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Glass shattering during ritual?

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    Glass shattering during ritual?

    A while back, I was on a desperate hunt for someone that could help me with a major issue with glass... Most people that advertised that I contacted wanted to me to buy something or pay outrageous prices for downright BS "exorcisms."

    Glass breaks around me. A lot. And it doesn't just slip out of my hands, I'm talking it bounces around the room on every surface before flying 8 feet up in the air and smash on the ground. Cups will suddenly skirt the edge of tables before smashing on the floor, shelves of antiques in houses I visit collapse, china cabinets' legs give out, display cases in stores collapse. When this started, it was coupled with an infestation of spiders; spiders that were not local to my area, that littered only me with bites (out of five people in the household, the other four were not so much as touched by them) and that I could never find the adults of. Only babies, that others noticed would follow me on the walls from room to room.

    Let me just say right now that I do not share my beliefs with others. I don't feel the need to, as it doesn't come up in conversation. The spiders and constant glass shattering alone has happened with such consistency and abnormality that several people have traced it to me and have stated they don't want to be around me because of it. I'd like this to clear up any idea of this being neurotically-fueled; I've considered this deeply before coming forward for help.

    I've moved halfway across the united states with only my most important belongings in a tiny car, no furniture, clothing, and everything was cleaned, checked, and double-checked so that I wouldn't bring the infestation with me. Literally all I brought with me were the clothes on my back and a few momentos from childhood.

    The issues stopped completely. But after a few months I began to see the spiders, the same ones that were in my house before. This was not a case of Irresponsible Floridian pet owners; they have been positively identified by a bug company as cosmophasis umbratica, small shiny jumping spiders. They are baffled as to why I have them in my home and have only hypothesized that the previous home owner had taken a trip out of country. Quickly debunked by my previous experience.

    Now the glass-shattering rate is climbing back up again. Glass is breaking in the middle of the night, shattering at the lightest touch (and often by no contact at all) and I come to you today because in the middle of a ritual, one teacandle holder closest to me (out of several) shattered with no warning, spraying me with glass.

    Some say I'm being followed by some "spirit." Others tell me that I'm doing it and I need to learn how to control myself. I've had a few draw parallels between this and my mothers side of the family, riddled with dark stories of gruesome death and questionable practices. I've had one person say it's because of my viciousness and anger. Which I have plenty of, but have always dispersed constructively through MMA, video games, art, and dance.

    Unfortunately, MANY treat me as if I'm some sort of demon that it trying to trick them under the guise of someone who is seeking help. Several Shamans and witches have treated me with hostility and suspicion upon entering their domain or attempting contact. They want me out of their space, off of their phone, away from their inbox.
    And it really hurts.
    Because I've never practiced anything evil, even unintentionally. I don't recite things under a new moon because the internet told me to. I don't play with dark items or haphazardly wander into the woods at night drunk to instigate the powers above me. I've never had a doubt in my mind when I practice my beliefs. Not even in the beginning of my journey had I done anything I would question now, after years of rigorous study.

    My magic brings me bizarre luck, fortune in the form of opportunity, energy, a lack of sickness despite a low immune system, and people who respect me deeply. But this problem only seems to laugh in my face when I perform to attempt to curb it. If anybody has ever experienced this, I'm basically pleading at this point to point me in the right direction.

    Re: Glass shattering during ritual?

    Could the glass shattering be a symptom of the spiders? A reaction to bites? Or even a reaction out of fear? I promise I am not dismissing your problem, only better trying to understand it...
    Do you know if the infestation remained in the previous location after you left in any form?
    have you been back at any point to the original location where things began? Have you got any connections to the original infestation point, (emotional or physical?) If any information, you can give me is too personal that's fine, again, I'm trying to get an understanding...
    Let me do some digging, see what I find, my knowledge of the spiders is limited, but I will see if I can give you anything you don't already have...

    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
    ~Jim Butcher


      Re: Glass shattering during ritual?

      Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
      Could the glass shattering be a symptom of the spiders? A reaction to bites? Or even a reaction out of fear? I promise I am not dismissing your problem, only better trying to understand it...
      Do you know if the infestation remained in the previous location after you left in any form?
      have you been back at any point to the original location where things began? Have you got any connections to the original infestation point, (emotional or physical?) If any information, you can give me is too personal that's fine, again, I'm trying to get an understanding...
      Let me do some digging, see what I find, my knowledge of the spiders is limited, but I will see if I can give you anything you don't already have...
      Not at all, I went to hypnotherapy for bugs and while I came out still extremely fearful of beetles and roaches, I was for some reason completely relieved of fearful reactions to spiders. Specifically those without extremely thin legs. Daddy long legs still bother me quite a bit, but I'm not fearful of these. I just wish they'd stop leaving marks on me. I think jumping spiders are quite cute, especially.

      They don't follow me outside of the house most of the time, they only stay where I sleep. Initially my roommates didn't believe me until I started sleeping out on the couch to get away from them... They started to see the spiders on the walls, populating under the sofa cushions and hiding around the tv.

      I have no connections to my previous apartment, and after inquiring with my landlords if the spider problem was going to affect me getting my deposit back, they said they had no clue what I was talking about, that they had checked the premises for damage and infestation (It's a big enough problem to get professionals in on it in the humid state of Florida) and they said I was entitled to my full deposit. I haven't returned.

      The glass-breaking happens anywhere if I'm in the vicinity. I don't consider it paranormal when a waitress drops a tray of glasses, (though the noise alone is beginning to put me on edge) but the other experiences I've had outside the house have been on a larger scale... Like the railings on the back of a bar holding several rows of glasses giving way and dozens of glasses fall at once, 7 feet of glass pane in a restaurant simply falling out of the building and smashing onto the sidewalk, a glass table cracking into pieces and falling into everyones lap/caving into the center in the middle of a meal (This has happened twice in two different places) and an acquaintances shelves giving way for seemingly no reason after years of being bolted up.

      The most jarring of them all was when I caught a particularly troublesome jumping spider in a thick glass mug and set it a half-foot into the shelf on my sturdy wooden drawing/drafting desk. It was on it's side leaning on its handle toward the opening of the desk, with the other three sides walled off, the porch was screened in and there was nobody out there. I set it that way because glass had been breaking at an unusual frequency, and for some reason I desired more insurance. So I put my marker/paintbrush boxes in front of the glass and figured the spider would find his way out. No more than 30 seconds after I close the door behind me to go back inside do I hear the mug shatter and go out to see that my boxes are exactly where I left them, but the mug is now in front of them on the floor in pieces, with several jumping spiders sitting on the fragments.


        Re: Glass shattering during ritual?

        If you simply want to be rid of spiders, diatomaceous earth will do the job. It is what I use to keep the chicken coop bug free. I cannot interpret the breaking glass, only you know your circumstances, experiences, and mind. It does seem too much for coincidence. If something vexed me that way I imagine I would seek resolution meditatively.

        "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr


          Re: Glass shattering during ritual?

          You're not dangerous. You're not a demon... but I suspect you could quite possibly be the victim of a psychic infestation. These can often be sent by other people deliberately, so I suggest you have a look around and see who that could be. Some of the spiders will be real, but some are not. The breaking glass... well that could be a number of things, but I suspect the two are linked. Although you say you disperse your anger safely, it could be that someone else (someone, not something!) is piggy-backing on it... it's possible, and I remember we had a thread on here some time ago that had a few members who considered themselves psychic vampires admit to vacuuming up energies left hanging around.

          I think you need to start making calm, factual notes. Write down everything you can think of, including moonphases (because you will be surprised how often these can influence things too). Also note contact you have with others... you may soon spot a pattern that will help you deal with it.

          Hope this helps but if you have any further questions, please ask!

          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


            Re: Glass shattering during ritual?

            Tyullan's advice Is quite sound. I totally agree that maybe you need to take a look around and see who could be influencing evenm negative emotions, It may not seem like a big deal, but little things can affect you in big ways, and negativity can manifest even more oddly. I imagine the glass and spiders may be a symptom, not the problem themselves, I would just keep looking.

            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
            ~Jim Butcher

