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Pressured to be Baptized

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    Pressured to be Baptized

    I am being pressured to be baptized and I am and shall remain in the broom closet for now. It would make everyone around me very happy (especially my dad and I love my dad so much I want to make him happy) They are giving me questions now and setting it up for May 11th. I don't want anyone to be hurt and I don't want to disrespect my Goddess and God (Brigid and Cernunnos). I was wondering what your opinion is on this. If I pray and explain to the God and Goddess do you think they would be understanding that I am only doing this for my dad really? I feel that they do understand since I was very stressed about the whole thing and I prayed and I felt pretty relaxed afterwards. I guess I just wanted some opinions. Thank you and Blessed Be

    Re: Pressured to be Baptized

    Think of his emotions when you tell him your actually pagan, after your baptized. It would crush him. I think you should get i out now instead of just delaying it. Plus leaving a church can be a very long and tedious process, depending on denomination.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's what i'd do, just me
    People are meant to be loved,
    And things are meant to be used.
    The reason the world is chaos is because
    People are being used and things are being loved.


      Re: Pressured to be Baptized

      I don't plan on my dad ever finding out. And if he and anyone from our family's church knew they would tell him to kick me out of our home and never talk to me until I have repented or he would be kicked out of the church. I am not willing to put him through that with all that he has been through. He's turning 74 soon and has now had 50 surgeries through out his life and has recently recovering from ocular melanoma. My dad lives with me and we both pay part of the rent and I help take care of things that he needs. So I believe it is better this way in the long run really but I am still curious of more opinions. Thank you though and maybe some day I will come out but not where my dad will know.


        Re: Pressured to be Baptized

        How old are you again?...
        People are meant to be loved,
        And things are meant to be used.
        The reason the world is chaos is because
        People are being used and things are being loved.


          Re: Pressured to be Baptized

          I am 25 (I know it is sad that I feel the way I do but my dad is really the only person I have)


            Re: Pressured to be Baptized

            no i get you. My dad and I are not on good terms at the moment so if i wuz in your shoes i wouldn't care about his opinion. I no that sounds mean but it's justified if one gets into fights with him almost every day.

            Do what you think is right.
            People are meant to be loved,
            And things are meant to be used.
            The reason the world is chaos is because
            People are being used and things are being loved.


              Re: Pressured to be Baptized

              You don't sound mean at all. I was abused about 20 years of my life (mental and physical.) and my dad has and is the only one there for me it seems (human wise at least) Thank you much for your opinion though


                Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                I think that you should not do it.

                Even from a christian standpoint, you should not do it, but definitely from a pagan standpoint.

                Sit your father down and tell him that you feel like being baptized is a personal commitment between you and Jesus. That you don't feel it's right yet, because you are still questioning a few things about your beliefs. State that you prefer not to discuss them because you feel they need to be resolved through prayer and study. You feel like you need more study and readiness. State that you agreed because it's what he wants, but that you don't feel Called to do this right now, and that God spoke to your heart and asked you to do it when the time is right, and not when it's to please others.

                Getting baptized is a public announcement like getting married is. It's an announcement on every level, the same way that getting married is.

                You can say 'no' while making it sound like it's between you and "god" without stating which God.

                Baptizism is about "dying" and coming back to life... it's reincarnation into a life as the "servant" (slave) of that God. If you put any faith in spells, then you MUST realize that this is a spell. And quite a powerful one, too.

                Honestly, if it were me, I would put it off in ways that make sense to christians... it's a major statement of commitment to jesus. And it would be a lie... but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have psychological impact, and that doesn't mean it isn't a spell.


                  Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                  That's a pretty good idea... I'll have to consider that. It's just they blind sided me. It hadn't been mentioned, than all of the sudden I get a call telling me they were going to ask me some questions and try to get me baptized in May. I guess it kinda hurts because my dad seems so happy about it.


                    Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                    Remember that if your being baptised meant so much to your father, he could have arranged it any time in the past 25 years and not suddenly now. And at your age it's really something you should be arranging for yourself if it's what you want. Because you need to remember that (in many denominations) baptism is just the start. How would you feel if you were suddenly packed off to confirmation lessons next?

                    But I do appreciate that you're in a quandary, and perhaps your best option at the moment is to simply stall for more time. Best of luck!

                    Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                      Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                      I think I will try to tell my dad that I need time and the stress is a bit much at this moment (I have Bipolar and Stress Disorder so I get stressed very easily) I tried telling him that I didn't think I was really ready but he said he knows that I am since I was born and raised in this religion. But maybe if I explain that it's just too stressful right now and I think I should study more on the subjects and tell him and others I will let them know as soon as I am ready, maybe that can almost indefinitely stall them...I have to at least try.


                        Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                        It's not his decision to make that you're ready because you were raised in it. It's between you and God. And you don't need to tell them which God. You just tell him that it's a private decision between you and God and you don't feel called to be baptized right now. If you did it now, it would be to please your earthly father, when it's your heavenly father that you're supposed to please.

                        Trust me, I know christian jargon.


                          Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                          Okay, so I sat down with my dad and I told him that I thought about it and I really think I should wait and that it wouldn't be fair to anyone including God if I got baptized when I didn't feel I was ready and I told him that I would let him know when I was. At first he tried to convince me that I was ready but after I talked to him a little more he said he respected my decision and told me he would call up the people from that were supposed to finish asking me questions ( I got through part 1 today, they just kind of showed up, but there was supposed to be 2 more sets of questions) and tell them that after the questions today I decided that I need more time and I would let them know when I am ready. I'm not 100% sure how they will react but I would guess and hope they would respect me for my decision. And I feel so much better now (let's out a sigh of relief) Thank you and Blessed Be!


                            Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                            Remind them that, because you can say the right answers doesn't mean that they're fully impressed upon your heart.

                            I have to give your dad major props for stepping back, and you major props for having the courage to speak up. I think that sigh of relief really tells you a LOT about the answer to your original question, though. You definitely did NOT want to do it.


                              Re: Pressured to be Baptized

                              You are definitely right that I really didn't want to do it and I am so glad I asked my original question here because since it was such a surprise I kind of panicked and my mind went blank so I didn't really know what to do and after hearing the suggestions it put my mind back on the right path. Thank you all so much again!

