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Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

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    Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

    So I'm seriously thinking about becoming a cord cutter. For those not in the know: It's when you cancel your cable/satelite bill and watch 'tv' strictly through your tv via the internet.

    Background on me:
    I have a package deal of $125 a month. Basic cable + 1 variety tier and high speed internet. Now that I work 6 days a week I find I don't really watch as much as before. My watching pattern is usually the weekdays before 4pm I will watch judge shows. So mostly broadcast channels. And when I get home at night I watch some tv. I love all the shows. But honestly? I could be ok with watching back to basic broadcast. Since at night it's mostly news. Yes, I would miss stuff. But I am not one to watch any show on a regular basis. I just flip and it's pretty much background fodder while I'm on my laptop.

    As far as movies go? I watch via the internet free movie sites. Like Let me Watch this etc. I can find lots of brand new movies with perfect dvd quality. And now I have a box (not a roku) that turns my flatscreen tv into my monitor. So I watch movies just fine on the tv via laptop.

    So I could save $62 a month which is cutting my bill in half by giving up the cable box. I don't know if I should add hulu+ or back to Netflix for $7.99 a month though. I think I'll try both month free trials back to back and see which one I like better. I realize hulu is more tv shows. Something I don't care about. I'm still watching old King of Queens! Though I might be ok with the free hulu stuff.

    Anyone gone cord free?
    Satan is my spirit animal

    Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

    Several months ago we cut back to the super-ultra-basic cable plan. Last month we decided to ditch cable totally. My fiance watches a lot of shows, but he watches through Netflix or downloads. I don't watch many shows or movies myself. Usually something on Netflix with dinner, but as far as cable goes I only watched a few hours of it a month. I'll watch a ton of TV when visiting my grandparents (which is about a week each month), but at home I'd much rather be on the computer, which is in a different room. After cutting off cable I did have to invest in a nicer radio for the kitchen, but overall it's saving us a nice bit of money each month. Seemed silly for us to pay so much for something we rarely used.
    Hearth and Hedge


      Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

      Yeah. I found I listen to alot of downloaded podcasts now. And I watch alot of youtube. I'm into the news and I can get that on broadcast. I'm thinking Monday I'm taking my cable box in. I can find lots of things to do with that extra money!
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

        Dropped the tv altogether, we dont even have basic broadcast, we took our monthly $95 bill for the three stinking channels I watched, and pay only for hulu and netflix now, that way we can even still keep up with most of the shows we actually care about
        (we have ultra delayed BBC shows, but its fine, I was doing alot of catch up anyway.) but most of what you want is available online, with a very few exceptions, (HBO.) It works out well for us, cause it meant we had the money to upgrade to a better internet level, so the streaming we do is in high definition if it is available...

        But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
        ~Jim Butcher


          Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

          I've thought about it, but having cable keeps me watching stuff in German, whereas I'm just not motivated to watch stuff in German online. I pay 70 Euros a month for a package with digital cable with the free and tier-1 type channels, a few pay channels, high-speed internet, and a landline (which I only use occasionally, but it's hard to get a bundle without phone).


            Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

            The Walking Dead kind of removed our willpower as far as being a tv-free household. We watched the first season via Netflix and had our cable re-installed & scrounged up a tv before we finished it.
            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


              Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

              walking dead arrives next day on hulu...
              We are video game dorks, so we would not survive without an actual TV...

              But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
              ~Jim Butcher


                Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                We didn't have a TV until 2000.....

                Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                  Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                  Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
                  walking dead arrives next day on hulu...
                  We are video game dorks, so we would not survive without an actual TV...
                  I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how Hulu works. Every time I've tried to watch something on there, I've either got to pay for it, or it's cut into chunks, or it's just a preview/sneak peek.
                  The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                    Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                    Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                    I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how Hulu works. Every time I've tried to watch something on there, I've either got to pay for it, or it's cut into chunks, or it's just a preview/sneak peek.
                    We don't use the free version of hulu, we technically use Hulu+ its got a similar fee to netflix, but if you have dumped cable it doesn't hurt so bad to pay for both. I have some minor issues making it work through the x box, I feel like it is streamlined much better through the PS3, both of which I have had for years, so buyiong a new device or hooking up my computer to the tv was not nessecary, but I know you can watch it through many devices, those are the only 2 I have any experience with.

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    All that said, we can be hooked on shows from all over the place, castle and arrow are our big ones, and the walking dead too, we are just waiting for the next season, we can even watch the daily show the day after it airs(colbert too) so it heps to ake up for alot of missed programs, and even has new ones come in sometimes.

                    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                    ~Jim Butcher


                      Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                      I read a story a while back that this is the trend for the future,and Cable is concerned enough that they are looking at investing in the Internet media streaming market. What may in fact happen is the networks may actually migrate to internet broadcast. At first most likely there will be both but over time it most likely will become the norm that everything is online.
                      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                      my new page here,let me know what you think.

                      nothing but the shadow of what was



                        Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                        Well, I hope I can get reliable high speed internet before then...
                        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                          Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                          Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                          Well, I hope I can get reliable high speed internet before then...
                          It is unlikely to happen quite that completely anytime soon...

                          But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                          ~Jim Butcher


                            Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                            I haven't had cable since I moved out of my parents house five years ago. I'm not a TV watcher at all. I download the newest episodes of some British stuff I watch (Dr Who, Top Gear, etc) and that's it. I got rid of my TV last year (previously used just to play NES). My roommate has a television, I suppose, but it's a flat screen that's actually his computer monitor (which he keeps in the living room to play PS3 on).

                            I'll never own cable again, I suspect. I feel TV is a waste of time (much like the internet, actually...)

                            Mostly art.


                              Re: Cord Cutters (the quit your cable thread)

                              Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                              I read a story a while back that this is the trend for the future,and Cable is concerned enough that they are looking at investing in the Internet media streaming market. What may in fact happen is the networks may actually migrate to internet broadcast. At first most likely there will be both but over time it most likely will become the norm that everything is online.
                              In Canada they want to start putting data caps on internet, which sounds like the dumbest idea ever. Countries that had that (Germany had it when I first moved here and you had to pay more to get a 'flat rate') mostly stopped long ago. It's like going backwards.

                              - - - Updated - - -

                              PS lucky Americans. We have neither Hulu nor Netflix in Germany...

