask about the format?

                    I'm assuming it's a talk show, given your background and what little I see about the station. Will it be live or pre-recorded? Will "audience participation" play any role? Any ideas which topics you'll discuss in the near future? Will music play any significant (filler) role in your show?

                    I understand that not all of this is stuff you necessarily have lined up yet, but I am interested in hearing about it once you get there. I look forward to hearing your voice streaming over the internet!
                    "A true initiation never ends"-Robert Anton Wilson
                    "Reality has become a commodity"-Stephen Colbert 1/29/07
                    "Sometimes, when you can't breathe, there are people there to breathe for you" - Aesop Rock


                      Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                      Hi Azazel - it will be mostly me talking, and it will be pre-recorded. I'm hoping to interview various people too. My basic idea was to talk about how we find a spiritual path and introduce people to a wide variety of different beliefs and ideas. I'm trying to reach people who feel there is 'something more' but aren't sure what it is or how to go about finding it (which is very much the theme of my first book, Seeking the Green.)

                      In my first show (which was the demo I was asked to send in) I did use some music - used three pieces by David Arkenstone, which seemed to suit the mood of that particular show. I'm going to try and have various themes but be fairlly fluid about them so that they don't dominate a show.

                      I'm always open to suggestions and ideas though - there is a chat facility on the radio website - I know when I've been interviewed by them on other shows that people do something write in while we're on air with questions. Obviously as it's pre-recorded I won't be able to do that, but if anyone has anything to ask, or suggestions to make, then I hope they will feel able to get in touch.

                      Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                        Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                        Cool! I can't wait to hear the show.
                        "A true initiation never ends"-Robert Anton Wilson
                        "Reality has become a commodity"-Stephen Colbert 1/29/07
                        "Sometimes, when you can't breathe, there are people there to breathe for you" - Aesop Rock


                          Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                          Thank you - I'll keep everyone posted

                          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                            Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                            Just a note- I'm on air in just over 30 minutes! Hope you enjoy it.!

                            Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                              Re: My own Radio Show ! !

                              HA! I figured out I can listen thru itunes!!
                              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

