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Do spirits warn you?

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    Do spirits warn you?

    I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong section, I considered all the options and figured this was right. If it's wrong, please do move it! :xD:

    I've never been a person to see spirits individually. I've only experienced them when with people who are very sensitive to spirits. Even then I second guessed myself all the time if I was really seeing what I did. But I don't believe I can ignore what has been happening. I do believe spirits are starting to collect around me, but I can't figure out why.

    All but one were white. Pure white. Mostly bright, white flashes. Some bright light will flash that will have no logical explanation since it's winter and the sun is barely out. When I burn a candle sometimes the flame will shoot a few feet in the air for a moment. I know air fuels fire to go higher, but not that high for a small candle and there is not flowing air around. In my home office I even saw a woman's figure. Very tall and slender, elfish looking and she was wearing a white cloak just as white as her skin.

    Only one was dark. The white ones were bright, fast and high up in the air. I saw a dark one today, it was low, slow and to the ground. At first I thought it was my dog since he's dark brown. But then I saw him right beside me.

    My dog has also seemed to see them now. I think around him they're taking the form of me, my fiance or someone he knows... He always likes to be in the same room as me or really near by. I was sitting in a room and he sat up and ran in the other room looking at something. He came walking back in and gave me this confused look like "How did you get back in here so fast?" He kept looking back into the room he ran in with ears perked up and looking back to me oddly. (Nothing like he had to go potty or anything like that haha)

    I kept wracking my brain with "Why am I seeing these things now? After all these years? I didn't welcome spirits to start coming around me." Then things have dramatically changed in my life. So many people I know are becoming very ill. My father is having liver failure and everyone expects him to go within the next few years, my usually perfectly healthy rabbit has contracted and infection and the vet says she has a 70% chance of dying and now my friend called me to let me know our friend's joints have started curling up and she's in agonizing pain.

    All at once these illnesses have happened and after thinking, I wonder could the spirits be connected? Also, a woman stayed with me recently that's a Christian-Pagan. she said my home and the land around it have very good vibes. Could she have brought them? I'm trying to find every way to find out what they want. My first thought is they're warning me of deaths to come and mean no harm. I never feel scared when I see them, just light headed.

    Sorry it's so long, I'm so upset with all what's going on and I'd do anything to find out if there's something I can spiritually for them...

    Re: Do spirits warn you?

    I'll start with a disclaimer: I don't believe any thing is simply good or bad. I think that maybe you are growing more intune with the spiritual. Perhaps your ability to see them is developing. I've seen spirits my entire life. When I started speaking to them I was scared. I thought I was going crazy. I started noticing that I'd taken for granted for years. My grandfather then was diagnosed with cancer, as was my great grandma. It wasn't connected to the spirits. I think being close to the ill (physically or emotionally) can awaken abilities previously lying dormant within a person. The woman may have opened a sort of gateway. Just guessing on all of this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'll start with a disclaimer: I don't believe any thing is simply good or bad. I think that maybe you are growing more intune with the spiritual. Perhaps your ability to see them is developing. I've seen spirits my entire life. When I started speaking to them I was scared. I thought I was going crazy. I started noticing that I'd taken for granted for years. My grandfather then was diagnosed with cancer, as was my great grandma. It wasn't connected to the spirits. I think being close to the ill (physically or emotionally) can awaken abilities previously lying dormant within a person. The woman may have opened a sort of gateway. Just guessing on all of this.

