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    So, let me tell you a little bit more about me. I'm questioning the existence of God, and alternatively, looking into other religions. So, as part of my learning process, I've stumbled upon this website. I'm looking to learn as much about Paganism as I can. Currently, I know next to nothing about it. So, does anyone have good links, insights, or just general info that they wish to share?

    Re: Questioning...

    Any particular form of Paganism? It's a pretty broad term and it's probably easier to answer your questions with specifics. I may suggest first reading our boards directed at very specific branches of the religions, such as the Heathen and Kemetic boards.

    By the way, welcome
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    "...leave me curled up in my ball,
    surrounded by plush, downy things,
    ill prepared, but willing,
    to descend."


      Re: Questioning...

      Thank you. I guess I'll state what I believe, and then maybe we'll find out which branch, if you will, best suits me? I believe that the Earth is dying, and that we must conserve it as much as possible. I also believe that you have to give respect to get respect, and that we should respect the earth in order for Mother Nature to respect us. I also feel that while the youth of today are the future, they've been raised in too technological a world. I feel I connect more with the 1880s, with nature. I also have been looking into meditation and yoga, as it clears the mind. I also believe that a clear mind clears and cleanses the soul, if you will.


        Re: Questioning...

        Knowing what you believe is an excellent first step I commend you greatly for that.

        Based on what you said, you sound rather New Age, which is fine too.
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        "...leave me curled up in my ball,
        surrounded by plush, downy things,
        ill prepared, but willing,
        to descend."


          Re: Questioning...

          Since you've been very broad, I'll post a link to some of the brances of paganism. Fell free to check them all out, or whatever ones look appealing:

          Heathenism (Norse/Germanic Gods)

          Druidry (emphasis on Celtic spirituality - very popular & nature related)

          Wicca (most popular branch of paganism. Very nature related)

          Kemetic (Egyptian Gods)

          Celtic (if you want a more hardcore Celtic perspective)

          Aztec (one of the rarest pagan paths as it is a civilization Europeans don't relate to as much, but it is pretty awesome)

          Greek (Zeus, Athena, Hades etc.)

          Roman (Jupiter, Pluto etc.)

          These are the ones I've come across in my time, but I know I have left a bunch out. But check out some links, read a few pages of info and see if any of it appeals to you.

          EDIT: From your last post though, I think Wicca or Druidry would appeal to you the most.
          Good luck,

          Last edited by ConnollyCelt; 19 Jun 2012, 20:14.
          "Wealth is as swift | as a winking eye
          Of friends the falsest it is."

          Havamal, 74

          "The wolf that lies idle | shall win little meat,
          Or the sleeping man success."

          Havamal, 58


            Re: Questioning...

            THis may sound incredibly stupid, so if it does, I apologize. I was poking around some of the other boards for more specific information, and I found that wen I was reading about Kemetics and the Roman/Greek traditions and while nothing really "spoke" to me, I still had a sense of belonging. When I read about Druidry and Heathenism, I felt more pulled towards those two, with Kemetic in third, if I had to rank them. So I guess it's just finding out which one suits me best?


              Re: Questioning...

              Yep, and don't be afraid to just dip your toes in. Heck, some folks even after immersing themselves into a religion find themselves pulled to something else.
              my etsy store
              My blog

              "...leave me curled up in my ball,
              surrounded by plush, downy things,
              ill prepared, but willing,
              to descend."


                Re: Questioning...

                So I started reading up on Druidry and Heathenism last night, and felt much more connected to Druidry--it just made sense to me. Currently, I'm looking for a couple of books to read to delve deeper into it. Suggestions? And thank you all so much for all of your help.


                  Re: Questioning...

                  Originally posted by eawilli23 View Post
                  So I started reading up on Druidry and Heathenism last night, and felt much more connected to Druidry--it just made sense to me. Currently, I'm looking for a couple of books to read to delve deeper into it. Suggestions? And thank you all so much for all of your help.

                  I would recommend a couple...

                  The Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth* and A World Full of Gods: An Inquiry into Polytheism by John Michael Greer, Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century by Philip Carr-Gomm, Ritual by Emma Restall Orr, Bonewits's Essential Guide to Druidism* by Isaac Bonewits and Philip Carr-Gomm, The Druid Source Book by John Matthews , and Druids: A History by Ronald Hutton.

                  Between all of these, you'll get a number of different perspectives that will give you a fairly complete picture of the different Druid paths and traditions...but if you are on a budget, I'd go for the two I starred first to see if its something that interests you (though I'd easily recommend Ritual for any Pagan, Druid or not).

                  Also, a good place to start is my essay on a few of the larger Druid groups, it includes links to their organizations, where you can find out more about their specific traditions. ADF, the AODA and the OBOD all have good info on their sites with lots of references and articles and ritual information also...and in some cases, parts of their training programs. Its good stuff to look at as a start.
                  Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                    Re: Questioning...

                    Originally posted by eawilli23 View Post
                    So, let me tell you a little bit more about me. I'm questioning the existence of God, and alternatively, looking into other religions. So, as part of my learning process, I've stumbled upon this website. I'm looking to learn as much about Paganism as I can. Currently, I know next to nothing about it. So, does anyone have good links, insights, or just general info that they wish to share?
                    Just to clarify where you're coming from: are you questioning the existence of any god or goddess in general or the existence of the divine as expressed by a specific religion or religions? With the capitalizing of God, I would assume that you are referring to the god concept of Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). But rather than assume, I figured I'd just ask.

                    As for the rest, I defer to those who are more knowledgeable than I, which is pretty much everyone else who has responded to you.


                      Re: Questioning...

                      Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                      Also, a good place to start is my essay on a few of the larger Druid groups, it includes links to their organizations, where you can find out more about their specific traditions. ADF, the AODA and the OBOD all have good info on their sites with lots of references and articles and ritual information also...and in some cases, parts of their training programs. Its good stuff to look at as a start.
                      I just read it. Very informative! My thanks to you for writing it!

