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The Paula Deen backlash

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    Re: The Paula Deen backlash

    Originally posted by Monster View Post
    I've got a better question: Who cares?

    There is no way that any order, law, procedure or anything else is going to make one person like another. Its impossible. However...............

    Our economy is in the tank. Our government is out of control. Our borders are not secure. Taxes are going sky high. The national deficit is a joke..........

    But lets all discuss ad nauseum Paula Deen's use of the word ni**er. Keep your heads in the sand people. You're being played.
    We do discuss all these things, and think about them, and some of us are activists and what-not. It's not like one news story about a disgraced demi-celeb removes anything from the radar.
    The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


      Re: The Paula Deen backlash

      I think this is getting way more press than it deserves. Point out that she's a racist, fire her and yank her products then get back to watching the live filibuster on


        Re: The Paula Deen backlash

        Originally posted by Moonshine Thistlewish View Post
        Point out that she's a racist, fire her and yank her products
        Nope. I don't agree with the firing and yanking of her products at all. First of all, she has the constitutional right to say what she wants, so long as shes not breaking a law. A racial slur isn't breaking the law.

        Second of all, I'm sick of the double standards. BET can make a mint off of saying "ni**er this" and "ni**er that"....then Paula Deen should be left alone for saying it 30 years ago. If saying ni**er is wrong, then it is wrong no matter who says it.

        You may not personally agree with her......but you can't take away her right to say it. And punishing her for having an opinion is flat wrong. Especially since everyone else in the world can make racial slurs....but only whites suffer for it.


          Re: The Paula Deen backlash

          This is way off topic but, Monster: There's a reason why white people get flak for it. We've been the priviledged race for a long time. And when we say it, it still refers to a person of different skin colour than us in a derogatory way. The -only- people who have the right to reclaim a word are the people that the word has been used against. And whether they decide it's appropriate for them to use not is a matter of their own culture and not, really, our business. Because it was a weapon used against them and the only way to neutralize that is to let them do with that weapon as they will.
          And, knowing the history of the word why should we, as white people, want to continue to use it? It only continues to put us in a bad light with so many of our ancestors.

          All in all, it's not our business.
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            Re: The Paula Deen backlash

            Originally posted by Monster View Post
            Nope. I don't agree with the firing and yanking of her products at all. First of all, she has the constitutional right to say what she wants, so long as shes not breaking a law. A racial slur isn't breaking the law.
            Uh, about that. But I see your point, if she was employed in pretty much any other job. Sponsors cannot afford the controversy, and the networks won't stand for the ratings drop and loss of sponsors. It's not like her boss just fired her because she did something they didn't agree with, the network won't renew her contract because she became a liability. Which is most definitely something that should get you fired.

            Second of all, I'm sick of the double standards. BET can make a mint off of saying "ni**er this" and "ni**er that"....then Paula Deen should be left alone for saying it 30 years ago. If saying ni**er is wrong, then it is wrong no matter who says it.
            Context matters, end of story.

            You may not personally agree with her......but you can't take away her right to say it. And punishing her for having an opinion is flat wrong.
            Who is saying anything about taking away rights? Freedom of speech also means that we have the freedom to criticize her, and it is our right to not watch her shows or buy her products if that's what we wish. It is also the right of the network and her sponsors to disassociate with her if that is their wish.

            Especially since everyone else in the world can make racial slurs....but only whites suffer for it.
            Really now? I grew up on a reservation, and if a teacher at the local school said any kind of racial slur they would be out of a job and shunned faster than you could blink.
            Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


              Re: The Paula Deen backlash

              Originally posted by Luce View Post
              Taxes are what? Have you actually looked?

              And our borders are not secure? At what point were we designed to live in a fortress?

              Haha yep.

              Your taxes are not high in the US.


                Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                The suit is over things done and said back in the 80s... not 2013... I think thats part of the issue though, who gets fired for something they said 30 ish years ago? I feel like it was bad taste, but she was not a big public celebrity back then, she just wasn't, and watching what she said did not matter back then or in the position she was in... I just don't know why we are all so very upset so far after the fact... I don't see Justice Scalia getting fired for any of the crap he says, and he is still saying it! (yes I know appointments are for life, just saying, I wanna disassociate myself from that guy!)

                I don't condone rascism, but there are people that do. It is not like we found out that she had been a Klan member or something, she used a bad phrase in wide usage back when she used it... I just have a hard time being pissed off at her for it...

                - - - Updated - - -

                Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
                Haha yep.

                Your taxes are not high in the US.
                And no, they are not at all... but who said we talk about facts when we whine about taxes :P

                But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                ~Jim Butcher


                  Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                  I do kind of wonder about that, actually. While I don't think age and culture give you a pass for being racist, I think time can allow for some forgiveness. People can change, and something you say 30 years prior might not reflect how you feel now. I know I said a lot of idiotic things a few years back when I went through a conservative phase (rejecting my liberal upbringing lol). I was never racist, but I did totally fail to understand things like poverty. None of those things reflect how I feel now, and I'd be pretty ashamed if they were to reflect on my beliefs and character now. She might be the same.


                    Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                    This is how I feel too Danie. Years ago I was a product of my up-bringing... I agreed with my family when they told me being gay was wrong and against god, and that segregation must be natureal... I no longer ascribe to those beliefs, not even a little bit, but 10 years is not nearly 30, and I thought, and said aloud some really potentially embarrassing things, who am I to hold others to stricter standards?

                    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                    ~Jim Butcher


                      Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                      Originally posted by Monster View Post
                      Nope. I don't agree with the firing and yanking of her products at all. First of all, she has the constitutional right to say what she wants, so long as shes not breaking a law. A racial slur isn't breaking the law.

                      Second of all, I'm sick of the double standards. BET can make a mint off of saying "ni**er this" and "ni**er that"....then Paula Deen should be left alone for saying it 30 years ago. If saying ni**er is wrong, then it is wrong no matter who says it.

                      You may not personally agree with her......but you can't take away her right to say it. And punishing her for having an opinion is flat wrong. Especially since everyone else in the world can make racial slurs....but only whites suffer for it.
                      She isn't being punished, not in any way that relates to freedom of speech. The government is not sanctioning her. The network she works for also has freedom of association, just like you and I do. They have chosen not to associate with her. Whether or not BET makes the same decision is not relevant.


                        Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                        Originally posted by Luce View Post
                        She isn't being punished, not in any way that relates to freedom of speech. The government is not sanctioning her. The network she works for also has freedom of association, just like you and I do. They have chosen not to associate with her. Whether or not BET makes the same decision is not relevant.
                        But do you agree that there is a clearly defined double standard when it comes to the subject of race/racism in this country.

                        Example: The star witness for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial stated today that shortly before the altercation went down, that Trayvon Martin called Zimmerman a "creepy ass CRACKER" and said "this ni**er is following me." But according to the prosecutor AND the so called witness.....its not racist. Just everyday terminology in their "culture."

                        BUT.....if Zimmerman ever went on record ANYWHERE calling Martin a ni**er.....OMG, they'd be calling for his head because its "racist." Its a crock of s**t is what it is. Either its wrong for everyone, or its wrong for no one.

                        In the Paula Deen case, some knee grow came out of the woodwork and tried to EXTORT MONEY FROM HER by saying she was going to SAY Deen used a racial slur UNLESS Deen settled before court. It may be legal. But that's outright extortion any way you look at it. Deen didn't go for it, came clean about an incident decades ago....after she was robbed by a black male mind you.......and her life has been ruined.

                        Meanwhile the black that started all of this faded off into obscurity with ZERO repercussions to her actions.

                        Its all a crock of s**t IMO. Unfortunately, until and unless people of ALL colors start standing up to this stupidity.....racism will continue to be a huge payday to some. And a reason to keep a hatred alive for a paycheck.


                          Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                          It's a very multi-faceted thing. I was born in Brooklyn NY, which, at that time, was largely Italian & Jewish. In the mid-60's a lot of African-Americans moved in, there was a lot of social unrest, and we (my family) were among the last whites to move out, and were subjected to a great deal of racist stuff. In my "poor years" following my divorce in the mid-80's, I found myself living in a tiny apt. in a neighborhood where I was again a sticking-out-like-a-sore-thumb minority and heard myself referred to as "cracker", "honky", etc., and not in a joking manner. I was afraid for my safety & life on more than one occasion.

                          Being white and suffering the brunt end of racism is similar to being a male rape victim in some ways - you feel you can't really say anything. Anyway, I don't feel that I turned out prejudiced against any group - I dislike everyone LOL - Paula Deen was wrong and when Trayvon's witness said the word "cracker" she also lost all credibility to me.

                          Side note: I really, really wish I could magically transport all of you here to the Ozarks to see how this part of the world thinks. I seem to bring that sore-thumb feeling with me wherever I go.....
                          Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                            Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                            Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                            Side note: I really, really wish I could magically transport all of you here to the Ozarks to see how this part of the world thinks. I seem to bring that sore-thumb feeling with me wherever I go.....
                            My mother's family is from the Tennessee Appalachians. They are out there still, making moonshine, inbreeding and fighting the Civil War. My mother's racism tore my family apart from the inside. So yeah, I'm familiar.
                            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                              Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                              Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                              My mother's family is from the Tennessee Appalachians. They are out there still, making moonshine, inbreeding and fighting the Civil War. My mother's racism tore my family apart from the inside. So yeah, I'm familiar.
                              Yup, very similar cultures. Appalachians migrated here. The big argument around here is that prayer in the schools would solve everything that's wrong with 'muriKKKa. And we DO have armed teachers. (Just in case those prayers don't work fast enough) LOL
                              Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                                Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                                Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                                Yup, very similar cultures. Appalachians migrated here. The big argument around here is that prayer in the schools would solve everything that's wrong with 'muriKKKa. And we DO have armed teachers. (Just in case those prayers don't work fast enough) LOL
                                Remind me never to move anywhere near there... ever...

                                But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                                ~Jim Butcher

