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The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

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    The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

    Our second child is due any day now. My family (with my mother in the lead) is very excited for the baby's arrival and, as with the last child, I've ceased to exist as anything but a pregnant belly and all talk is about the baby - which I don't really mind, as long as no one forgets the big brother. I'm worried because he's not going to appreciate the intruder at all...

    But the issue that we're dealing with right now is that I'm pretty sure I'm not going to tell anyone when I go into labor except - obviously - my husband and midwife and the babysitter (who is likely to be my mother-in-law). Although this isn't sitting well with my mother and grandmother, only my mother has brought it up as an issue (my grandmother did tell me that she would like to be there but she didn't push me about it).

    I've tried to explain that my decision is based solely on what I think will provide the best atmosphere for me to have a good birth experience because 1) I don't want anyone worrying over me, as it will only make me worry myself, and 2) I don't want any distractions or anyone asking about my progress - chances are things will be moving slow enough without having to say, "No, nothing has changed yet" for what seems like the millionth time. I have also explained that it's not a decision meant to exclude anyone or hurt anyone's feelings, but something I'm doing because I feel it is best for myself, my husband and our daughter. It's not personal - I'm doing what I feel I have to, and having a VBAC and, hopefully, an HBAC, is extremely important to me; too important to sacrifice it for someone else.

    But she's taking it personally, and is in tears about it. I've been trying to focus on staying positive and having a good birth plan, but all I can think about is how to appease her. This is supposed to be about myself and my child, but now it's about her. She's becoming manipulative about it, crying and telling me how devastated she's going to be, but I don't know what to tell her. I'm not changing my mind about this unless I get into labor and decide I want my family to know - and I doubt that's going to happen. The problem is that I don't know how to do what I think will work best for me without causing a big to-do over it. I just want to focus on my little family instead of the social drama.

    Is it wrong to want to give birth in private? Am I taking something away from the family if I just wait until she's here to announce it?

    Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

    Well, would it possible to maybe tell them when it starts but not allow them to interfere or be there? Tell them you will notify over the phone?

    I don't think you can stop them from worrying about you....she's your Mom, after all (and grandma!).

    But, I do understand your desire for a peaceful atmosphere.....labor/delivery is a very personal thing.
    Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow



      Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

      I neither have kids nor plan to have any, so please keep in mind that I'm not going off of experience.

      In my opinion, she's your child and you should do what you feel is right for her. It's not like you're going to be keeping your mother out of the baby's life--you just want a peaceful delivery!

      Like cesara said, you can always notify them by phone when it's about to happen, then to come visit after the birth.
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        Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

        It's your body and your baby. If you want to invite a million people to attend or not invite anyone at all, that's your prerogative as the star of the show. And like Cesara & Habbalah said, it's not like you're cut off from civilization or something - there are phones, and apparently people still use them to provide information to other people
        The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


          Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

          It is wrong to give birth in a way you don't want. You def need to be in as calm and stress free mood as possible. This will bother your mother. She will get over it. And she will still love you. Once she gets a hold of that little girl, it will all be over with. Let her get upset. No one ever died having an upset mother. Trust me.

          Good luck!
          Satan is my spirit animal


            Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

            Originally posted by cesara View Post
            Well, would it possible to maybe tell them when it starts but not allow them to interfere or be there? Tell them you will notify over the phone?
            I wouldn't mind if I knew that I could trust her not to announce it to the world. Yesterday when I talked to her I told her I didn't want anyone to post anything on Facebook or start making all kinds of phone calls - I just wanted privacy and I wanted to surprise everyone after she was born, not before. But the truth is I know my mom and I know she's a gossip, and I don't want to tell her I don't trust her because she'll react like she thinks I hate her, but I know better than to tell her something that I don't want to be common knowledge. From going through my room when I was a kid and reading all my journals and notes to telling my family what I'd buy at an adult bookstore, she's got a habit of letting things slip. I'd be a fool to think she could keep a secret, especially if SHE doesn't see a reason for it to remain secret.

            But anyway, I feel firmly that it's my decision - my uterus, my rules! - and I'm actually kind of proud of myself for standing my ground yesterday. I didn't cave under the pressure, like I've done in the past, and I didn't get upset!

            If she really wanted to offer her support, she'd tell me to do what I felt was right instead of guilt-tripping me into changing what I'm comfortable with just to make her happy.

            I'm relieved that everyone else that isn't really happy with my choice at least understood enough not to make it an issue that I have to deal with, when all I really want to do right now is focus on getting things ready for her arrival and preparing myself to get through a natural, med-free labor.


              Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

     do you feel about your grandma being there, or as a sort of go-between, communication wise? an alternative person to inform that can inform others (like a phone tree)? That way, if Jon is busy helping you, or if the plan has to change, or (heaven forbid) something happens, that she can be notified (or present, if you think she would abide by whatever rules you would want to implement) and let whomever know whats going on as you see fit.

              That was actually my roommate's job when I was preggo with Phee...and with the first pregnancy. Since Scott was occupied keeping me comfortable and happy, our roomie chilled in the hospital a bit, and at home with my cell phone and was our go between.
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                that sounds like a good idea thalassa (sounding like I know what I'm talking about lol. I have no kids, so I'm talking out of my bum)
                I just wanted to say that it is your birth, Raphaeline, and it should be what *you* want. After all, if you can't put yourself first when you're in labour, whenever else will you be able to!
                I'm betting if your mum can't be at the birth she might grumble a bit but the present of a new grandchild will soon take her mind off it!


                  Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                  Originally posted by thalassa View Post
         do you feel about your grandma being there, or as a sort of go-between, communication wise? an alternative person to inform that can inform others (like a phone tree)? That way, if Jon is busy helping you, or if the plan has to change, or (heaven forbid) something happens, that she can be notified (or present, if you think she would abide by whatever rules you would want to implement) and let whomever know whats going on as you see fit.

                  That was actually my roommate's job when I was preggo with Phee...and with the first pregnancy. Since Scott was occupied keeping me comfortable and happy, our roomie chilled in the hospital a bit, and at home with my cell phone and was our go between.
                  I'm sure that if I had my grandmother there, my mother would only see it as a betrayal that I invited Grandma and not her. My grandmother has actually agreed with me on that one because I mentioned it in the past, when I was pregnant with the man cub. But I see what you mean - having someone else to be a buffer between myself and the world. Although I still like the idea of surprising everyone with the announcement that she's here, I'll have to keep that in mind as a compromise if I think one will be necessary. The only trick would be finding someone to do that, because I have a hard time coming up with someone who Mom wouldn't feel jealous of.


                    Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                    I've just realised how lucky I am. Nobody has ever asked me to be present at a birth and it's never occurred to me. My own mother didn't want to be present when I was born, so no problems there, and my dear old mother-in-law would just pat my hand and say 'Do your best, love,' before I went into hospital.

                    Labour is hard enough without having people kicking up a fuss. You are the mother here, not your mother. She is the granny.

                    Good luck for a swift and easy delivery!

                    Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                      Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                      Oh hun I don't think that there is anything wrong with wanting a private birth. I imagine that something like that has enough stress attached anyway, and with all those people around that only amplifies that. I could understanding wanting less people around, because it's less to worry about. I hope your family understandings and that everything goes well.
                      It's a really, really cool thing, to be able to show people that you can be yourself, and you should be proud of yourself, and you should own who you are and what you're about, and never make apologies for it.
                      -Adam Lambert

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                        Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                        With my pregnancies its always been my MIL causing stress. The first time I was in labor I made it clear only my husband was allowed in the room until after baby was born. MIL sat in the waiting room the whole day and was updated on my progress through text. Tried sneaking in just as hard contractions hit me and got told not so nicely by me where to go. It really upset me, and the visitors after of friends/family just made me stressed. Didn't help that I was hit with bad PPD immediately following the birth. It was rough. All I wanted was some quiet with my baby and I didn't get it. Second time around I decided to not allow anyone but my husband at the hospital. No one liked it one bit. I had absolutely no visitors. No one saw the baby til we got home. It was amazing. Best thing I've ever done. If we ever have another baby I will be keeping the no visitors rule. IMO people need to realize not all moms wants to play hostess right after giving birth. I loved having a whole 24 hours to bond and sit in quiet with my baby. I even sent my husband home so he could get some sleep. So it was just me and baby. If anyone is thinking of trying it I highly suggest it. It's your baby and you need to do what you feel is best for you and your new little one. If you don't want anyone there while you're in labor, then don't! it's not selfish at all. You're allowed to be anyway when it comes to your health, happiness, and children! What anyone else wants doesn't matter, they'll get over it. Hope your L&D and everything goes smoothly!


                          Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                          I'm seconding what pretty much everyone else has said at this point - it's your decision, and if you don't want anyone around while you're in labor, others should respect that. I'm probably not the best authority on this, since I've never had children myself, but honestly? It makes sense to want a peaceful, quiet environment for when you give birth. The less stress for you, the better, in my opinion.


                            Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                            Rafe's been very quiet the past few days.

                            If that means what I think it might...hoping everything is going fine!
                            Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                              Re: The (Unwanted) Drama of A Secret Birth...

                              Originally posted by Dez View Post
                              Rafe's been very quiet the past few days.

                              If that means what I think it might...hoping everything is going fine!
                              I'd wager she is.

                              Mostly art.

