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Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

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    Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

    Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
    Use of turn signals.
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
      What's one thing every single person should know how to do?

      ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


      I have never been across the way
      Seen the desert and the birds
      You cut your hair short
      Like a shush to an insult
      The world had been yelling
      Since the day you were born
      Revolting with anger
      While it smiled like it was cute
      That everything was shit.

      - J. Wylder


        Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
        What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
        Cope. With themselves, with mortality, with all the BS that gets thrown their way, with life.
        Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


          Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
          What's one thing every single person should know how to do?

          and not annoy me.

          the latter can be achieved, most easily, by educating one's self.
          "Don't ever miss a good opportunity to shut up." - Harvey Davis "Gramps"


            Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
            To survive without technology.


              Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
              What's one thing every single person should know how to do?


              "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

              "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

              "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

              "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
                MaskedOne and Torey have stolen my two best ideas XD
                So I guess everyone must know how to fix home problems. (the physical ones).
                "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                  Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                  Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                  What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
                  Not put the washing away until it's DRY.

                  Seriously... if one more work experience kid puts wet towels in the cupboard after explicitly being told to make sure it's dry first, I may just mark their feedback forms 'needs to learn basic life skills before even thinking about entering the workforce'.


                    Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                    <-------goes on to be the only one to say something frivilous

                    Sail a boat
                    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                      Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                      What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
                      Make do with less.

                      Less time, less money, less support, less stuff.

                      Once you find out how much you can do with nothing, you realize having exactly what you need is more important than having everything you want.
                      The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                        Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                        Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                        <-------goes on to be the only one to say something frivilous

                        Sail a boat
                        Hmm, on the frivilous side, I vote conquer a small nation.
                        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                          Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                          What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
                          Well, if I'm answering seriously then I have to say that more than anything else, I think we all need to know how to conduct proper research.

                          If I'm answering for fun, then I say hula hoop. I DARE you to have a bad time with one!
                          No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                            Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                            Originally posted by Bjorn View Post
                            If I'm answering for fun, then I say hula hoop. I DARE you to have a bad time with one!
                            My knees & ankles would beg to differ. Those hoops hurt when they hit body parts on the way down, lol.
                            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                              Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                              What's one thing every single person should know how to do?
                              In my utterly humorless, terminally serious, usual style, I reply:


                              Pretty much covers everything, I thinks.

                              Yes, even hula hooping...
                              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                                Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                                Originally posted by Ophidia View Post
                                My knees & ankles would beg to differ. Those hoops hurt when they hit body parts on the way down, lol.
                                You can play with them on your arms too! And then you can come watch the 0 tricks I can do with my hula hoop aside from keeping it from hitting the ground (mostly). I shall share my whimsy with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
                                Last edited by Bjorn; 16 Jul 2014, 08:29. Reason: because I'm a tard
                                No one tells the wind which way to blow.

