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Wine making/home brewing

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    Wine making/home brewing

    Last summer I made several bottles of dandelion wine, some of which is still sitting in a cool, dark place in my basement. I used the yellow parts from a whole pot full of dandelion heads, plus orange zest and a few other spices. The wine came out a pale yellow color, and it's fairly decent for a first attempt although it doesn't have much flavor.

    Does anybody have stories of wine making or homebrewing, or any tips for those starting out?

    Re: Wine making/home brewing

    Your dandelion wine doesn't have much flavour? Mine is 4 months old, sitting in the carboy still, and last I tasted it, it was an explosion of flavour in my mouth.

    I also brew mead, and have two batches on the go right now (and probably will have 2-3 batches starting in the winter, too)


    As for tips, the best one would be to sanitize. Sanitize the crap out of everything you use. Because it's hard to mess up fruit wines and meads, but wild yeast getting in (from not sanitizing, and not using an airlock) will mess stuff up. For beer, I don't have any advice, since I've never tried!

    And if you're into trying to make meads, I have a bunch of resources I could share with you. I just don't wanna spam your thread unneccessarily.

    Mostly art.

