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Starting a community.

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    Starting a community.

    Thinking of starting a community in my local area for anybody who is interested in or practices paganism. I have a weird feeling if we have a community open and available to people in the area I'll see a lot more people "Coming out of the broom closet." I really want to remove some of the stigma over Pagans in my area and perhaps education and community is the best way to do it.

    Problem is, me and my friend (John_Blackthorne) Are the only two pagan souls in my area I know of, the rest claim to be christian or atheist. So we may have a hard go at trying to usher in paganism to the people. But if we succeed it could be a small step towards letting pagans express themselves freely without expecting ridicule and alienation.

    So, has anybody tried this before? If so what were the results, how did things change. And also do you think this is a good idea?
    White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
    In Days of yore,
    From Britain's shore
    Wolfe the dauntless hero came
    And planted firm Britannia's flag
    On Canada's fair domain.
    Here may it wave,
    Our boast, our pride
    And joined in love together,
    The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
    The Maple Leaf Forever.

    Re: Starting a community.

    I think this is a great idea! I honestly had no idea anybody I knew was Pagan till the woman who is now my girlfriend came out of the broom closet. I've seen how rough it can be for people to deal with trying to express their faith while either hiding, or worse being open and ridiculed for it.

    Just as long as you don't get too hidebound and run into some of the problems my religion is having with insulurness and hoity toityness, having a community to build support and awareness would be wonderful for any Pagans in your area.
    hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


      Re: Starting a community.

      Thank you Malflick, I appreciate the support. May I also add in that you are a good Christian, you are what I envision a good Christian being. You don't alienate, judge, hate or discriminate. Here you are giving support to the pagan community, that blows my mind, because like you said a lot of Christians are a bit odd right now. Thanks for breaking a big barrier and offering your support friend
      White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
      In Days of yore,
      From Britain's shore
      Wolfe the dauntless hero came
      And planted firm Britannia's flag
      On Canada's fair domain.
      Here may it wave,
      Our boast, our pride
      And joined in love together,
      The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
      The Maple Leaf Forever.


        Re: Starting a community.

        Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
        Thank you Malflick, I appreciate the support. May I also add in that you are a good Christian, you are what I envision a good Christian being. You don't alienate, judge, hate or discriminate. Here you are giving support to the pagan community, that blows my mind, because like you said a lot of Christians are a bit odd right now. Thanks for breaking a big barrier and offering your support friend
        Well gosh, I'm practically bashful. Thank you, that means a lot to me, and more then you probably realize. I'm glad to offer my support ^_^, and I wish you luck in this endeavor.
        hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


          Re: Starting a community.

          I think the easiest way to go about it is to start with a meet-up type group. Pagan Night Out, and/or Broom & Brew's seem to be popular formats that work, as long as you can get a small group of people dedicated to organization and hosting. Advertise at Witvhvox, your local pagan shops, message boards, FB, takes some time to build a community, but its do-able. I'd start with a FB group and free webpage with more info--this is the page for the Broom & Brew here that started just by hanging out the shingle and waiting. Its not fully up and running, but its a start, for we meet at coffee shops in the area a week or so before the sabbats. It takes time and patience and time and perseverance.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: Starting a community.

            I would enjoy a Broom and Brew more than a ritual. It's hard to get some many different pagan groups to agree on what to do and who to honor. Also, something like a clean up in the area might work too.


              Re: Starting a community.

              Originally posted by Ula View Post
              I would enjoy a Broom and Brew more than a ritual. It's hard to get some many different pagan groups to agree on what to do and who to honor. Also, something like a clean up in the area might work too.
              What is a broom and brew?
              hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                Re: Starting a community.

                Originally posted by Malflick View Post
                What is a broom and brew?
                Basically, a Pagan Coffee Hour--start a FB page, put a listing in witchvox, and start going to a coffee shop, and advertise for other Pagans to meet you there, on a monthy basis or so to chat, and do other social activities. Its basically a networking thing, rather than a ritual thing
                Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                  Re: Starting a community.

                  Aha, I wonder how a broom and brew would go down in my town. My town is very conservative, having around 5 churches for 17,000 people. I as a joke once put some satanic symbols somewhere (No disrespect to actual Satanists, I was younger and much dumber) And the people were displeased to say the least. I almost worry that if we set up a well advertised broom and brew we might get some violent protests, could be good for the entertainment value though.
                  White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                  In Days of yore,
                  From Britain's shore
                  Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                  And planted firm Britannia's flag
                  On Canada's fair domain.
                  Here may it wave,
                  Our boast, our pride
                  And joined in love together,
                  The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                  The Maple Leaf Forever.


                    Re: Starting a community.

                    Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
                    Aha, I wonder how a broom and brew would go down in my town. My town is very conservative, having around 5 churches for 17,000 people. I as a joke once put some satanic symbols somewhere (No disrespect to actual Satanists, I was younger and much dumber) And the people were displeased to say the least. I almost worry that if we set up a well advertised broom and brew we might get some violent protests, could be good for the entertainment value though.
                    ...That is sad that that is a legitimate worry :/... I hope you figure something out. A broom and brew would probably be a lot more tolerable than other things to intolerant people, I suppose, except for you misleading people with your evil fellowship and good times *shudders sarcastically*.

                    But in all seriousness a broom and brew sounds like a good idea...
                    hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                      Re: Starting a community.

                      Aha, yeah I can take a little blame there. And again I thank you for the support

                      But it is a pretty serious worry, a lot of closed minds around here. And even the way I dress (Black clothing, chain on my jeans.) seems to get really strange looks. Even know I have no visible tattoos, absolutely no piercings, haven't died my hair. Just the way I dress turns heads, pretty funny.
                      White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                      In Days of yore,
                      From Britain's shore
                      Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                      And planted firm Britannia's flag
                      On Canada's fair domain.
                      Here may it wave,
                      Our boast, our pride
                      And joined in love together,
                      The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                      The Maple Leaf Forever.


                        Re: Starting a community.

                        Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
                        My town is very conservative, having around 5 churches for 17,000 people.

                        I have 12 churches in a town of 5,000.

                        Mostly art.


                          Re: Starting a community.

                          Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post

                          I have 12 churches in a town of 5,000.
                          ...That is a high human to church ratio indeed. Is your town very religious then?
                          hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                            Re: Starting a community.

                            Originally posted by Malflick View Post
                            ...That is a high human to church ratio indeed. Is your town very religious then?
                            The way I see it, we have two religions here. Church, and the ski hill.

                            You can be one, or the other, or both, but nobody is neither.

                            Mostly art.


                              Re: Starting a community.

                              Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
                              You can be one, or the other, or both, but nobody is neither.
                              That's interesting, how one can belong to two churches? Are both of them denominations of Christendom?

                              As regards the main thread, I would recommend to start celebrating Pagan holidays, there are lots of them (probably every heathenism celebrates winter and summer solstices for instance) and they are beautiful, full of power. If you're able to organize such ceremony and annouce (via internet?) that everyone who do care is welcome, you'll successfully start a community.

