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    NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

    This is something I have heard over and over and over again and have heard it said by numerous Pagans, repeatedly, almost as if they are compelled to when speaking about their personal faith or religion in general "I'm not proselytizing, just so we're clear." Why is this? I have never really understood this or the need to say you're not engaging in this act, every single time you talk about Paganism.
    Last edited by Ramses II; 11 Feb 2012, 15:39.

    Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

    Perhaps it's because a lot of us get accused of proselytizing when we talk about our faith to those who don't follow the same path, or religion. Or maybe it's because we're so used to the Christians around us interpreting it as such that we have to specify.

    I don't really run into this problem much myself since I don't share my belief's openly like some. It's a personal preference. My belief is my own and no one else's. It's private. I'll answer questions if asked, but aside from that, I rarely bring my belief up in conversation these days. *shrug*
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      Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

      I think it depends on what you mean by proselytising... for example, I write books. I write to inform for those who are interested. Those who aren't interested can just pass by. Those who are interested are free to disagree with what I say. Now for me (and I appreciate that others may take a different viewpoint) proselytising is an attempt to convert. It's not just about sharing information, or explaining something, it comes with the unwritten motive of persuading someone else around to your own point of view (presumably because you believe that you're right and everyone else is wrong.)

      Personally my biggest problem with people trying to convert others is that point at which they refuse to take no for an answer. So to say 'This is my view/faith/belief and I would like to explain it to you,' is fair enough. Where I take exception is when it descends into 'THis is my view/faith/belief and I demand that you share it, and if you don't XYZ will happen to you.'

      So - I explain what I believe only if I am asked to do so. I explain only up to the point when the person who has asked remains interested (seeing their eyes glazing over is usually a bad sign ) . But I don't claim that my view is the right one, not that others should share it. And the reason I try to avoid this is because I don't like it being done to me.

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        Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

        When I tell people about my personal beliefs, I do clearly tell them "this is how I feel and how the divine speaks to me. However it speaks to you, or doesn't, is fine with me". I do this for a couple of reasons: One, so I can make sure that they know I'm just sharing information, not tempting them to "change sides"; two, because I've been proselytized many times by others. Not by other Pagans; mostly by Christians.

        Now, I understand that it's part of a Christian's faith to preach the good news. I work in a hotel, so I get a lot of chick tracks, church pamphlets, and Watchtowers handed to me. And you know what? That's fine with me. If you just tell me, "here, I want you to read this", and go about your way, I will politely thank you. Then toss it in the trash after you leave. It's when you try to convert me while I'm attempting to sweep the goddamn floor in my breakfast room that I get annoyed.

        So, I tell you that I'm not proselytizing so you can go about sweeping the floor and we can still have a civil discussion.
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          Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

          Originally posted by Ramses II View Post
          This is something I have heard over and over and over again and have heard it said by numerous Pagans, repeatedly, almost as if they are compelled to when speaking about their personal faith or religion in general "I'm not proselytizing, just so we're clear." Why is this? I have never really understood this or the need to say you're not engaging in this act, every single time you talk about Paganism.
          Interesting. Can't say I run into this too often, maybe it depends on the group? I don't assume someone is trying to proselytize unless it's really blatant. More often I see pagans speaking for others when they shouldn't be (i.e. "all pagans do/think/believe X").
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            Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

            I never try to explain for other pagans because there is such deversity in beliefs with us, I will be polite when a Christian starts preaching at me,but wont hesitate to cut them off if it seems to be going into the overbearing,wont hear you when you politily try to stop them thing. Sometimes I will just walk away saying nothing.
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              Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

              I think it also falls under the principle that Paganism doesn't seek to convert anyone. When and if we 'testify' about our religions, spiritual paths, etc. we're not salespeople for the various faiths. Instead, we're sharing, teaching, explaining, whatever. If people realize that they aren't expected to join up, it can remove a lot of defensiveness.
              The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

                Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                I think it also falls under the principle that Paganism doesn't seek to convert anyone. When and if we 'testify' about our religions, spiritual paths, etc. we're not salespeople for the various faiths. Instead, we're sharing, teaching, explaining, whatever. If people realize that they aren't expected to join up, it can remove a lot of defensiveness.
                I was going to say something very much along these lines. I think a good majority of pagans come from Christian backgrounds (or, at least, it's the religion we're given the most information on and surrounded by in society), and a lot of Christian sects proselytize. I think people who are more drawn to paganism and reject Christianity find this proselytizing in Christianity to be one of the most off-putting things - a big component of most paths of paganism is the idea that everyone can find their own path and there is no "wrong" answer, and you shouldn't try to force your beliefs on anyone else. I think a lot of pagans are just so happy with this idea in paganism after being so put off by other religions (mainly Christianity) proselytizing, that they jump to emphasize this point when they start to explain their pagan beliefs. I think many pagans are so scared of seeming like they're doing something that they despise in other religions that they just want to make it very clear that that's NOT where they're coming from... And to also emphasize this "no proselytizing" idea to the person listening to them so that the listener learns that this is an important part of paganism.


                  Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

                  This used to be a bigger issue for me when it felt like people were proselytizing to me. I guess nowadays I only open up about my faith to reasonable people and we have reasonable discussions about religion. Shortly after I turned to paganism about 4 years ago, it seemed like there were a lot of JWs coming to the door all the time. It made me angry that while I was trying to find my own path, people wanted to get in my way. Now that I am more comfortable in my path, I feel less threatened by proselytization and I haven't worried about it in a long time.


                    Re: NO PROSELYTIZING!!!1!!one!!

                    I have had to deal with JW's showing up at my door,but I don't get mad,I"Share" what my path is. The thing that REALLY throws them of,is when they quote a passage,and I correct them. I was forced when growing up to memorize the entire bible by heart. Nothing worse than being corrected about the religion your trying to sell me on.
                    MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                    all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                    NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                    don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                    my new page here,let me know what you think.

                    nothing but the shadow of what was


