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Gas and oil commercial

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    Gas and oil commercial

    I keep seeing this commercial almost every hour and begin to wonder why the Gas and oil company's would spend this much money to convince the public of their safety and the idea that they stress that they keep the energy coming. I have seen a lot on fracking,and am not as informed as much as I would like on its safety. What made me post is the idea of "Thou protest to much" as in why are you bombarding the airwaves so much,if you are indeed using safe methods to get at the gas. sounds like smoke and mirrors,at least to me.
    MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

    all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
    NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
    don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


    my new page here,let me know what you think.

    nothing but the shadow of what was


    Re: Gas and oil commercial

    I don't know much about fracking either, but I would agree that it seems a little odd that they are so focused on making you believe that it is in fact safe. Does anyone on here know about the safety of it?


      Re: Gas and oil commercial

      I think they run those ads so much because in recent years, people seriously *don't* trust oil and energy companies. People have been going nuts over nuclear power, in the US at least, for decades, absolutely terrified that each and every plant will explode and turn the state it's in into Chernobyl. Added to that, in the past four or five years, BP had a giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that they frankly were clueless on how to clean up, and a nuclear power plant in Japan had a meltdown just before it would have been upgraded because it was damaged by an earthquake or something. That's not even mentioning the flack a lot of them get if they aren't supplying everyone with green energy, like geothermal, hydroelectric, wind or solar power.

      So, the gas/oil/power companies really feel a lot of pressure to convince people that they're safe, good to have around, and necessary for the viewers' way of life to continue. They feel like they should make sure people appreciate that they're needed, and so should be kept around and paid.


        Re: Gas and oil commercial

        Ads are pointless 90% of the time, but most marketers still don't realize it. You can barely convince people to buy frozen pizza through ads, let alone anything important like public opinion matters or voting. Most will ignore it, most that don't will forget it, and the rest are highly unlikely to be swayed by an ad. I guess in the case of oil and gas companies, that money comes from their own profits and they can burn it if they want to, but political ads bother me. That's public money that's being burnt, and either people already agree with you, or they're just going to ignore it (especially in the case of attack ads).

        Oil and gas companies could make much better use of their money by being responsible (seriously) and showing the public that they're committed to safety and the environment, and through good PR. Maybe reach out to communities and locals in areas near fraking extraction and help them understand how it works and how it might affect them. Of course, most companies are too lazy, so they burn money in ads that won't convince anyone.


          Re: Gas and oil commercial

          Most intelligent people won't be convinced by it, or any other ad. It's a shame there's so many dickheads out there. They get influenced by it, and that is why I watch the ABC - ad-less!
          ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


          I have never been across the way
          Seen the desert and the birds
          You cut your hair short
          Like a shush to an insult
          The world had been yelling
          Since the day you were born
          Revolting with anger
          While it smiled like it was cute
          That everything was shit.

          - J. Wylder


            Re: Gas and oil commercial

            Countless studies prove that even the incredibly impressionable are no longer affected by ads. There are just too many ads out there.


              Re: Gas and oil commercial

              haha maybe it's just my area then :P My dad's bought a Kleva-sharp and an Ab-Twister Pro :P bahaha
              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


              I have never been across the way
              Seen the desert and the birds
              You cut your hair short
              Like a shush to an insult
              The world had been yelling
              Since the day you were born
              Revolting with anger
              While it smiled like it was cute
              That everything was shit.

              - J. Wylder


                Re: Gas and oil commercial

                It's probably different in every country. Most people here won't even watch commercials. I know that personally, I'm only aware of them because I studied marketing. And even then I ignore 90% of them. I've never bought anything because of an ad. I'm sure the odd person does, but the vast majority of people don't. There are much better ways of selling things.


                  Re: Gas and oil commercial

                  Originally posted by Heka View Post
                  haha maybe it's just my area then :P My dad's bought a Kleva-sharp and an Ab-Twister Pro :P bahaha
                  an infomercial is not an add, I haven't seen many, (and so have no idea what these products are.) but getting an hour or two to talk and having someone watch it is not the same as regular commercials.
                  I used to put JTV on as background noise (massively bad idea) and I have a problem with shiny things. My husband was only OK with that practice until stuff from that company started being delivered... now it does not go on our TV any longer....

                  But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                  ~Jim Butcher


                    Re: Gas and oil commercial

                    Matt Damon just did an anti-fracking movie so it's kinda a topic right now. Fracking is taking water, chemicals and sand and putting holes in rocks. Her locally we have it going in it's to natural gas veins. The water is contaminated. A lady got some in her well and lost all her teeth in month. It's toxic. The have to contain it but water tends to move around and seep. It's always image control.


                      Re: Gas and oil commercial

                      I am not as well educated about fracking as I should be, but nothing I have heard makes it seem like a good idea....

                      But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                      ~Jim Butcher


                        Re: Gas and oil commercial

                        This spring there was a pretty messy oil spill (faulty pipeline) in Arkansas that was kept pretty quiet unless you know the area. Makes me wonder what else goes on that people don't hear about.

                        The pro-fracking faction is out for a quick buck. As far as I'm concerned they can go frack themselves.
                        Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                          Re: Gas and oil commercial

                          I loled...I'm sorry, but I love Battlestar Galactica!

