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Discrimination against atheists...

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    Discrimination against atheists...

    Ran across this article on another forum that I frequent. Any thoughts on this? Any atheists out there who have first hand experience dealing with this sort of thing?

    Re: Discrimination against atheists...

    Well, this wasn't really a problem for me. My wife was raised Catholic, but became Pagan, I was Christian, then Pagan, and am now an Atheist.

    Her parents respected me for who I am, because they were hippies and not hung up on that kind of stupid shit (they were hung up on other stupid shit).

    It's probably more likely that I'd get it from my own family - two sisters of non-denom Christian and a Catholic mother, but if they feel anything other than that I'm missing out on something they don't let on. I haven't let it change my morals or my ethics (if anything I would guess that I tend to outmoral and outethic them, but I don't like to focus on stuff like that ) so honestly couldn't give two shits if they wanted something like that to be a hang up.

    I am. That's all. If someone can't accept me like that, then that's not a person I want to have any involvement with.


      Re: Discrimination against atheists...

      You know a lot of 'religious' people only become 'religious' and care about their 'religion' when someone comes along and is not one. Usually they go about their day to day life not even really thinking about this.

      That and half of America are idiots.

      So. There's that.
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Discrimination against atheists...

        That's a good attitude to have, Rock.
        Medusa: I've encountered religious people who don't act like they give a flying flock of shits about their religion until it comes time to preach at someone who isn't following it. They'll do all kinds of things that are forbidden by their chosen way of life, but once they see two men walking down the street holding hands, they're ready to launch some kind of holy war about it.
        Conclusion: People can be pretty silly.


          Re: Discrimination against atheists...

          I'm not atheist, but most of my friends are. It's just not as big of a deal in a lot of other countries (definitely not Germany, Canada, or the UK). You can post all day long about your atheist views and wear Darwin T-Shirts everywhere you go and no one will care. A lot of people aren't active enough christians to actually bother going to church on a regular basis, so no one will care that you don't do that either. A lot of religious people end up with atheists and vice versa, so it's a common situation that people just have to make their peace with. Personally, my boyfriend is an atheist and all his family are atheists...I'm not, but we just don't talk about religion, because no one really cares about it. I think being a conservative would be a lot more divisive in our case.

          I'm not sure about politics, though. A lot of people high up in politics make a show about going to church. This is truer in the more conservative parties, but it also goes for a lot of members of the centre left.


            Re: Discrimination against atheists...

            The very first personnel issue I had to deal with after my promotion was an atheist being hounded by a couple of religious officers. I interviewed them, and they honestly thought they hadn't done anything wrong. So I sanctioned the crap out of both of them, and then inflicted the ultimate horror on them...Sensitivity training.

            That's the only time I've ever seen this exact form of bigotry.


              Re: Discrimination against atheists...

              Originally posted by iflewoverthecuckoosnest View Post
              Ran across this article on another forum that I frequent. Any thoughts on this? Any atheists out there who have first hand experience dealing with this sort of thing?
              My father is an atheist, and I am not aware that he's experienced any sort of discrimination. However, he is very private with his beliefs, and doesn't "advertise". Not because he is afraid of retribution, but that he doesn't consider his personal beliefs relevant to his job performance or social standing.

              In the corp that I work for, they really push the diversity thing, and pride themselves on diversity awards and such and so on. Sensitivity training is required every number of years, and everything is covered ... from race, religion, able-ness, age, you name it. I am not aware of any atheists that have experienced discrimination there. To be honest, it is one of the few places, around December, that I can feel confident that no one will freak out if I say "Merry Yule". Folks where I work say whatever they say, and don't feel pressured to subscribe to any sanitized one-fits-all phrase. And we all respond in kind.

              It's nice.


                Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                Originally posted by Luce View Post
                The very first personnel issue I had to deal with after my promotion was an atheist being hounded by a couple of religious officers. I interviewed them, and they honestly thought they hadn't done anything wrong. So I sanctioned the crap out of both of them, and then inflicted the ultimate horror on them...Sensitivity training.

                That's the only time I've ever seen this exact form of bigotry.
                You are an evil, evil man....

                I approve of this.
                Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                  Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                  I don't think I've ever been the object of prejudice for being nonfaithfilled.

                  However, since I live in Redneck heaven where "Christianity" is considered standard, even for people who can't spell "Jesus," I don't talk about it, and keep my head down.

                  It's not that I imagine I would become a target of some kind (nobody cares enough about me to bother putting a "kick me" sign on my back), but I'd rather avoid the unconscious prejudice that people really can't control.

                  However, I did run into this a minute ago:

                  Atheists Face Discrimination On A Shocking Level (INFOGRAPHIC)
                  Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                    Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                    It's really bad that atheists are being discriminated. I don't remember the name of the thread I posted in but I am saying it again (perhaps in a bit different words):
                    In every community there are good and bad people.
                    After all, a person can be a really good one without any religion at all. I wonder, when will people learn that religion doesn't make the difference? I know some atheists who appear to be awesome persons.
                    It's not fair that atheists are discriminated because they don't believe in anything or because they don't follow any religion. That's my opinion about it.
                    "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                    Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                      Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                      I was thinking about this a bit more, and I have to say: I was discriminated against more as a Pagan than I have been as an Atheist, but I don't think that correlation can equal causation there. Why? Well, because I'm also a different person now. As a Pagan, I was anything but shy about my spirituality. Now, I wouldn't necessarily advertise, but I was more than happy to let someone know that I wasn't Christian. That very nearly cost me the job change that gave me my first very real IT job. Had HR been successful in their attempts to dismiss me for "not being Christian", I might very likely still be a file clerk right now. Or a meth addict, but I like to think I'm an optimist.

                      Now, I'm still not shy...but I'm practical. I have tried desperately to remember how the elitist pricks that I used to associate with Atheism used to make me feel when I was a believer. I remember thinking that they thought they were better than me. That may or may not be true, but being aware of that I kind of tend to swing a bit in the other direction without trying to sound condescending. Ultimately, I try to let people know that: Your religion is none of my business.

                      Of course, that accomplishes two things - it puts them a bit at their ease because they know they won't have to defend themselves or even bother explaining anything if they don't want to, but it also leaves them in the awkward position of either agreeing with me (because duh), or flying in the face of anything rational and insisting that my beliefs are any of their business.

                      I'm also a lot older and less inclined to engage people in religious discussion to begin's just not a big factor in my life anymore. I think that comes out, and honestly, most people that are inclined to judge someone for their religion have a truckload of other reasons to judge me before getting that far.


                        Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                        Some people are so religious they aren't even sure what an atheist is...

                        I was once out in my nearest town, on a market day and there was an old boy there wearing a couple of placards, shouting that the end of the world was nigh and we should all repent. And of course for reasons I will never fathom, he homed in on me. Perhaps (I like to think) because I was out with my family and we looked pretty normal (by the standards of time and place.)

                        I gently explained that I wasn't a Christian, but that I would defend his right to stand on the corner and shout himself hoarse if he wanted to. I explained that in our family we have many beliefs - and none - and that one of my sons-in-law is a Hindu.
                        At that, the man's face changed. 'Aw, no!' he moaned (and yes, he really did moan, as none but a Welshman can), 'He's an atheist then!'
                        Go figure.

                        Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                          Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                          I can see this kinda thing happening for two major reasons, small minded people (as per for any type of discrimination), people who've conversed with the more arsey 'religion is bad mm'kay' side of Atheism, a few rotten applies spoil the bunch and such.
                          Witnessed and received the latter, never the former >.<
                          Work hard Play hard.
                          What is history?


                            Re: Discrimination against atheists...

                            Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
                            You are an evil, evil man....

                            I approve of this.
                            I am not prone to allowing discrimination on my shift.

                            Now they're both sitting in the evidence locker for 3 weeks, doing paperwork and calling me every name in the book. Life is good.

