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string dolls as poppets

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    string dolls as poppets

    Hey guys I just was researching and found out that some people use string dolls (the ones you get from vending machines for like something amount of cents) and lets say somone has a head ache. You would wipout one of the string dolls, do a little naming cermony and concentrate on the dolls head, picturing them being healed... sending and raising energy into the head of the doll.... then after that do a naming cermony and un naming the doll.

    You can buy one for each purpose, healing, return to sender, love, etc whatever floats your boat I guess xD But! my question is , would it be okay to keep reusing them. Like after each spell bathe them in salt, and let them absord moon light and sun light for 3 or however many nights and then sage them to get ride of its previous energy for better use. I find this could be easier instead of making it all the time, also I find when making them its harder to conctrate where as the premade dolls are already and more time to focus

    so can I buy string dolls from the vending machines use it for a certain purpose for me or somoneelse (for good) and then reuse them but cleanse them real good? Thanks and blessed be !!!

    Re: string dolls as poppets

    You can use anything as long as it directs your focus and energy in my opinion. But i personally also prefer to actually make my materials- my wand, for instance. So if you really want Im sure you could use those but i would also suggest something like yarn dolls that aren't hard or costly to make. I also think reusing them is fine.

    selume proferre


      Re: string dolls as poppets

      I don't think there's really a right and wrong way, but if I were using them and planned to use them more than once, I'd probably have one named for each different person I was using them for. Like, I'd have a doll I always used for Natallia, and a different doll for when I'm working for Chikae, etc...

      It's very rare I work with poppets though and when I do, it's usually for binding or driving away an unwelcome person.
      夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


        Re: string dolls as poppets

        Traditionally you used each doll once. Although I do like Jembru's suggestion too!

        But if they are cheap enough, I wouldn't re-use them. After all, it's unlikely you'll be doing a huge amount of work using poppets, and if you are, then I would tell other people to stop putting on you so much.

        You can make poppets out of just about anything, so there's no reason what you suggest wouldn't work.

        Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....

