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Hello PF

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    Hello PF

    Hello PF,

    My name is Shai. I'm new here and still new in my journey. I have spent a lot of time discovering what I believe and well frankly, I'm just starting to hear the callings. I was raised Christian - particularly Assembly of God - but no matter how hard I tried to believe I just didn't feel it. I have read about different beliefs and the one base belief I kept coming back to was paganism. I have read about the different paths, contemplated, read about the deities, listened, waited, etc.. and I keep coming back to the Egyptian side of the many-sided dice.

    I've recently felt a bit disconnected from other who share similar beliefs and lack of motivation (having no one to talk to or to help keep me moving forward does little for motivating). So I am here. I am always up for talking to new people so don't be shy. I really look forward to having somewhere to come to connect with other pagans.

    Re: Hello PF

    Hey, welcome to the forums Shai . I hope this place has all you look for. We're a diverse lot here of all kinds and creeds.

    I'm sorry you don't have people to connect to where you are, being alone in one's beliefs is unfun.

    But hey, the internet is here 8D!

    (and by the many sided dice reference, do you perhaps play RPGs?)
    hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


      Re: Hello PF

      Thanks Malfick, I do in fact play RPGs.


        Re: Hello PF

        any favorites ?
        hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


          Re: Hello PF

          I am currently playing in an Anima campaign, and also helping play test a new gaming system. I've played dnd as well, but my favorite was SLA Industries, though it really depends on the gm and the story.


            Re: Hello PF

            again slightly presumptious as i'm new here too...but hello


              Re: Hello PF



                Re: Hello PF

                Thank you all for welcoming me.


                  Re: Hello PF

                  Welcome Shai

