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Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

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    Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

    As I've been doing more studying and trying to relax my mind into kind of a meditative type state, there are a few instances that happened to me that felt like they were coming from something divine, and maybe a goddess of sorts? I'll describe these experiences to see if anyone knows any associations off the bat so that I know how to address whatever has made contact with me.

    So on the first time, I was riding on the bus, and I was feeling very down for some reason. At that time, I tried to meditate for a few minutes and tune in spiritually, and I just opened up and prayed to whatever was out there for some advice. At that moment, something akin to an incredible, indescribable peace swept through me, and it felt as if spiritually I was being hugged tightly. It really was a humbling, incredible experience that lifted up my day, and lasted for longer than I would have thought, and it felt as though the being who was there with me was female.

    There was a second time, that was just last night, where I was reading in an introductory paganism book. At one point of reading I relaxed myself and was in a slightly meditative state (I couldn't be 100% meditative because I was on the job). I think I was reading something that had me thinking (perhaps incorrectly) that if a deity did try to contact me, even though it was a wonderful experience, they would probably find another way, or wait until I'm more spiritually mature, or something like that. However, once again soon after, I felt the same kind of presence hug me, and a huge peace went through my entire body. I cried a little at that and it kind of set the tone for the rest of the night to be good.

    However, this time, there was something else that happened a little afterwards. After this being let go, I felt that she lingered around a bit, smiling with me. I had a feeling that she was reading from the page that I was reading out of, so I opened it up slightly so that we could share. While I couldn't see her directly, I thought she would have worn a very intricate dress like outfit, and seemed as if she could have been transparent? She left soon after, however.

    And while she was lingering, and after she left, I still felt as if she left something of her presence behind that enveloped me and felt good, though it wasn't quite like when she was there.

    A little while later, the book I was reading suggested to visualize what my view of a deity would be. Now, I'm not quite as positive if this part was more of a spiritual experience, or something that took place all in my mind. However, I'll leave all options out there at this point.

    When I went into another semi meditative state, I viewed a deity that once again, was willing to hug people when they were sad. She would hold hands and walk alongside someone. She would participate in festivals and dance, and would even play a flute along with the musicians, and had no problem mingling with humans. When she would be done and out of sight, she would smile down at everyone and offer blessings for a prosperous life.

    So now, I'm asking, does anyone have any ideas of who this deity might be? Moreso referring to the first two experiences, but if something could match up to the third one that could help too.

    Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

    I thought of Euterpe upon reading this. Strangely, she's depicted holding a flute!

    Called the "Giver of delight". Her name means "rejoicing well" or "delight". She was later turned into a muse, but she was originally a goddess.


      Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

      Okay, I'll have to attack this bit by bit, so this might be sporadic, hard to read and vague, but I'll do what I can to be as specific as I can, and I'm going to attack each point in order, if possible. I want to help you figure this out for some reason.

      So, shall we? Here we go.

      The hug could have almost literally been anything. It could have been your higher self, one of your other souls, hugging you. It could have been your own mind, your subconscious psyche helping itself (ie. You) to recover and create the day it wanted. Again, it could have been almost anything under the sun, or beyond. Sorry, I can't help you more there. All we "know" is that it was female.

      One thing that draws my attention is that the second time you were "on the job", yet you cried. Tears of joy are rare. So we now know that whatever it is brought you so much inner joy that it brought you to tears. Powerful stuff there, Tox.

      To digress, a bit, if I may? Spirits of any sort (and by spirit I mean any being of the upper, middle or lower world that acts as a sentient energy) will often try to get your attention subtly at first. This is where, I believe, the focus and the perception of a witch as it develops over time becomes established. If a spirit does not make its point known, or if it doesn't reach you, it will "escalate" its efforts.

      Did you see her with your eyeballs, or your mind's eye? If you can't tell the difference about her at this point, that's fine.

      And let me ask, if I may. Were the feelings, scents or whatever perceptions you had of both beings similar or is it that all they had in common were the fact that they hugged?

      Now, what I think.. or feel, if I may, was that the first few hugs were from a guardian of some kind coming to you. Whether that energy is attributed to a deity or if it was just a guardian spirit, or even an ancestor spirit or ghost, would require much more information. When you were witnessing the deity, the feelings seemed similar so that's an indicator as well.

      I have no goddess in mind yet. Celebratory goddesses and gods would be abundant at this time of the year, unfortunately, so for me, that adds a few more options in my mind.

      Good luck!


        Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

        There were a few that came quickly to mind for me, keep in mind my responses are going to be a bit colored from where I have the most knowledge. Aine, or Danu both seem to sit in my mind, they are Irish goddesses. Danu is an Irish Mother Goddess associated who fertility, prosperity, comfort, health and light. Aine was a Goddess of love, growth, cattle and light. Some other goddesses that come to mind are Frigg, Arianrhod, and the sumerian Inanna. My knowledge of these three is far more limited, but the each seem to have an immense capacity to make their adherents feel well loved. I would meditate a bit further and see what other signs you recieve, see what speaks to you, and keep in mind that what you feel is the most important thing.

        But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
        ~Jim Butcher


          Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

          POssibly Athena due to the flute. But have you considered that you may be witnessing a genus loci or perhaps one of the Little People (also fond of flutes.) ?

          BTW toxicyarnglare - please don't dismiss something as being 'just in the mind.' The mind is an amazing place, wonderful things happen there. Whether you saw it alone, or whether everyone else in the vicinity had the same experience that day, doesn't increase or diminish its importance to you.

          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


            Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

            I love angels. I view them as non-denominational beings of pure love and that is the first impression I got when I read your post, especially the smile, her loving embrace, your tears of joy, her positive lingering and her transparency. Archangel Gabriel (who I associate as feminine) holds a trumpet (kind of far off from a flute, but still in the wind family!) who's name means 'God is my Strength," and this strength can be of any type.

            There is also Ammachita, more commonly known as Amma, or the Hugging Saint. She is the living representation of the Divine Mother in Hindu thought and when she hugs you you feel the embrace of Divine Love and joyous tears or inspiring feelings swell up inside you (I've met here several times, each time amazing). Some say her love (an aspect of her spirit?) goes to those in need or gives love for whatever reason. She is always dressed in a pure white sari.

            Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, although male, is the Hindu God that sustains the universe and he is known for playing the flute. The relation to the female aspect is his consort Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of love, beauty and abundance. They are eternally bonded in pure love.

            Even though none of these deities/beings are of Pagan origin, Gods, Goddesses and other divine beings are not stuck to one belief system- they are eternal and free beings that come to any that would hear their call, be they Christian, Hindu, Pagan, Agnostic or Atheist who awakens to spiritual life.

            I hope you find your answer, because she sounds wonderful.


              Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

              Originally posted by PsykhikosAnarchosNautikos View Post
              I hope you find your answer, because she sounds wonderful.
              ^^^ This! Blessed, you are.


                Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

                Thank you all so much for the variety of responses you gave. Everything each of you have said will be a wonderful starting point to try to figure out who this being is. Right now, I wouldn't be too surprised if she were an angel of sorts, but I'm not leaving out a goddess or some other divine being. And actually, even yesterday, after I practiced a spiritual visualization of sorts while getting into another pre meditative state, I felt she was there as well. Though instead of hugging me, I felt like she was applauding me.

                Now, I didn't mention this before, but I think been noticing at least one other being that tends to follow me around, and seems to be there more often than the one that hugged me. I get the feeling that she floats around through the air with her head pointed in the direction she travels, and wears what appear to be leaves around her. I get the feeling that she often comes to my left side, and I feel some kind of connection with her that I also want to deepen. However, I'm not quite sure how to approach her, as I don't know if she is a spirit guide, or something else. I don't think she's a goddess, however.

                I also feel like there may be a second being that follows me around, but I don't know if there's just different ones I cross paths with or this one I just have a weaker connection to.

                Either way, I am surely starting to get curious as to possibly working towards contacting more beings out there. Does anyone either have advice about the leaf wearing being that follows me, or just about working with other beings in general?


                  Re: Possibly being contacted by a goddess?

                  Be careful when working with beings- human and spiritual. Follow your intuition, first of all, also read up on mythology, folklore and the like. Of course, this seems like a great place to get first hand experience (I only say 'seems' because I am new, but so far all the advice I have seen and been given is sound and realistic). The being with leaves could be a dryad (earth faerie, usually found in/around trees)- but the only one I saw seemed a bit antisocial and serious, and not harmful at all, at least not towards me. From my studies, faeries are usually not all that into humans except for personal reasons... but I have only experienced two- one was actually very playful and sweet.

                  Meditation is a great way to strengthen your connection if that is what you seek, just be aware of tricksters. As long as the feelings you get are positive and continue to be so for yourself and even those around you, then keep on going. If you are open to other realms and/or spiritual/energetic beings, embrace it, just be careful and keep studying, meditating, clearing your energy and thoughts, centering and grounding your self to stay healthy and safe. Like you are doing, questioning is always safe and if the being feels otherwise and shows it, discard it immediately.

