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Spell for banishing bulimia?

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    Spell for banishing bulimia?

    I have had Bulimia for about 2 years now and I am getting help, but it seems I have a hard time resisting my bulimic urges. Is their any suggested spell for helping this problem? Maybe send some positive energy my way:: any idea's would be appreciated.

    Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

    I feel this could be similar to the 'ritual to stop smoking' thread a while back. The only spiritual suggestion I could give is to pray to your deities for support. As for a ritual or spell, not that I'm suggesting it would work for something like this, it's much better to construct them yourself than to use those made by others
    They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
    Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
    -Madeline Miller, Circe


      Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

      I would recommend making some kind of charm you can wear. A ring, maybe, idk how you purge, but something that will catch your attention if you start to. Infuse it with feelings of calm and control. Ask whatever powers (your profile thingy says you have faery influence, asking for fae blessings would be really helpful) to help you control those urges and whenever you find yourself giving in to the bulimia, focus on that charm.

      Also, write out your feelings on lots small pieces of paper and keep them somewhere accessible. Whenever you feel like you're about to give into an urge, burn one of those pieces of paper instead of purging. It's a distraction and can also be cathartic.


        Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

        It's not a single spell, but Bardon lays out a fairly extensive (and in my case, successful) technique for changing bad habits and personality flaws in Initiation into Hermetics. It involves daily work, so it's no quick fix, but I don't think quick fixes exist for problems like these.


          Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

          I am not trying to tell you how to live your life and I hope this doesn't come across as patronizing, but I think a spell might be a very weak stone to throw if you're trying to start an avalanche. I would strongly recommend getting a friend to help keep you accountable or perhaps seeking professional help. This is a tough battle and everyone deserves their own amount of privacy when they're fighting these big battles, but I know that it's also important to have help and support from REAL people, people who can look you in the eye and tell if you're lying.



          1 Notebook
          1 black candle
          1 white candle (but really, any color will do, it's the intent and what the colors represent - though they don't always have to represent this, I'm going for simplicity here)
          1 branch with some foliage found outside while on a walk
          1 bowl of salt
          1 cool little container of water
          FEATHERS (I go crazy with these, but one will do!)
          Matches/ (if you want, you can charge all of these items in the sun/bury them/moonbathe/soak etc)
          1 jar of water with a lid
          Anything that has magical significance to you

          Arrange these things in a private space however you want.

          1. Write down everything you've ever hated about yourself. Really get it all out, and write it on paper, freely, without stopping or caring how it comes out. This is very important so don't worry if it's long or if you repeat yourself, just try to write for a couple of minutes about whatever those mean thoughts are that sometimes crop up.
          2. Light the black candle and read what you've written out loud.
          3. Rip that crap up into little tiny pieces and toss them into the jar of water.
          4. Light the white candle and just speak for a while about what you want for your spirit. If the thought of calling it a prayer sits with you, then feel free to think of it like that - it's time to get some stuff off your chest.
          5. Let them burn for a while. Sit there in that space and BE with that intent - REALLY focus. Sometimes I meditate on the flames (I usually put the candles right up flush with each other so that they melt into one) You can call this Freestyle. Sing, be silent, chant your desires or a mantra, dance, etc, whatever ya want
          6. Take some of the greenery from the twig and toss it into the jar. Then add the salt, the feather, and then I dunk something on fire (usually pelo santo) into the water. Let candles burn.
          7. Lid up the jar and put it in the (direct) sunlight for as long as it takes for the water to start to turn the paper to mush (day or so)
          8. Let it taste the moon too
          9. When it's mushy (you can shake it), dump it all out and roll the mush into a ball and let dry
          10. SET IT ON FIRE ONCE IT'S DRY. Make sure to do that safely.

          I mean, you don't have to do all that, but it's just an idea for ya.
          No one tells the wind which way to blow.


            Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

            I hope things are going a bit better for you after getting help now. I know ED's are hell, I've been helping my fiancee recover from Anorexia after 10 years of having it progress pretty badly. It was just last year she started on the road to recovery, and slowly but steadily she's making progress. Anywho, at this point, the hardest part is calming her mind and rationalizing her thoughts and being able to fight the voices that convince her of so many negative things and going back to her old, harmful ways.
            So what I did was I got her a few stones out of my bag, an Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Citrine, and explained why and suggested things to do with them. I figured the energies in them correspond with what she needs in her life so she can be stronger than her urges, so that she can think clearly and be strong, balanced, feel love towards herself, and have energy to go on throughout her day.
            I told her to hold them when she feels the need and just let the energy flow through her, and she should focus and concentrate on it. Cleanse them when needed by briefly dousing them in running water, charge them by sitting them in the moonlight overnight, and to keep them with her at all times if possible. They've helped her some, determination is key though. You're stronger than your illness sweetie, I have faith in you.


              Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

              Originally posted by MyValenwind View Post
              I hope things are going a bit better for you after getting help now. I know ED's are hell, I've been helping my fiancee recover from Anorexia after 10 years of having it progress pretty badly. It was just last year she started on the road to recovery, and slowly but steadily she's making progress. Anywho, at this point, the hardest part is calming her mind and rationalizing her thoughts and being able to fight the voices that convince her of so many negative things and going back to her old, harmful ways.
              So what I did was I got her a few stones out of my bag, an Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Citrine, and explained why and suggested things to do with them. I figured the energies in them correspond with what she needs in her life so she can be stronger than her urges, so that she can think clearly and be strong, balanced, feel love towards herself, and have energy to go on throughout her day.
              I told her to hold them when she feels the need and just let the energy flow through her, and she should focus and concentrate on it. Cleanse them when needed by briefly dousing them in running water, charge them by sitting them in the moonlight overnight, and to keep them with her at all times if possible. They've helped her some, determination is key though. You're stronger than your illness sweetie, I have faith in you.
              Ugh, Anorexia sucks too! I had anorexia before I became bulimic. Thank you for your encouragement and I'm doing a little better, I'll have to try using those stone in my next ritual And I hope your finance continues to get better. Blessed be!
              Last edited by chris1987; 20 Apr 2013, 04:31.


                Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

                i dont know anything about bulemia, but you are an infinite spirit, of unimaginable possibility. you control your reality. you hold the power to do this, without magick, but feel free to use it if you need help within the universe. read books that teach you the power you have within, not just wiccan/pagan books. i recommend 'you forever' by t.lobsang rampa. this outlines your spiritual possiblities and that it is your mind that will help you banish and do anything you want.

                i know this sounds floofy, but we're all spirit experiencing ourselves. you are more powerful than you think!


                  Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

                  Do you work well with meditation? If so you may be able to build a routine that may help keep you focused on any goals you set for recovery. Its not a quick fix, but then for something like this nothing is. Just a thought. In any case may the Fay bless you on this journey. My guides send their blessings also.


                    Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

                    Thank you very much. I have been meditating much more lately and it seems like it is helping a bit. It will take some time and work but I know I will get better Actually, what's interesting is ever since I became Pagan (I mean totally devoted to being Pagan and admitting to my self that this is right) I have been more calm and peaceful and excepting. And for the first time I actually feel I can get better with time. At the kingdom hall I was taught that I should only do everything their way or it will lead to eternal death, (but it would be our own choice since we have free will) And if being Pagan were such a "bad" thing why do I feel so much better with it? When I was younger I prayed to fight against becoming Pagan or even looking at Pagan things and I was taught that my prayers would be heard but if that was the right path for me than why wasn't I drawn back to JW's and when I do go to any meeting's (sometimes I go because my dad need's help if he doesn't feel good and it seems it's the right path for him) I feel so down and drained and sometimes even kind of angry and it has been that way since I was a child (I'm 25 now) And after going to a meeting with my dad last time I am even more positive I am on the right path and I am Pagan!


                      Re: Spell for banishing bulimia?

                      Originally posted by chris1987 View Post
                      Actually, what's interesting is ever since I became Pagan (I mean totally devoted to being Pagan and admitting to my self that this is right) I have been more calm and peaceful and excepting.
                      I know what you mean. I felt the same way when I committed to the pagan path. I was raised Mormon and I think that it helped me a lot to get away from such a restrictive life style. It also just felt right to me, everything kid of fell into place.

