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8 year old girl tased to save her life

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    Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

    Originally posted by LordJulian View Post
    This is just pure dumb brute force that they have used such methods to easily solve a domestic situation by tasering a young child, and it's a child for god's sake, not a healthy adult that the taser would be most calibrated for, and the taser(if I believe) would be only targeted at aggressors aimed to hurt other intended targets. Surely an option of a counseling approach from a specialist be a better option than inflict intense pain on someone who isn't meant for it? And what if the situation got worse if the taser would seriously hurt or even put her in mortal danger from the shock? Even if the child is being actively aggressive, posing a risk around others, shouldn't the police officers have enough experience to subdue her with minimal force? They are trained police officers that are intended to 'serve and protect' the citizens after all, not military troopers.

    The actions of what most American police officers were doing to solve disputes or crimes in the US is what scares me. And for the fact that this fact that from one of the post explaining the realities of troubled children(which I believe the article is directed to the US) shows a big crack in today's modern society.

    The use of a taser is far from "pure dumb brute force." Pure dumb brute force is when a cop tackles you to the ground and takes command of the situation, this is what they're trained to do. To take command of the situation. They are not counselors, they are not given that role in their training or their job description, and it is unfair to expect them to be that person. If you want a counselor to intervene on behalf of your knife-wielding child, you can pay them the $50-500/hour to do so on your own dime and make sure you find one that's on-call for whenever an unexpected episode happens.

    It is also not particularly painful to be tased. The hooks hurt when they're pulled out, but it's like a pinch (rather than a stab that an officer or the child could have received if not subdued). The actual electric current induces spasms, not "intense pain." All police officers are tasered before they are allowed to carry one (at least in this country). They are well aware of what they are putting another human being through. The electricity itself isn't dangerous, it's when it's combined with illnesses of the heart or other biological situations.

    The police department is a para-military operation, they are trained in the same way the military is when it comes to keeping themselves safe. You protect yourself and your partners, as well as the public. Who is going to keep the public safe if the police are taking risks with their own safety? They have families to go home to too at night. I know what it is police are taught when it comes to the use of force, and by no means are they trained to use "minimal force." They're trained to do what is necessary to defuse situations and keep as many people as possible safe in the process. And I for one agree with their methods and the strategy behind it. Police face real danger every day of their careers, even before and after their careers in some cases, and they have to deal with the press and the public breathing down their necks constantly as well.

    As a side note, if you did bring a counselor into the situation with a child wielding a knife and behaving aggressively, that counselor by law would say that the second that child picked up a weapon it became a police matter and not a counseling appropriate situation. Also, for the safety of the counselor, they would not put themselves into that danger either.

    I know my opinions aren't generally accepted by a lot of people's standards, but everyone has a right to protect themselves from danger and that includes police and therapists. Children kill, harm, destroy, it's not unheard of. This is the reality we live in. And because police and therapists are exposed to the worst of the worst, people having their worst moments and crises, they are well within their rights to train, prepare, and act appropriately for those situations.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally posted by LunarHarvest View Post
    Not really relevant to this specific case, but on a similar note on the general attitude I see among a lot of Western nations at the moment. I am all for keeping the law enforcement accountable for any actions they take, and for punishing those guilty of abuses, but I don't really appreciate how people keep jumping on the law enforcement, and assuming the worst from them, without taking into account the full detail of circumstances surrounding the incidents.
    Seconding this.


      Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

      Yet another wonderful example of Americas horrible police force . Honestly if your a grown man and can't handle a little girl without excessive force under any condition then u don't need to be a police officer because there creed is to protect and serve not the creed of we must taser and shoot US citizens . I hate police they hardly protect anything or serve for that matter
      Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


        Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

        Originally posted by satanic witch View Post
        I hate police they hardly protect anything or serve for that matter
        Case in point.


          Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

          I believe there needs to be more transparency in their routine procedures. They have uniform cameras honestly they should be utilized more it will protect the officers from any disputes. We have these tools lets use them.


            Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

            Can I disarm an 8 year old with a knife through straight physical force? Yes

            Can I do so in a way that limits risk to myself? Yes

            Can I do so in a way that limits my risk without employing methods that may cause lasting physical risk to the 8 year old? Only if they hand me an opportunity on a golden platter and say, "Please mister, take my knife away."

            Do the odds of me taking the knife without hurting the kid increase if I'm willing to let the kid deal potentially mortal strikes to my person? You try it, let's find out.

            Do I have any surefire way to take a knife away from the 8 year old without injury to either one of us when the 8 year old in question is just as happy using the knife on herself and is preparing to dash for another room? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! That's a good one. Do I get power armor too?

            Tasers on a good day won't kill and the electrical spasms will take out any ability for the kid to do something unexpected with the blade. I don't like the option but until I see it proven that another reliable method to disarm the kid was available, I'm not condemning the cops for pulling a bad option from a toolkit of crappy options.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

              Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
              Can I disarm an 8 year old with a knife through straight physical force? Yes

              Can I do so in a way that limits risk to myself? Yes

              Can I do so in a way that limits my risk without employing methods that may cause lasting physical risk to the 8 year old? Only if they hand me an opportunity on a golden platter and say, "Please mister, take my knife away."

              Do the odds of me taking the knife without hurting the kid increase if I'm willing to let the kid deal potentially mortal strikes to my person? You try it, let's find out.

              Do I have any surefire way to take a knife away from the 8 year old without injury to either one of us when the 8 year old in question is just as happy using the knife on herself and is preparing to dash for another room? Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! That's a good one. Do I get power armor too?

              Tasers on a good day won't kill and the electrical spasms will take out any ability for the kid to do something unexpected with the blade. I don't like the option but until I see it proven that another reliable method to disarm the kid was available, I'm not condemning the cops for pulling a bad option from a toolkit of crappy options.
              Yeah tasering a little girl was the right call . Just like when the officer shot Michal brown while unarmed in furgesn Missouri and the millions of other instances of police misconduct , perhaps millitarizing the police was a right call , really . I have zero trust for law enforcement officers . Perhaps this is because there is substantial evidence proving that police in america is corrupt . And honestly tasering a little girl isn't serving anyone
              Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


                Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                Have you read the independent report on the matter which goes over the case details and describes, in detail, the events that went on leading up to the use of a Taser?

                Considering that any other method would have likely resulted in more serious, and possibly lethal, injury to the child, tasing was the least-lethal and most appropriate form of action they could have taken, in my opinion.


                  Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                  Originally posted by LunarHarvest View Post
                  Have you read the independent report on the matter which goes over the case details and describes, in detail, the events that went on leading up to the use of a Taser?

                  Considering that any other method would have likely resulted in more serious, and possibly lethal, injury to the child, tasing was the least-lethal and most appropriate form of action they could have taken, in my opinion.
                  Of all the things I've read would have to concur with you.
                  I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                    Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                    Originally posted by satanic witch View Post
                    Yeah tasering a little girl was the right call . Just like when the officer shot Michal brown while unarmed in furgesn Missouri and the millions of other instances of police misconduct , perhaps millitarizing thue police was a right call , really . I have zero trust for law enforcement officers . Perhaps this is because there is substantial evidence proving that police in america is corrupt . And honestly tasering a little girl isn't serving anyone
                    Not all police are corupt. Not every instance with police is negative respectable cops exist they just dont hit the media. Cop saves girl from rapist doesnt get as much attention as a headline saying police officer rapes women.

                    The bad acts of a few or many dont speak for the actions of all. I have a tattoo that will have me classified as a gang member based on the bad actions of others. That is a wrong line of thinking imho.

                    What happened in Fergason, Mo doesnt mean the whole police department is shoddy. We need transparency so police cant be falsely accused and
                    civilians are protected from cops that abuse their power. I have had both postive and negative interactions with police. More training better tools and a system set up to regulate inspect the conduct of their officers. More psycological checks its stressfullmany times this optional but not manutory through out the career of an officer.

                    Imho ex military should be more for swat teams and others designed to handle more stressfull situations dependin on how much combat they have experienced.

                    The general screw the police thought does not bring any changes. Just fuels riots and riots will not bring change just them to feel justified to use more force on us.

                    I apologize if i misunderstood you.


                      Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                      No I agree with u completely I just was raised around people who don't like cops therefore I share that value . I don't trust them never have probably never will . I'm just angry because they are supposed to protect and serve and the only people they really serve from what I've seen is rich people . How many rich people are in prison??? Yet if u research it rich people tend to break laws often and get away free were as a poor man commits the same crime say possession of cocaine poor man is gonna do a lot more time . Or at least that's the mentality I have as well as my family
                      Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


                        Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                        Originally posted by satanic witch View Post
                        No I agree with u completely I just was raised around people who don't like cops therefore I share that value . I don't trust them never have probably never will . I'm just angry because they are supposed to protect and serve and the only people they really serve from what I've seen is rich people . How many rich people are in prison??? Yet if u research it rich people tend to break laws often and get away free were as a poor man commits the same crime say possession of cocaine poor man is gonna do a lot more time . Or at least that's the mentality I have as well as my family
                        Wow, that sounds like a lot of the same justification I heard growing up about blacks, gays, etc...especially the part about I raised around them there for I share that value. I have some cops I despise but I do not hold all cops in that attachment.
                        I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                          Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                          Originally posted by satanic witch View Post
                          I'm just angry because they are supposed to protect and serve and the only people they really serve from what I've seen is rich people .
                          Law enforcement arrest plenty of wealthy and rich people. If you have a problem with rich people not getting the same punishment as those who are not wealthy, then that is an issue with the court judges not the law enforcement. The law enforcement does not assign judgement or punishment, but ensures that the laws are being followed by the population. It is the juries and the judges of the courts which assign the penalties for the people who are found to be not following the laws properly.

                          Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                          Wow, that sounds like a lot of the same justification I heard growing up about blacks, gays, etc...especially the part about I raised around them there for I share that value. I have some cops I despise but I do not hold all cops in that attachment.


                            Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                            I just want to remind you all that you are all arguing on how to kick a kid's ass.

                            I love you.
                            Satan is my spirit animal


                              Re: 8 year old girl tased to save her life

                              Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                              Wow, that sounds like a lot of the same justification I heard growing up about blacks, gays, etc...especially the part about I raised around them there for I share that value. I have some cops I despise but I do not hold all cops in that attachment.
                              First off I have no issue with gays since I'm gay my self I don't have an issue with any race religion or person I just don't like cops . And I don't like government . And I don't like the way that situation was handled yeah that may have been the best option but still I don't think an 8 year old should be tasered . That is just my personal opinion . Your right not all cops are bad and I recognize this . I'm just saying my idea of protect and serve isn't beating someone half to death or in some cases to death , I'd rather see non violent cops who will protect the innocent which includes the apprehended suspect aka innocent until proven guilty by court of law.
                              Last edited by satanic witch; 13 Sep 2014, 00:36.
                              Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                I just want to remind you all that you are all arguing on how to kick a kid's ass.

                                I love you.
                                I have a million ways.

                                Comes with being a teacher. Just ask B.
                                ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                                I have never been across the way
                                Seen the desert and the birds
                                You cut your hair short
                                Like a shush to an insult
                                The world had been yelling
                                Since the day you were born
                                Revolting with anger
                                While it smiled like it was cute
                                That everything was shit.

                                - J. Wylder

