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Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

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    Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

    Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
    First, this is false.

    Please see Pinker (The Blank Slate, Chapter 17 on Violence, and, especially, chapter 18 on Gender), and his references - far, far to much peer reviewed research to give you a list of references.

    The current politically correct reason for rape is as you've stated, it's all about power and dominance (and a few other big ticket gender politico issues like misogyny). And that is certainly true from the point of view of the one raped. However, if you want to know the motivation for rape, you need to look at it from the point of view of the rapist. Otherwise, one is inserting things into a mind from outside, and imagining that one knows what one doesn't.

    Second, even in mild, "romantic" sex, power and dominance often form a portion of the pleasure (who puts the moves on who?, for example. Some men find it hot when the woman takes control, other can't stand it). Within the normal spectrum of human behavior, there are many people who take great pleasure in amplifying this fairly standard aspect of sexual relations - they play dom/sub games (personally, that stuff isn't for me, but most of the people who engage in that activity are not psychos in desperate need of counselling or imprisonment. Imagine someone with a strong sex drive, and try to force repression on them, convince them that their urges are the devil's work, and they are more likely to have a problem.

    Before anybody gets all hot and bothered, let me point out that NONE of this excuses rape, in any way. But, if one is interested in reducing the number of rapes that occur, it is useful to actually know what is going on within the minds of the ones who commit the crime. This is called "reality based decision making."
    ...Before anyone gets all hot and bothered? I'm glad to hear you lecture me on something I've been researching the hell out of for the last few years to try to understand "why".

    First off, no its not. Yes, there are other reasons for rape than one reason. Of course there are. But the largest study of rapists every done determined that 70% of men who raped felt "sexually entitled". 60% said they raped because they were bored or for entertainment. 40% wanted to punish the woman they were raping. If that isn't tied into misogyny, I don't know what the hell is.

    Its politically correct because its true in large part. Also, if its not true, what is?

    Also, how dare you lecture me on dominance/submissiveness during sex like I don't understand the difference between two consensual adults and someone dominating a non-consenting person for fun. How. Dare. You. I understand. I really do. They are nothing alike. They really aren't. At all. Of course they aren't psychos. That has nothing to do with it, because consensual sex is very different from rape. Utterly different.

    I am interesting in reducing rapes, in hella invested in it. I've been digging into this to try to make sense of this, reading articles EXACTLY about what you're saying is just the "cool" opinion on the matter.... Its not just 'false.' I mean, gah.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Just ignore me. I can't edit that. But I'm not in a state to be writing posts right now clearly. I apologize for snapping.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Update 2: No really, I was out of line, I was triggered a lot today and I just lost it. Sorry everyone.
    hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


      Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

      Okay you need to breathe. This is first, not about you and also has developed, and I thought in a very appropriately adult manner, into a general discussion of motivation.

      Although the original discussion has progressed, lets also remember that though the original act we are discussing was clearly a violation and absolutely wrong, it also wasn't forcible rape. No one was even touched. While it's clearly a symptom of a bigger problem, going from photos to rape is maybe jumping the gun a little.

      Let's be clear here -- I have been sexual assaulted. I was touched and it was disgusting and it was not consensual. It could probably be easily called a rape, though I'm hardly interested in discussing it to that level of detail, however nonetheless, if I can as a personal victim of this hold myself together enough to have a rational conversation, I think maybe the rest of us can too.

      Corbin was citing a scientific study. Whether that study's theory meets with your personal experience or expectations is irrelevant to its merit if it was done with appropriate oversight. To get personally aggressive towards him, seems in my opinion, a sign of your own issues with power and you might want to consider that when forming your my opinion anyway.

      Know thyself is ...well, its good advice when considering anything you can have an opinion on.


        Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

        as I said, I apologize.

        My general point, laced in my PTSD freakout, that all the research I had done pointed towards what I said earlier, still stands. What he says doesn't meet the standards of the study I cited.

        It has less to do with that and more to do with a long series of issues with people not believing me on topics related to this.... And some incidents regarding that today... But that's neither here nor there. If I could delete that post now that my head is clear I would, but I can't :/ ..... *sigh*

        Anyways, I apologize again for attacking Corbin, freaking out, and derailing the thread. I'm very sorry.

        - - - Updated - - -

        ugh, so yeah, just.... Ignore my posts and continue on the discussion. Sorry.
        hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


          Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

          Hey, just because we may disagree doesn't mean we want to throw the baby out with the proverbial bathwater. This place is full of strong opinionated individuals, including me.

          So your input is wanted, just try to think before pushing the 'post reply' button. It's the one perk of the internet. Even someone as hot headed as me can prevent sharing the wealth of my crazy.


            Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

            It's all good.

            Malflick, I'm often so bad that nobody should ever feel the need to apologize to me.

            And so, for that reason, I thank you.

            The fault was also with me. I've sent a PM explaining. I hope we're cool now :shy:
            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


              Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior


              We're all good . Thank you for being understanding.
              hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                Re: Religion and Sexually Deviant Behavior

                In Utah, the Mormons have sexually repressed their daughters, the boys are expected to know for their future wives and are taught the basics, however this sexual repression (and the stupid stupid STUPID law that says they cannot even tell us what a condom IS in health classes) is the reason Utah has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation. Keeping someone in the dark will not keep them from doing something natural, they didn't have sex ed for cavemen yet they managed to figure it out, if people want to have sex they will, all they do with sexual repression is when their children do have sex they won't use contraception and end up being parents at a very young age.

