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Anyone know what this symbol means?

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    Anyone know what this symbol means?

    I Believe I was hexed or have had some kind of curse put on me, I have been told by several people that when they look at me in any spirtual way they see this black symbol around me, My computer wont let me post a picture of the symbol but I can kind of give you the idea of what it looks like.

    >< but there overlapping partly in the center.

    Lately I have had about a good 6 months of unfourtunate events happen one time after another and it seems that whenever things good for me something 10 times worse will happen. I know its some kind of hex but im not sure what it means or how to get rid of it.

    Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

    Evil eye, maybe?

    Who would have wanted to curse you?


      Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

      Originally posted by moonlight_ View Post
      >< but there overlapping partly in the center.
      There's a rune that kinda looks like that. You can see it on the chart here.
      Hearth and Hedge


        Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

        You mean Ing, the wanderer?


          Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

          Yeah. I know there are other variants of it, and I'm not sure how much overlap OP means (that may be too much), but it's all that comes to mind. Don't know what it would have to do with a curse (don't know much about runes, really), or any of that, but...
          Hearth and Hedge


            Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

            Originally posted by moonlight_ View Post
            I Believe I was hexed or have had some kind of curse put on me, I have been told by several people that when they look at me in any spirtual way they see this black symbol around me, My computer wont let me post a picture of the symbol but I can kind of give you the idea of what it looks like.

            >< but there overlapping partly in the center.

            Lately I have had about a good 6 months of unfourtunate events happen one time after another and it seems that whenever things good for me something 10 times worse will happen. I know its some kind of hex but im not sure what it means or how to get rid of it.
            Please don't jump to the conclusion that you must have been hexed on such flimsy evidence. What other people think is not proof of anything. Nor is a series of unfortunate events. Life can be strange sometimes and a run of bad luck is just that -- and nothing more.

            Ask yourself first of all, about the nature of the people who are telling you this information you mention, because it is they, and not the hex itself (if indeed it exists) that are at the root of your problems. Symbols may mean many things, and yes what you describe does sound a lot like the Rune called Ing. But if that rune were being used for the purpose of hexing you I would expect it to appear with other symbols and not on its own where it could in fact be quite protective.

            This is your first post here (welcome!) And we do not really know very much about you or your situation which could have helped in assessing whether or not you have been hexed. Personally, my advice would be not to worry so much. To work on overcoming your difficulties and to learn to take good luck and bad equally in your stride. And good luck!

            Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


              Re: Anyone know what this symbol means?

              If it's a rune it could be gebo which means gift, not a curse unless you owe someone or broke a contract.

