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I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

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    I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

    I've recently become aware of what it truly means to be Pagan/Wiccan. Before I had my presumptions...such as wiccans are all witches that practice magick, pagans are all nudists who dance around fires worshiping gods/goddesses and spiritualism is all hokey and superstitions made up by people who need something to believe in.
    Wow, have I been wrong about so much. "Only when I know nothing can I truly know anything".
    This past year has been a real roller coaster for me. It's been a plethora of new experiences, learning lessons and making many mistakes. It's also been a time of great joy, love and enjoyment.
    What I do know is that I believe in more than a purely physical existence. I believe in a life after death. I believe death to be simply the next step in our conscious journey. Most of our current life is simply spent trying to find out who and what we are.
    I believe that the words we say and what we believe and think affect our reality. Lastly I don't really know anything. I have all these thoughts and concepts on how the world works but really....I have no freakin' clue. Which brings me here.....
    I'd like to know everyone's (or at least those willing to respond) perspective on life after death, what they consider to be a part of reality that is not commonly accepted. Now I know there are millions of things that people believe contrary to popular belief. I'm talking about big things. For instance, I have recently come to accept that magic is a part of my life whether or not I believe in it or take part. I also believe we have souls that are eternal and are simply being put into a physical existence in these vessels we call bodies.

    Really I guess I'm looking for confirmation. It's the never-ending quest for truth I guess. Let me know what you think though

    Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

    Originally posted by Ozymandias View Post
    I've recently become aware of what it truly means to be Pagan/Wiccan. Before I had my presumptions...such as wiccans are all witches that practice magick, pagans are all nudists who dance around fires worshiping gods/goddesses and spiritualism is all hokey and superstitions made up by people who need something to believe in.
    According to Gerald, the createor of Wicca. You have your information totally backwards.

    Life and death: when we die I believe we watch our whole life and fix all the mistakes before we are sent into a new life.

    A lot of people cause arugement with it, but I do believe in 'Energy Vampires' and behavior that can be considered to make someone a 'wolf.'
    Check out my blog, it's a good way to stay entertained if you get bored.


      Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

      I'm a bit fuzzy on the life after death belief and I think that's ok. I do think that in some way we continue. If I'm wrong and consciousness dies with physical death then we still live on as memories and thoughts in the loved ones we have touched. If it's just "lights out" at death and I'm simply romanticizing the memory we leave behind as a sort of ancestral spirit then so be it; I'd rather be a romantic than a cynic. I spent too many years being a very nihilistic and cynical person. I believe we guide our loved ones after death, either figuratively or literally. I honor those who have passed in my life whenever I can.

      As to magic, I think it's all symbolic. I don't literally believe that when I cast a purification spell I am actually cleansing anything physical from my tools or from my life. What I'm doing is "suspending disbelief" so that I can enjoy a ritual space that is cathartic and inspiring. I'm using myth, symbol, ritual and deity to give myself a place where I can feel free and inspired. It's similar to art, in a way, or great literature.

      What I do is recognize that my concepts of deity are useful images, my spells are cathartic symbolic ritual and that my "magic" is just intent and working on my life. What I don't do is constantly remind myself of that. I don't pray to the God and Goddess with a preamble that says "Oh and of course this is just a clever lens through which to see an ineffable divine spark in the cosmos." And I don't do a spell while saying "And this of course is just mythic and symbolic ritualism with no reality in the physical world." If I did that every time it would defeat my entire purpose of being a Wiccan. My religion may be more Campbellian or Jungian or whatever you want to call it but I don't harp on that. I say the prayers and practice witchcraft with conviction because that spiritual place I can get to with my faith is a wonderful tool for my life.

      I don't need to constantly worry about my religion being "real." Subjective reality is a powerful thing and in my circle with the four quarters called, the candles burning, the sweet smoke of the incense, the leather-bound books and the shiny pentacles I feel beautiful and content. In that space, it's all real.


        Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

        Originally posted by Ozymandias View Post
        Before I had my presumptions...such as wiccans are all witches that practice magick
        This one isn't really inaccurate. Wicca has a heavy basis in witchcraft and ceremonial magic. Most Wiccans self identify as witches, and magic is practiced by most Wiccans in some form. In traditional forms of Wicca the practitioners are usually identified as witches in rituals. (Not all witches are Wiccan, though...)

        I'd like to know everyone's (or at least those willing to respond) perspective on life after death, what they consider to be a part of reality that is not commonly accepted.
        I believe there is a life after death of some sort, and feel that reincarnation plays a part in that for most people (although I don't believe it happens the instant one dies). I believe that the physical life is just a part of a larger existence, not better or worse than the other parts. Of course, I could also be totally wrong, and so don't worry much about the afterlife beyond just some general thoughts and ideas. I figure I'll deal with a potential afterlife if I get there, if there is one.
        Hearth and Hedge


          Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

          Awesome! It's great to hear so many moderate people in belief. I lived with my very straight forward but hippy-ish parents which was a rigid environment more often then not. Now I live with two witches. One is 19 and very interesting to compare with my other friends. Her mother, the other witch, is about 50 and obsessed with orgonite and Kryon. She's gotten me interested in quite a few things as well as those. They're both very extreme environments though. All or nothing though I guess. I'll have to live my own balanced life on my own once I can manage.


            Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

            Originally posted by Witcher View Post
            I'm a bit fuzzy on the life after death belief and I think that's ok.
            ^ same here. It's something I have thought about a lot in the past, and occasionally I think about it now, but I have come to the conclusion that it is something I will deal with when I get there.

            Having said that, I do believe we each have a soul that continues beyond our physical death. I am just a little fuzzy on the details.


              Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

              Hello Okay so I totally 100% believe in the after life.

              When I first started I didnt know if there was one, but I still believed in one. I had a friend who died in the middle of winter. It was janurary and it was cold and freezing. She was native american and when the chief said she has crossed over to the other side, a V of geese flew over us and everyone looked up. It was magical ! It was january and most birds in canada are down south.

              Later that summer my mom was going to a pyschic. My mom was open to it, but very skeptical. I went with her and waited outside till the reading was over. But the psychic called me in and said I need to talk to you. She told me that she senses sucide (and thats how the girl died) and she also said a simular name which was pretty much exactly the same name as the friend who passed. Then randomly she started talking about native americans.

              I believe there is something because no one , who lives 2 hours away can find out the name, the girl, and that I have any relation it her in anyway. This pyschic is really known in my family and is always right. One time she told a family memmber "so your dad has crosses over" and the girl said "No he hasnt " a week later he died. HOW WEIRD IS THAT... coincidence? I dont think so.

              So my belief in the after life is strong, because when I usually visit mediums they tell me things that they would never find out. The one I went to told me I had "wizard" energy as well (Im assuming she was reffering to witchcraft) another thing that happend was my friends aunt is a medium and my friend was telling her about me. The aunt smiled and said "you tell him that he needs to stop trying to astral project so hard, it will come naturally" my friend never told her that I tried. I have been trying for 8 months conciously and actually getting upset.

              In a nutshell I believe there is something out there. I believe there is more than just this physical, because these people who can get messages and are very bang on must have truth. (I also dont believe they are doing cold readings because they say things when Im not in the room and they give them information to give to me) anywho I hope you have a great time on your path and blessings


                Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                I think that what occurs after death is ultimately unknowable...and so I concentrate on living to the best of my ability.
                Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                  Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                  Originally posted by Witcher View Post
                  I'm a bit fuzzy on the life after death belief and I think that's ok. I do think that in some way we continue. If I'm wrong and consciousness dies with physical death then we still live on as memories and thoughts in the loved ones we have touched. If it's just "lights out" at death and I'm simply romanticizing the memory we leave behind as a sort of ancestral spirit then so be it; I'd rather be a romantic than a cynic. I spent too many years being a very nihilistic and cynical person. I believe we guide our loved ones after death, either figuratively or literally. I honor those who have passed in my life whenever I can.

                  As to magic, I think it's all symbolic. I don't literally believe that when I cast a purification spell I am actually cleansing anything physical from my tools or from my life. What I'm doing is "suspending disbelief" so that I can enjoy a ritual space that is cathartic and inspiring. I'm using myth, symbol, ritual and deity to give myself a place where I can feel free and inspired. It's similar to art, in a way, or great literature.

                  What I do is recognize that my concepts of deity are useful images, my spells are cathartic symbolic ritual and that my "magic" is just intent and working on my life. What I don't do is constantly remind myself of that. I don't pray to the God and Goddess with a preamble that says "Oh and of course this is just a clever lens through which to see an ineffable divine spark in the cosmos." And I don't do a spell while saying "And this of course is just mythic and symbolic ritualism with no reality in the physical world." If I did that every time it would defeat my entire purpose of being a Wiccan. My religion may be more Campbellian or Jungian or whatever you want to call it but I don't harp on that. I say the prayers and practice witchcraft with conviction because that spiritual place I can get to with my faith is a wonderful tool for my life.

                  I don't need to constantly worry about my religion being "real." Subjective reality is a powerful thing and in my circle with the four quarters called, the candles burning, the sweet smoke of the incense, the leather-bound books and the shiny pentacles I feel beautiful and content. In that space, it's all real.
                  This. All of it.
                  Allow me to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket. ~ Captain Jack Sparrow



                    Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                    Originally posted by Witcher View Post
                    I'm a bit fuzzy on the life after death belief and I think that's ok.
                    I have many thoughts on what happens after death, although I am sure of none of them.. but sure that there is something.
                    An opinion I heard recently of someone I know was that the light at the end of the tunnel is us pushing out the womb in the next life.
                    An interesting thought.


                      Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                      I don't believe there is life after death. I believe that spiritualism is a way of living and doesn't concern us after we die because we cease to be. IMO ^_^


                        Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                        When I was a Christian and now as a Heathen I believe in an afterlife. We had a very active ghost in the home I grew up in so I believe in on before I was Christian even. In Heathen practice we are called to honor our ancestors in almost the same was as the gods. In some cases they are more likely to help you. Offerings and remembrance are significant.


                          Re: I'm new and have questions/different perspectives

                          Definitely believe in life after death. Not always convinced about life before death though.... but then I was always a bit different....;-)
                          Good luck with your quest!

                          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....

