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Hey look! It's Westboro again...

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    Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

    Originally posted by Lawtan View Post
    One question, though: how does Westboro get enough money to travel so much?
    They are tax exempt and most of them work through the "church" but many of them are nurses, Lawyers, and other similar things, they are close together to each other, and fund their church which in turn funds their demonstartions.

    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
    ~Jim Butcher


      Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

      Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
      I think she was actually kicked out of her family...
      Yeah, she was. It's really sad. But she did what was right. She stood up for what she believed in. If her family is kicking her out, they're not practicing "love" like the Bible says. But then again, they twist a lot of things the Bible says to justify their hate.

      This whole shooting is getting way too much attention. It makes other mentally ill people want to top it. It gives the Westboro Church another chance to make an appearance. It allows the media to make money off of it. It gives bloggers the chance to become more popular. There are people in the world profiting off of this one way or another the more popular this gets.

      What we should really be focusing on is how to pay respect to those who have died and how to make life easier for those who knew them. Harassing them with reporters isn't helping them at all. I actually saw a very sweet thing yesterday as I was walking down the side walk. Someone left out three candles, a box of matches, and a note next to a tree. The note had all the names of the people who died in the shooting. And a the end of the list it said, "Please relight the candles if they go out." This is the kind of attention we should be giving this situation.


        Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

        Agreed. Thanks for the idea about the candles and note. I think I will try to find a way to do something similar. Candle or Anonymous... Candle wins in a heartbeat. Amazing how I forgot how simple things like that could be done. Perhaps it will remind everyone else, too. "Less can be more, and small can be beautiful..."

        Still confused as to who Westboro's clients could be. It would seem to me that anyone could easily say they create a hostile environment at work, getting them potentially fired, and clientele could refuse their services. Thus, no income. Thus, no more news-making hate trips.


          Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

          Originally posted by DeadJellyfish View Post
          Yeah, she was. It's really sad. But she did what was right. She stood up for what she believed in. If her family is kicking her out, they're not practicing "love" like the Bible says. But then again, they twist a lot of things the Bible says to justify their hate.
          Actually when they kicked out a few of the girls, a few of them did not even realise they were being removed until it happened, none of them were really all that rebellious, and with a couple of the girls it was over things like curiosity in boys, the one girl cried and promised to be good, and love god better, but her family booted her out all the same. Another one asked a few pointed questions and when she was disagreed with she spoke to someone else about it, that person was a boy, and her family calls her a fornicator now.

          As for the shooting itself, I agree. The shooter has had more attention than is nessecary, I imagine his brother is having a shit of a time, his mother and brother are dead, because his brother did something horrible... The families and classmates and townsfolk are devastated, and that is where the focus should be, not on political messages, or crazy activists, but on people.

          But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
          ~Jim Butcher


            Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

            I get the whole "freedom of speech" and "peaceful assembly" thing, but seriously this should be considered harassment.

            I am loving the human barricades people seem to be doing now. Those are pretty effective.
            But honestly though, as much as I'm not a fan of solving things with violence, these guys need a firm smack to the face.
            One of these days people are probably just going to snap and just outright attack them.

            Or at the very least if a member of their "church" dies some people should just picket their funeral and see how they like it.
            "The fire could not be tamed with the wind,
            nor the wind suppressed by the flames.
            As blending the Light with the Dark
            merely results in Grey." -Ville Friman


              Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

              Originally posted by Lawtan View Post
              Agreed. Thanks for the idea about the candles and note. I think I will try to find a way to do something similar. Candle or Anonymous... Candle wins in a heartbeat. Amazing how I forgot how simple things like that could be done. Perhaps it will remind everyone else, too. "Less can be more, and small can be beautiful..."
              Do it, it will touch a lot of people's hearts in this hectic time. And although the victim's family won't see or know, it's still a kind gestures.
              I walked by the note again today. The note was all dirty so they added another laminated note. And the candles are still burning. It's amazing.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
              Actually when they kicked out a few of the girls, a few of them did not even realise they were being removed until it happened, none of them were really all that rebellious, and with a couple of the girls it was over things like curiosity in boys, the one girl cried and promised to be good, and love god better, but her family booted her out all the same. Another one asked a few pointed questions and when she was disagreed with she spoke to someone else about it, that person was a boy, and her family calls her a fornicator now.

              As for the shooting itself, I agree. The shooter has had more attention than is nessecary, I imagine his brother is having a shit of a time, his mother and brother are dead, because his brother did something horrible... The families and classmates and townsfolk are devastated, and that is where the focus should be, not on political messages, or crazy activists, but on people.
              What the hell... that is so jacked up. I can't believe I haven't heard of that. Everything they believe in is so twisted. And it's sad that these girls are just begging to be accepted back into this type of environment.

              Oh yeah, I almost forgot about his brother. They had the wrong name plastered everywhere and this poor man (on top of having to deal with the death of two family members) was receiving death threats!! I mean, on the news it said the shooter killed himself. So it's pretty stupid to send death threats. But still, he got harassed quite a bit for it.


                Re: Hey look! It's Westboro again...

                Live your life in such a way that Westboro Baptist Church will want to demonstrate at your funeral.

                - - - Updated - - -

                Oh, and Goddess bless the Patriot Riders (bikers) who frequently get between these Christian radicals and the decent people they are demonstrating against.
                Sleep, my friend, and you will see
                That dream is my reality

