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Elder Scrolls Online

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    Elder Scrolls Online

    Anyone else had their interest piqued by this upcoming arrival? I haven't encountered any new addictive mmo's since I quit WoW, but this one has me considering. I'm just a wee bit fed up with this monthly sub stuff.

    Re: Elder Scrolls Online

    I'll probably give it a shot when it comes out. GW2 is pretty awesome, but I'm starting to burn out after 5 months. I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about ESO, there are a lot of things they're doing which don't seem like they'll work well, but since it's a PvP based MMO I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

    If subscription fees are an issue for you, I'd definitely recommend GW2. Amazing graphics, fun PvE levelling experience with some really engaging endgame PvP. It is a little buggy still, and doesn't offer much raiding if that's your thing, but otherwise it's easily the best the MMO genre has had to offer since WoW came out.


      Re: Elder Scrolls Online

      I've been playing GW2 since it released, the problem is that I don't have a pc that can run it the way it ought to run... Hubby won't play GW2 though and he wants to play something with me, so I think I may end up being forced to buy ESO when it releases anyway. >.>


        Re: Elder Scrolls Online

        I have mixed feelings on this. I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan (Daggerfall was the game that really got me into gaming). I'm also a fan of MMOs, been playing those for many years too... so in theory, I should like ESO, right? Like I said, mixed feelings though... a lot of the things I love about Elder Scrolls I just don't think will translate well to an MMO. In particular, I'm worried about how they're dealing with the lore... I can't imagine that I won't at least try it, but I don't know if it'll be something I end up playing a whole lot of yet.
        Hearth and Hedge


          Re: Elder Scrolls Online

          a lot of the things I love about Elder Scrolls I just don't think will translate well to an MMO.
          That's my problem with what we know about it so far. I loved Morrowind and Skyrim, but I loved them for the open ended gameplay and massive, interactive worlds, which can't really be translated into an MMO (or at the least, it doesn't look like they're trying). The only part they seem to be hanging onto from the RPG series is the setting, and Tamriel is just another generic high fantasy setting, the setting is probably the weakest part of the RPG's, imo.

          In terms of actual gameplay, it just looks like a mashup of WoW/WAR/GW2, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there's certainly nothing revolutionary in it. That said, I'm sure I'll play it anyway, DAoC was my first MMO and it imbued me with a serious love for faction based PvP. Although I'm not sure how they plan to implement faction based world PvP in a game with one massive server divided into instances, at first glance they seem entirely incongruent.


            Re: Elder Scrolls Online

            They are begining beta testing, they are apparently looking for testers, this seems like a good way to at least see if they got someof the basics right...

            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
            ~Jim Butcher


              Re: Elder Scrolls Online

              Yeah I signed up a few hours ago. I may have slightly overstated a few things on my beta app, but hopefully it gets me in


                Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                Who doesn't?

                But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                ~Jim Butcher


                  Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                  I'm cautiously optimistic...

                  I LOVE the Elder Scrolls universe but I also don't know how well it will translate to an MMO setting. They're going to be implementing WoW's phasing idea and they're taking a page from DAoC and doing three factions.

                  Part of me is excited that I'll be able to visit High Rock and Elsweyr.. but then I remember that due to faction control, you can only go to 3+1 provinces per character.

                  What I'm most cynical about is the community that it will gather. I like Elder Scrolls games because I can get some good immersion without having to read General Chat filled with trolling and epeen discussions. I have a feeling that anyone wanting that feeling of immersion is going to be end up disappointed and jaded.

                  Cautiously optimistic.
                  There once was a man who said though,
                  It seems that I know that I know,
                  What I'd like to see,
                  Is the I that knows me,
                  When I know that I know that I know.


                    Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                    The cinematic trailer blew me away. Everything was just PERFECT!

                    Now if only the game could emulate it's epicness.

                    For those of you who haven't seen (whom I imagine would be few in number),

                    Supposedly, it's centered around three factions vying for the throne- the Aldmeri Dominion (Altmer, Bosmer and Khajiit), the Hammerfell Covenant (Redguards, Bretons and Orcs), and the Ebonheart Pact (Dunmer, Nords and Argonians), which makes a lot of sense after rewatching the trailer. I mean, where they are about to square off at the end, and it cuts to an ouroborus-esque sigil of a bear eating a eagle eating a dragon eating the bear. Takes place 1,000 years before the events of Skyrim... Wait, wouldn't that predate the First Era?

                    Anyway, here's hoping.

                    ~ A Nordic Spellsword, sitting beneath a beautiful array of aurora, sent from a terminal he found in a Dwemer Ruin which connects to the aethernet


                      Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                      At 1000 years before Skyrim, should not the akaviri be involved to some degree? and the dwemer? and the Ayleids? are they not there already? Well eigther way, should be interresting... though we know who ultimately ends up on the throne...

                      But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                      ~Jim Butcher


                        Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                        Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
                        At 1000 years before Skyrim, should not the akaviri be involved to some degree? and the dwemer? and the Ayleids?
                        ESO is set during the second era. The Ayleids, as a whole, are really out of the picture by the end of the first era, although there may still be small pockets of them here and there. The Dwemer also disappeared during the first era. The Akaviri had attacked recently, but were driven back shortly before the game takes place. They may play some role still.
                        Hearth and Hedge


                          Re: Elder Scrolls Online

                          Originally posted by Gardenia View Post
                          ESO is set during the second era. The Ayleids, as a whole, are really out of the picture by the end of the first era, although there may still be small pockets of them here and there. The Dwemer also disappeared during the first era. The Akaviri had attacked recently, but were driven back shortly before the game takes place. They may play some role still.
                          I see, I was not entirely sure when the game itself was taking place...

                          But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                          ~Jim Butcher

