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Smoothie Magic :)

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    Smoothie Magic :)

    Okay so I just want to share a little smoothie that I make on a daily basis, to attract and awken these energies in me and around me.

    Okay so I use a blender and the following items

    1 cup of milk
    1 whole banana
    Strawberry yogart (I usually use the small cup ones)
    1 teaspoon of honey
    Magnesism Pill (optional, any vitamin pill, fish oils etc)

    I use these items for the taste but also for there meanings. I make this smoothie with intention. As I put each item in I say what they stand for.

    "I take this cup of milk to attract and awaken, the goddess and female energies in and around me, I also use it for pure intentions through out the day" (white reminds me of female and goddess, and also of pure thoughts)

    "I take this banana to attract and awaken, the God and male energies in and around me, I also use it to promote friendship." (The banana is a phallic shape therefore being male, and also yellow reminds me of friendship)

    "I take this strawberry Yogart to attract love of all sorts, friendship love, family love, romantic love, and self love , whatever may come."(red reminds me of love)

    "I take this honey to make me sweet towards all living and non living things, people, animals, spirits, and everything that exists." (honey is sweet so it reminds me of being sweet, no pun intended)

    "I take this magnesism pill (or any vitamin pill) to _______ (state what your using that pill for)

    I then turn on the blender, and say the above over and over again (but shorter) stating what each one is for so I imbue my intention into the blender by chanting.

    Then when it is done, I rub my hands together and direct the energy to it (something I do just to add alittle of my personal energies)

    Then I just say "so mote it be" and I drink it. It tastes good and is magical to make everyday, hope you enjoyed this.

    Re: Smoothie Magic

    That sounds great, I have to try that.
    If you have some other recepies (whom you can share) I would be interested to hear


      Re: Smoothie Magic

      sure will. When I come up with some more I can post them


        Re: Smoothie Magic

        Never thought to make a smoothie more than a smoothie. I love it!


          Re: Smoothie Magic

          Originally posted by wind View Post
          sure will. When I come up with some more I can post them
          Thank you A LOT!


            Re: Smoothie Magic

            Neat idea! I looked over the ingredients from my favorite smoothie and it could be done in a similar way with some interesting correspondences.

            Bunny Spice

            1 cup of milk
            2 cups frozen chopped bananas (about 3)
            1 cup of fresh carrot-ginger juice (run a thumb of ginger through your juicer with the carrots)
            pinch of cinnamon

            Milk: Goddess energy, love, nurturing, spirituality
            Bananas: fertility, love, luck, potency, prosperity, spirituality
            Carrots: fertility, grounding, luck, lust, vision
            Ginger: adventure, cleansing, healing, love, lust, power, success
            Cinnamon: healing, love, luck, lust, peace, protection, psychic powers, strength, success

            Sounds like a recipe for luck, love and lust! I also love the connection between the name (Bunny Spice) and the correspondences, including fertility!
            The Pagan Porch - a Pagan Homesteading forum

            Sand Holler Farm Blog - aren't you just dying to know what I do all day?


              Re: Smoothie Magic

              Thats an awesome recipie

              thanks for posting !! I m going to try it


                Re: Smoothie Magic

                Trying it too


                  Re: Smoothie Magic

                  A smoothie as a potion?
                  Potius mori quam foedari!


                    Re: Smoothie Magic

                    they taste good, and work well


                      Re: Smoothie Magic

                      this is a really interesting Idea. I just got back from a four day seminar on Qi Gong and the guy talked alot about smoothies, so maybe I will give this a shot this morning (with slightly different ingredients) his name was Jeff Perowak and he does food healing at

