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Adavancing with more knowledge.

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    Adavancing with more knowledge.

    Hello everyone

    Okay so I have been studying pretty much the basics of my path such as, how to cast a circle, pathworking/guided mediations, deity concept, tools such as, the cauldron, wand, athame, etc, Magic (in my definition is taking your intention, using the energies around you and projected that to your desire) so basically everyday can be magic, by stiring your cup of coffee in morning and picturing love into it, thats magic. (in my eyes) I been stuyding the sabbats, and I celebrate them because to me it remindes me that we are part of nature, and nature has cycles and changes. If nature can change from season to another, I should accept change, and also each season come back around sometime, so to me it teaches me the cycle of Birth life death rebirth.(I see everything as a circle) But also since its a solar holiday and I see the sun as a symbol of god, then it celebrates gods energy too. I celebrate the esbats, and for me its a time of meditation, spellwork, divination, connecting with goddess etc. These are just my views on how I percieve things, and it probally will be different from other people. (we are all diverse of course arent we ) Anywho now I know most basic knowledge to what I have learned, I want to take it a little bit further this 2012. I decided to connect more with the elements, goddess/god, and spirit guides. Not just connecting though, I want to also study things on the side. I want to educate my self on the different types of Magic there is, like folk magic, elemental magic, sympathetic magic etc. (Not all of those of course, but to educate my self) On top of that studying herbs/crystals in spell craft (and also medicnal purposes) These all may seem like different topics however, to me they are connected. In order for me to get help from the divine I must connect with them, (I am not stating I am connecting to use them, I am saying in order for me to do magic, I must gain trust with the gods. I came to my path to connect with god not for the magic) and in order for me to work magic I must be educated on what types of magic there is, and also what the herbs and crystals are. I didnt come to my path though for magic, I came becuase I liked the nature aspects , the balance of all things and duality of divine. Its just I want to study this year on magic, because if I plan to do it in the future I need to know some time right? anywho now I am babling, I am looking for places to get started, before I buy books now, I want to go to the library, read them, and then buy them if I like it. Does anyone know good books and authors, (my favorite is scott cunningham ) so then I can check at my local library? also websites would be helpful too, but usually when I read things on the internet I check different soucres, because the internet sometimes has rubbish. Anywho, thanks and blessed be .

    Re: Adavancing with more knowledge.

    We have a booklist thread somewhere else that might help you out...Interlibrary loan would be a good place to start, if your library doesn't have them...
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


      Re: Adavancing with more knowledge.

      thank you !

