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Spells for enhanced focus?

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    Spells for enhanced focus?

    I am feeling undetermined and unfocused lately. does anyone have any good spells for improving focus or motivation?

    Re: Spells for enhanced focus?

    I do this little focus meditation that helps me:

    Sit in a comfortable position, and start breathing deeply until you are relaxed.

    Imagine a landscape, with a mountain in the middle, and from the peak of the mountain, a bright light emanates. The mountain peak is covered by clouds, and hinder your view of the bright peak. These clouds symbolize whatever distracts you from the mountain. With each exhalation, try to softly move the clouds out of your sight, until you can view the mountain clearly, realistically, with the bright light illuminating the landscape. Once you get rid of the clouds, forget about them. If you concentrate too much on the clouds, you're going to lose focus of the mountains, so just gently blow them away, and forget about them.

    You should feel light and should help you focus more easily.

    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


      Re: Spells for enhanced focus?

      Thanks, I'll give it a try!


        Re: Spells for enhanced focus?

        Sit in front a candle with an intention or simple wish. Repeat the wish to yourself over and over and over until you are no longer aware of your wish. Just pay attention to the flame (or stare just below or above it to save your eyes from burning- make sure the back round of the candle is blank or soothing). Something simple like, "joy of focus" because this is easier to lose conscious thought over than "I wish to be focused and enjoy it immensely." You'll hate this method if you do that to yourself.

        The repetition of the intention or wish keeps your mind locked on the sounds and words and once you lose conscious awareness, your mind should be in a relaxed state. You could also just stare at the flame or a spot on the wall for an extended period, but that is boring compared stating a wish over a candle. Light some incense as well to set the mood if you like.


          Re: Spells for enhanced focus?

          To be honest, I tend not to use spells to achieve focus. One of hte most important things is to work on spring cleaning the mind - like our homes (well, mine anyway) minds can get cluttered with all sorts of nonsense. So if you start by clearing out old emotions, anxieties and worries, (just for starters) you often find that focus and concentration improve greatly as a result. Definitely recommend it!

          Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


            Re: Spells for enhanced focus?

            Thank you all. I will give all of these methods a try and hopefully one will work for me!

