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Miley Cyrus VMA's

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    Miley Cyrus VMA's

    So...I'm not the kind of person that normally watches the VMA's, but (because of Miley Cyrus) was mentioned on NPR this I went to see what the hubub was. And...I'm still not sure.

    Maybe its because I never watched Hannah Montana...but...other than being a cheap and tasteless rip off of what far more talented individuals were doing 20+ years ago, when it was actually risque...

    Is it really a controversy? Am I missing something?
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

    Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

    Its because she went from acting all "cute and sweet and such a role model for younger girls to look up to" to what she did last night and is acting like a complete *insert string of profanities resulting in nasty prostitute*

    It was honestly completely disgusting and pathetic and I can't believe that people look up to trash behavior like what she's been exhibiting the last year or two.
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      Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

      I looked up the video, too, and laughed so hard I had myself wheezing from asthma. To me, it's a desperate--very desperate--attempt to stay relevant. She's been doing this for awhile now. It's pretty sad when the only way you can stay in the spotlight is to basically act like. . . well, you know. Lmao.

      Kuchi wa wazawai no moto (the mouth is the origin of disasters)


        Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

        I'm just wondering what the big deal is I guess...I mean, I was *at* Madonna's Blonde Ambition tour--wearing fleshy colored undies and gyrating is like, so 20+ years ago.
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

          I thought it was rather comical. It was like she wanted to be sexy, but didn't know how... what was with the tongue?

          I do, however hate to see such blatant exploitation of the mentally challenged.
          "Don't ever miss a good opportunity to shut up." - Harvey Davis "Gramps"


            Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

            What the shit did I just watch?

            Mostly art.


              Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

              I didn't watch Hanna Montana and Miley actually has a great voice. No idea why this is a big deal. They got upset about Agguleria and Spears too. The sweet ones get crazy for a bit then calm down. Considering the lyrics to the Thicke song her actions were right on par.


                Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                I'm just wondering what the big deal is I guess...I mean, I was *at* Madonna's Blonde Ambition tour--wearing fleshy colored undies and gyrating is like, so 20+ years ago.
                I think the reaction is about half "oh my god she's naked" and half "oh my god that was so fifteen years ago" and there's not really a middle ground reaction. If she wanted attention, though, she's definitely getting it.


                  Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                  I think part of Miley's problem is she got typecast and, once someone's typecast, it's very difficult to break out. The same thing happened with Beiber, albeit maybe to a lesser degree (or maybe he's just better at breaking out of the cast. Who knows?)

                  Miley got typecast as an innocence-sugar-and-roses-child-star-actor-singer. . . person. Now that's she's getting older, she needs to reinvent herself for a new crowd because she's getting too old to be a child star. Thing is, she's being spectacularly foolish about it. There are ways to "mature up" her image without going overboard.

                  Kuchi wa wazawai no moto (the mouth is the origin of disasters)


                    Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                    She's a skinny white girl who cannot twerk to save her life.
                    It's a shame because the girl can sing.

                    Look. This is a girl who just 'found' black hip hop culture. Remember when Madonna found Spanish Harlem? Yeah. It's just that.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                      I think the whole thing is a major over-reaction. To me, it looked like a bunch of people fooling around & having a good time being tacky. Which is what the VMAs used to be about - poking fun at award shoes and MTV all in one. It's not supposed to be a serious award show, just like the MTV movie awards. It's kind of like roast night for the entire concept.

                      I admit, I was a tad confused about all the teddy bears, but whatever, that's me. I see weird stuff all the time on the internet, I should at least be used to it.
                      The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                        Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                        Honestly it kinda just looked like a pole dance in a strip club..or perhaps a lap dance standing up or something.
                        MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                        all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                        NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                        don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                        my new page here,let me know what you think.

                        nothing but the shadow of what was



                          Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                          Kid celebs usually have major issues. Do you guys know who Engelbert Humperdinck is? Well he was born into a non-show biz family, went to school, did his army time, got a job, married, had 3 kids, THEN got discovered, in his late 20's. Today, he still performs, has never been arrested, and is still married to the same wife. David Cassidy, OTOH, had actors for parents, and skyrocketed to fame in his teens . Three wives, several drunk driving arrests, and many years of therapy later, he also still performs. And those are just 2 examples. I hope Miley calms down and does something productive with her life.
                          Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                            Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                            What bothers me, is not the way she's acting, or her songs or anything. It's that her audience is 14 yo girls. 14 yo girls are screwed up enough. They don't need Miley Cyrus being a screw up as well.
                            ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                            I have never been across the way
                            Seen the desert and the birds
                            You cut your hair short
                            Like a shush to an insult
                            The world had been yelling
                            Since the day you were born
                            Revolting with anger
                            While it smiled like it was cute
                            That everything was shit.

                            - J. Wylder


                              Re: Miley Cyrus VMA's

                              Originally posted by Heka View Post
                              What bothers me, is not the way she's acting, or her songs or anything. It's that her audience is 14 yo girls. 14 yo girls are screwed up enough. They don't need Miley Cyrus being a screw up as well.

                              Madonna, the Spice Girls, Britney Spears...its not like this is new, lol
                              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

