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Gargoyles anyone?

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    Re: Gargoyles anyone?

    Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
    For me I tend to think of a totem, etc the same as one might use a Charge (thinks of a Knights Shield image) or Herald (A city, family or other crest) badge. They do not serve to protect but to inspire oneself beyond their own limitations and almost serve as a rally concept. It's like Clan badges or crests that are carried which reveal the Clan's totems, power animals or other special creatures that the Clan identifies with. Yet it's never about watching over the Clan or nation but it's ability to inspire or teach its strengths and merits.

    Just my own opinion but I'd think if you do not know it well enough that you have to ask it then you've (collective not you specifically) have not connected with your ________. Especially when you consider it's very much new age to have predator totems such as Wolf or Bear when in older societies any creature could be a totem, Power Animal, Spiritual Animal or other such concepts. Not to say Bear and Wolf were not recognized as Clans within a society that represented a whole group such as Wolf and Bear Clan's that were found in various NA nations or concepts such as Berserkers in Nordic lore.

    That's why I'd be very content with a sleepy lizard totem I like sleepys! If they bite you, you won't get your finger out by pulling, they bite harder to stop you getting away! You can trick them though, push your finger in they think they're getting more food, so they open up, and BAM you can escape! haha sorry, off topic :P

    Personally I'd not take a twig from a living plant as I see all things as having a spirit and soul of some degree. Not to say I wouldn't ask a particular plant to gift me a fragment of itself or it's fruit such as a pine cone for instance to use. Other wise to me its not much different than tearing a persons arm off so you can have some of their energy. Have to admit though I tend to use something from the Stone People more than from the Green People or Standing Ones.
    And I agree here. Poor trees. I felt bad taking lemons off my tree recently
    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


    I have never been across the way
    Seen the desert and the birds
    You cut your hair short
    Like a shush to an insult
    The world had been yelling
    Since the day you were born
    Revolting with anger
    While it smiled like it was cute
    That everything was shit.

    - J. Wylder


      Re: Gargoyles anyone?

      Originally posted by Heka View Post
      And I agree here. Poor trees. I felt bad taking lemons off my tree recently
      That's what fruits are for, they are tasty so animals will eat them and thus spread the seeds around. Same deal with how we use them. They are useful to us, so we keep them around and tend to them.
      Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


        Re: Gargoyles anyone?

        Originally posted by Heka View Post
        ..And I agree here. Poor trees. I felt bad taking lemons off my tree recently
        Fruit seems to be different in most instances. What is interesting is how we define fruit, those darn burs that catch on your clothes to spread their seed are the fruit of those plants just as much as an apple or orange is the fruit of another type of tree. But then again the purpose of most fruits is to get the seed moved about and spread the plant / tree species and ensure its survival.

        I suppose some plants / tree's do get a laugh from us taking its fruit at the wrong time. A persimmon is great tasting at the right time but will turn your mouth inside out from its bitterness if picked at the wrong time.
        I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


          Re: Gargoyles anyone?

          It was pretty violent haha, poor lemon tree hasn't been consistently watered in years (government house) and is COVERED in thorns, it was rather difficult to get the damn lemons off, so it was... yeah.. violent haha, definitely pulled off more than just the lemon a few times!
          ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


          I have never been across the way
          Seen the desert and the birds
          You cut your hair short
          Like a shush to an insult
          The world had been yelling
          Since the day you were born
          Revolting with anger
          While it smiled like it was cute
          That everything was shit.

          - J. Wylder

