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Mind altering substances being carful!!

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    Mind altering substances being carful!!

    I made a post earlier on connecting with the divine without the use of drugs/alchohol. I compleatly agree that one can go without using drugs, but also one can. HOWEVER!!!! it depends which drug. Meth, cocaine, heroin, all of that is a big LABEL that I dont think that should be touched or even meddled with, seeing how that has messed up many lives and the body. I believe whatever we put into our bodies can effect our mind, body and spirit. The drugs chemeical effects the body, and the vibrations of the substance effects the aura feild. Thats my view (also the spirit)

    In experiment with mind altering substances (weed, alchohol and yet soon, saliva) I think before anyone does any type of mind altering thing should read about it and its effects. In my spiritual beliefs I believe that the ONE Spirit gave us these plants etc to make these. HOWEVER I believe that this higher power made alchohol to have an enjoyed time and not to abuse it. When I mean abuse, I mean like every week, or everyday of the week. That to me is abuse. HOWEVER. If one was to do drugs/alchohol on a rare occassion (and I mean very rare like 4 months gap) then I see it being no harm. Why? because your NOT consuming alot it, its not becoming an addiction. Having had a grandfather who died from alchohol I am very weary of it and also before I ever drink I hear a thought in my head "be very carful, have fun , be responsible and do NOT abuse this like I did" so that to me was my grand father telling me to use mind altering substances on a RARE occassion

    No your probally thinking why would one do weed, salvia, or alcohol? (on rare occassions) To me if used properly, responsibly, NOT at parties, but maybe a small group (NEVER alone) then it is fine. Becuase your intentions are NOT to "get hammerd" or "for the fun of it" If your hanging out with people on a night and they want to get drunk/high thats there decsion. But you can also particpate in this by not having the same intentions THey dont need to know what they are. For the most part, I am not a druggie, I am a goody goody always have been since a child, and never ever abused any sort of thing. I saw the effects it did on my grandther and I do NOT want to fall upon the same road. I believe when used in moderation (4 months or holidays) these substances can open your mind up if you let it. When I am under the influences of these I am actually a very lovely person, no slurs, and I find my self seeing people for them. I come to realisations of things, and learn truth about the universe. Once you have had these experiences they stay in your mind for awhile feeling kind of a connection. I believe that once in awhile if we do this, its kind of really connecting in a way so you let the DOUBT self really go away. I believe the substance if used with right intentions can effect the body and the spirit/aura feild in a postive way

    However does this mean that I cannot do it? My answer is no... In my spiritual practice I believe the one spirit (or also known as the gods) created these things to open our minds to the unkown world, the truth, and possibilites. And are only to be used once in a rare occassion and responsbly. Why once in a rare occassion? Cause after each experience you feel connected in such a way you kind of just have a knowing that there is something. For the most part of my spiritual practice I do trance work, meditation, going on nature walks for connection. However I am the type of person who needs reasurrance in such a "real" way to me (what is reality anyways?) that I can believe it. So once in awhile using things like alchol , weed, or saliva (only those three) can open the mind to the universe and have the instant knowledge. I do NOT see this as an Illusion because then if it was why would the creator make it.

    Last thing, I believe that drugs and alchol (like weed, and saliva) can have a big difference on spirituality and open those people who have to feel and see it to believe it (like me) I really do stress the "RARE occassion" Because I believe people abuse these types of things. There orignal intention (in my view) was for joy, happiness, healing, and spiritual guidance/healing, to be used only once to really feel it. I am soo agaisnt people using this everyday, every week, or every month for "lets get high for fun" or "lets get plasterd" I am so agaisnt that! To me when things like that become used in that way, it takes away its purpose, and also causes suffering and I believe it can posion your energy feilds by the intention your using. I am not the person who drinks everyweek, or even every day, I do not smoke weed everday (seeing that its agaisnt the law) and I do not use "salvia" to have a fun trip every week. I believe one should only use these substances once in awhile to really connect in such a "real way" (to me I have to see it/feel it in such an intense way it helps me believe more) then thats fine. Its when It become a habbit, or when people have an addiction and say "its for my path" thats wrong to me. When its used to connect on occassion then its good.

    In a nutshell my spirituality 90% of the time consist of meditation, pathworking, guided meditation, and on the very rare occassion go into the spirit world/get advice from it through these three mind altering substances. These are my views on it, I am agaisnt abuse, but am for very rare moderation. What are your views on this?
    Last edited by wind; 17 Jul 2012, 07:14.

    Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

    I personally agree with you for the most part... I, personally, have no interest in doing drugs or drinking alcohol, and I think they are very harmful to my body and aura. But, I'm not one to tell other people what to do, so if a person told me that they wanted to, I would simply ask that they leave me out of it. I know a lot of people who smoke weed, and that's okay with me... It's their life. I just ask that they don't make it a part of mine.


      Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

      I will admit, I've done some things that are frowned upon but nothing overly serious. I would never use drugs with my religious practices, It's just something I don't agree on for my life. To each their own. I have friends who do more serious drugs, I just tell them to be careful because I know I can't stop them, but when things get bad I do my best to help them.
      Check out my blog, it's a good way to stay entertained if you get bored.


        Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

        agreed with all of you, thats why I am looking for ways to reach these states without drugs but these are my beliefs currently. Sometimes drugs can be a downfall cause if you have a bad trip your in the lower realms. It all really depends on the person I guess. Shamans back then would use these mind altering drugs alot of the time now a days some of them still use them, and some of modern day shamans and witches (like us ) would use other methods. I am helping out at a metaphsyical shop and asking her how to achieve these states without drugs


          Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

          I know this has been suggested before, but meditation is a great way. It just takes a lot of practice to get into that deep of a state but it is worth it.
          Check out my blog, it's a good way to stay entertained if you get bored.


            Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

            Originally posted by Ementine View Post
            I know this has been suggested before, but meditation is a great way. It just takes a lot of practice to get into that deep of a state but it is worth it.
            agreed with you on that blessings !


              Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

              I don't know about all this no coke or anything, there is nothing wrong with a little nose candy every now and again. Even in a spiritual sense, I've always enjoyed the pleasurable supreme focus and perfection attention and devotion to Deity that it gives.


                Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

                Originally posted by Ramses II View Post
                I don't know about all this no coke or anything, there is nothing wrong with a little nose candy every now and again. Even in a spiritual sense, I've always enjoyed the pleasurable supreme focus and perfection attention and devotion to Deity that it gives.
                I just have one thing to say about this to the people reading, especially our younger members. Do NOT take advice from the internet. Even my own advice. You will hear all kinds of crazy things. Do your own research and ask people with more knowledge who are experts regarding these fields. People online will say all kinds of stuff, doesn't mean any of it is true.

                I'm not even going to go into the whole debate of drugs, or 'spirituality' and drugs. Everyone can do what they want with their own body. I'm just pointing out one thing. Please, don't take advice from online forums.

                That is all folks


                  Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

                  Originally posted by Dumuzi View Post
                  I just have one thing to say about this to the people reading, especially our younger members. Do NOT take advice from the internet. Even my own advice. You will hear all kinds of crazy things. Do your own research and ask people with more knowledge who are experts regarding these fields. People online will say all kinds of stuff, doesn't mean any of it is true.

                  I'm not even going to go into the whole debate of drugs, or 'spirituality' and drugs. Everyone can do what they want with their own body. I'm just pointing out one thing. Please, don't take advice from online forums.

                  That is all folks
                  Best thing said on either of the threads about drugs and spirituality.


                    Re: Mind altering substances being carful!!

                    Originally posted by wind View Post
                    When I mean abuse, I mean like every week, or everyday of the week. That to me is abuse. HOWEVER. If one was to do drugs/alchohol on a rare occassion (and I mean very rare like 4 months gap) then I see it being no harm. Why? because your NOT consuming alot it, its not becoming an addiction.
                    A four month gap? That's ridiculous, and encourages binging which is a HELL of a lot worse than regularly drinking in moderation.

                    I usually advise a six pints of beer a week maximum, or the equivelent thereof, with a two pint maximum per day as well.

                    As for other drugs, well again moderation is key. Aside from that I'm not really qualified to speak of them, never tried them and never cared to research them.

                    (NEVER alone)
                    Seems arbitrary, and kind of excludes me from ever drinking...
                    Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.

