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Ottawa Trip

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    Ottawa Trip

    Well folks, just got back from Ottawa. The beautiful capital city of Canada. I decided to ride up there alone to get a little bit of patriotic satisfaction and to learn more about our country. So, to show you all a little bit of Canadian British culture I'll share some photos.

    (Click on the photos for a larger view.)

    Our beautiful parliament buildings. I was pretty close to Stephen Harper for a bit there.

    A statue of our current majesty the Queen of England.

    The changing of the guard in front of the parliament buildings.

    A few things about this.

    1. Those are all real trained Canadian soldiers, some of them have medals from deployment in afghanistan.
    2. All the guns they carry are real with real fixed bayonets.
    3. The guns have ammunition in the clip but no round is chambered and the weapons are on safety.
    4. They are there to protect the royal family and parliament at all costs.

    Here is a picture of one of the royal guards medics, some of the royal guard have been known to pass out due to wearing a 2 inch thick wool tunic all day in the sun.

    So, if you haven't noticed I'm a big England patriot (And Canada) I may add more to this thread as I have a ton of pictures and even a full video of the changing of the guard.
    White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
    In Days of yore,
    From Britain's shore
    Wolfe the dauntless hero came
    And planted firm Britannia's flag
    On Canada's fair domain.
    Here may it wave,
    Our boast, our pride
    And joined in love together,
    The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
    The Maple Leaf Forever.