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    New here

    I just found this forum the other day and i like it so far, but on some of the threads i have read the text looks strange. I think it is bb code, which is to format rtf styles like puntuation, and typeface and that. I can still read some of it. It seems to be on page two of posts i have seen.

    Is this a setting? I am a primitive man in terms of technology, nearly luddite for many years. I bought this phone last summer, it is all the internet i have. I am not complaining, i just dont understand.

    Like many in this section I am seeker of knowledge here. I wonder if this is the right place to learn. I like the forum style, it reminds me of the old days with the bbs and all that. Its a rare familiar thing in a modern world that is perplexing to me.

    I have so many questions, i feel like a ball of jumbled yarn, all tangled with chaff and burrs. I think much of my inspiration came from fantasy stories that were fictional. I still wonder about some of them, that perhaps the author was sharing some secrets or something.

    At present i can read text sites and see pictures but its very slow. I binged on disney plus movies and now i have no data left. I liked the marvel movies alot, but then i liked harry potter too. Some one very uptight once said that "h potter is as offensive to a real pagan as jesus christ superstar would be to a baptist" we were drinking at the time, so i thought it was funny then. I threatened her with mispronouncing words in latin and waving about a special stick.

    I feel drawn to the Old Ways, to primitivism in general, to ancient american culture, to the music of Heilung, and the names Norse Pantheon. I feel a deep kinship with Our Lord, Our Lady, and thier childe, me. I am drawn to threes and diagrams of trefoil design, boromilian rings, boro something. There is a sigil of the old norse with triangles that is similar. I think about the goddess alot but dont like the word at all, as it implies that first there was god(male) then there was goddess(its a longer word) thats proly unclear. I just say Her or Mother or Oma or Nanna, or things like that. Jan Jan sometimes, she was the femdios of an old woman i knew as a boy

    I worry about neopaganism being a patchwork quilt, and never heard of eclectic pagan before coming here. It seems like a buffet dinner spirituality, which is mostly how i have been before i guess. I dont often speak aloud. I have a small altar, undedicated to any specific diety. How can guidance come from an unnamed source?

    I understand the horned god to be older, that Pan had horns as did Wodan, and others too i think it used to be a theme in art and that they used to denote nobility in humans or godsblood. I believe jesuits altered and abused an older faith that they were in competition with, and invented a boogy man to get people to build the new god temples out of stones. I cannot hear the Song in those places, only silence. How can they worship the allgood without flowers and crikets and birds and butterflies and clouds and trees and all that?

    I have read some texts on witchcraft, more history then modern practice. Farrar wrote about gardner, and his path and some of it echoed and some rang false. I seem unable to say the name cerrunos aloud, it is difficult to even write it by hand, dont know why.

    I understand the pentacle and its derivative the pentagram to be holy, as is the circle which i have worn around my neck on a string for thirty years. I believe the star symbolizes a group of people, that together form a wheel witch is symbol of time and civilisation. I dont believe in the devil, not that there is one big bad one like a military commander or something. I believe there are devils, and that they mostly are territorial and somehow related to ifrit, not sure why.

    I despise christianity, and believe it to be based on lies. I admire christian culture as charity, literacy, cooperative socialism, and a sense of belonging that encourages civil discourse and forgivness.

    I do not honor all paths, nor do i believe that all roads lead to the temple eventually. I think many religions are foolish and wrong headed, basically uninteresting. The eclectic business appeals to me, like a jewel that broke and the little pieces are scattered all over

    I believe the world is very old, and humanity is as well, that periodically we rise up, then overpopulate then die off and that cycle goes on forever.

    Somehow i have to weed the garden of my heart, i need accurate information. I promise not to pick fights, i feel that this is a formative time in my spiritual development, and i want to learn more. This is getting long winded

    One specific question if i may

    Is there one of the modern paths that holds the Craft as being exclusivly for wymyn? That men are allowed to serve as guards and carry water, and "ward against the without" but not participate in rituals?

    Is witch a gender specific term? I was given the teaching that warlock is both mis spelled and mispronounced and it is rightly said as "were_loch", and that means "to change the water or to move or guide the water". It means something specific i believe it has to do with science or alchemy

    Re: New here

    Dianic witchcraft is very female oriented. Depending on the circle, that shifts from mostly focusing on female deities and whatnot to full on anti- man rhetoric. My one experience with one of their events wasn't a good one. They discouraged women from having romantic relationships with men, there was discussion of how nice it would be to have an all female generation via in vitro fertilization, etc. That isn't a healthy or balanced path to go down.

    Witch is generally accepted as a gender neutral term in pagan circles. Warlock is generally frowned upon and not taken seriously.
    We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

    I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
    It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
    Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
    -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

    Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


      Re: New here

      Thank you for your timely reply, you are most kind. Is the notion that wichcraft is mostly for women, and men typically didnt participate something from a few hundred years ago? I wonder if i got that stuck in my head from a person, a fictional work or reading something supposedly factual

      - - - Updated - - -

      I am looking for things that may not exist, in a place that may not be well suited, in the abscence of advice from trusted friends i will just try my best. Many ppl suggest fcebook as a rescource but it makes me feel icky.

      Speaking of icky, would someone care to share thier views on pornography, male masturbation, and whether the solo experience of these things is dangerous to the person doing it? Is that too inappropriate a topic? I tried to word it so as to be clinical sounding.

      I think i am doing a type of magic sometimes, and that the effect of it is to prevent new associations in the real world. Magic can be done inadvertantly?

      I have known feminists who were violently opposed to porn, but encouraged masturbation, generally.

      Sometimes i see in my mind something that looks like a rope made of light that eminates from the chakra points in front and goes to other points on the body, rather than straight out, it may be just my imagination, i idk
      Last edited by Skittlebisquit; 26 Apr 2021, 06:29.


        Re: New here

        Originally posted by Skittlebisquit View Post
        Thank you for your timely reply, you are most kind. Is the notion that wichcraft is mostly for women, and men typically didnt participate something from a few hundred years ago? I wonder if i got that stuck in my head from a person, a fictional work or reading something supposedly factual
        Thinking back over fourty or so years, I suggest this: Most wiccan groups that I knew of (this is already post-Gardnerian, and early New Age-ish) were based on an ancient archetype of an eternal queen, with a dieing and reborn consort-son. Whether this is female centered or not is subject to a lot of discussion, but since people living on the mushy edge of religion tend to mingle and mix with other mushy edges, a lot of wiccans with feminist leanings did interpret the archetype as female centered.

        Speaking of icky, would someone care to share thier views on pornography, male masturbation, and whether the solo experience of these things is dangerous to the person doing it? Is that too inappropriate a topic? I tried to word it so as to be clinical sounding.
        Not dangerous. Not even a little.

        There is an adult section. If the moderators think it needs to be moved, they will.

        I have known feminists who were violently opposed to porn, but encouraged masturbation, generally.
        Not their business. If you think someone won't approve of your private life, keep your private life private.

        Too many people too busy trying to mind other people's business. Don't feed the monkeys.
        Last edited by B. de Corbin; 26 Apr 2021, 11:16.
        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


          Re: New here

          Corbin has said most of what I'd bother to but a few points

          Originally posted by Skittlebisquit View Post

          Speaking of icky, would someone care to share thier views on pornography, male masturbation, and whether the solo experience of these things is dangerous to the person doing it? Is that too inappropriate a topic? I tried to word it so as to be clinical sounding.
          If you want to discuss the legality of, morality of, or health concerns (physical or psychological) of porn or masturbation then the discussion can probably occur in general forums. This position is subject to revision if Thal or Juni disagree with me or based upon the exact nature of the discussion and the judgement of any viewing staff member. If the topic is deemed to be acceptable for discussion but not for public boards then it will be moved to the adult forum which is 18+ and requires staff approval to access.

          Regarding porn specifically, as a matter of policy, PF will not host it either in general or in adult. It can be discussed with varying degrees of freedom depending on where you are on the site but adult pictures and videos will be eliminated pretty much on sight by any wandering staff member.

          I have known feminists who were violently opposed to porn, but encouraged masturbation, generally.
          You can find people who are violently opposed to just about anything without working overly hard at it. Without knowing the specific arguments, I'm not going to exert myself trying to answer them right now. My default position on porn is that as long as all involved parties are informed, consenting adults then I don't have an objection. If any of the three qualifiers of informed, consenting and adult are missing then I tend to treat it as evidence that someone belongs in an 8 by 10 cell for a significant span of time.
          Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

          Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

          "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

          John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

          "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

          Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


            Re: New here

            Thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge with me, you are all very generous.

            I would not ever post lewd imagery to a public forum, have no fear of that. My concern was basically about whether solo masturbation could qualify as sex magic, and i dont think it can.

            I was surprised to see issues of the left hand path here, and found it to be interesting to read about. I wonder about psychic vampirism, is it always considered to be ethically wrong? It seems to me that the vampire might well be drawing something out of the person that is like pus, or bile(corruption). That perhaps the so called victim benefits from what was removed. Are there any articles that might deal with psychic vampirism in a favorable light such as this?

            I met a woman apparently by chance some time ago,( i believe the meeting was contrived) who claims to be a pagan witch. She says that she conspires with demons or speaks with them somehow. She also says that she is the leader of a coven, and that she has practiced rituals in public, as a performance art. She claimed that put her at odds with "the local pagan community" I thought that witches were mainly discrete, and that many kept the craft a secret. Do witches typically do ritual in public?

            Can you reccomend articles that describe basic spheres of protection about oneself? Like beginner practice exercises?

            May you hear sweet songs, and smile...
            Last edited by Skittlebisquit; 26 Apr 2021, 19:08.


              Re: New here

              Originally posted by Skittlebisquit View Post
              Thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge with me, you are all very generous.

              I would not ever post lewd imagery to a public forum, have no fear of that. My concern was basically about whether solo masturbation could qualify as sex magic, and i dont think it can.
              Answers to this will vary wildly based on what you think magic is and whether you think there's anything inherently special about sex magic.

              I was surprised to see issues of the left hand path here, and found it to be interesting to read about. I wonder about psychic vampirism, is it always considered to be ethically wrong? It seems to me that the vampire might well be drawing something out of the person that is like pus, or bile(corruption). That perhaps the so called victim benefits from what was removed. Are there any articles that might deal with psychic vampirism in a favorable light such as this?
              Few things are considered to be always ethically wrong. That said, the last time I saw any serious defense given to psychic vampirism, it was more an argument that people tended to give off a lot of excess energy that could be harvested with minimal to no effect on the other party. Granted, that discussion was also almost ten years ago and I don't know if any positions have changed as I pay very little attention to vampirism outside the context of fiction and gaming.

              I met a woman apparently by chance some time ago,( i believe the meeting was contrived) who claims to be a pagan witch. She says that she conspires with demons or speaks with them somehow. She also says that she is the leader of a coven, and that she has practiced rituals in public, as a performance art. She claimed that put her at odds with "the local pagan community" I thought that witches were mainly discrete, and that many kept the craft a secret. Do witches typically do ritual in public?
              So, this provides a wonderful intro into the most important thing to remember when dealing with Paganism/Witchcraft/the occult/Wicca/etc...

              There are a metric ****ton of varying opinions held by people who don't always get along with each other. How secretive witches are will vary widely based on which group of witches you are dealing with. It is distinctly feasible that a pagan of one tradition has managed to irritate local pagans of another tradition due to public rituals. It's also possible that said individual annoyed them for some other reason and is tailoring the story to make themselves look better. Hell it's possible that both sides of that dispute care entirely too much about meaningless crap and should grow up and let bygones be bygones. I don't know the parties involved. I do know that asking ten different pagans the same question can occasionally get you up to 15 different answers.

              Can you reccomend articles that describe basic spheres of protection about oneself? Like beginner practice exercises?

              May you hear sweet songs, and smile...
              I'm gonna leave this one alone for a while. We have book lists scattered about and I may track one down at some point but there are members who may have more specific recommendations so I'm gonna give this a few days and see if anyone else comments.
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: New here

                LOL yeah, pagans advertise open minds, but they practice it like everybody else: "I'm right , you're wrong, and oh, by the way, this is a shiv."

                But since all cohorts do that, pagans are no worse than others, but no better, either.
                Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                  Re: New here

                  Thank you, both


                    Re: New here

                    This is embarrasing. I am stuck in the full page view, but i have a small screen and cant figure out how to switch it back to a mobile friendly view. I tried to send a msg to ? But i cant see it well. Please help me switch the view back to a mobile friendly one.

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    Please disregard last post, i finally figured it out. Its at the bottom, it is for choosing skins, it says mint. Select that then choose default mobile


                      Re: New here

                      This thread is all over the place.

                      Sex magic is a thing and it's all about raising energy in a specific way. Some folks believe that it's more powerful because of the carnal emotions involved. This ace thinks that it doesn't really matter how you raise the energy, so long as it gets the job done. Masturbation engages the same canal emotions as sex, when you get down to it. The only thing different between masturbation and sex is intimacy. If you don't think it's the basic carnal emotions, then the power is coming from the intimacy and you don't need sex for that.

                      Book recommendations: Penczaks Temple series is my go to recommendation. I'm fairly confidant in my craft and still not all the way through the series. They take you from the basics to complex spell work.

                      Public ritual. Yes, this is a thing. I wouldn't consider it performative. Usually public rituals are either educational or intended to gather lots of energy for massive spell work. I've done lots of both. Many public rituals that I've hosted have been through my local CUUPs group. Many of the public rituals I've attended were through pagan festivals.

                      Psychic vampires: Whether it's real or not is a different discussion. Assuming it's real, vampirism is inherently parasitic. There isn't a good side to it. If your (general you) draining only the bad, that's a heck of a lot of bad you're taking in and making a part of you, which will eventually lead to negative actions on your part.
                      We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

                      I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
                      It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
                      Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
                      -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

                      Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


                        Re: New here

                        Thank you all for responding to me. Sacred texts is a perfect online rescource for my searches, this vampire codex one i read quite a bit of it. I am likening the study to a topic i heard of in a sermon called " psychic soul ties" by an inspiring fem preacher called Dwyer. I think it was her.
                        As i understand it, the sex forms a bond between the lovers energetically, a soul tie. Thankfully i am able at times to use my beautiful mind as a sort of collander or sieve, and strain out the semi-precious chunks of beauty from a sticky pap of rhetoric. Dwyer is actually a fantastic speaker, someone taught her that old story about the vessel and the stones and the water, you know to explain love? She gives a great talk on it, with a twist on her godtrip.

                        I am in poor health generally and looking to blame something, also how to fix myself so the soul tie concept is appealing. It makes a certain sense. The psychic vampire establishes this type of link with a "donor" as they are called in the (above) codex. The energy flows from donor to vamp, when the vamp chooses. The vamp merely uses visualization to enable the link. I think the author lies about this a purpose, and likely the bricks and mortar of the link are precious gifts and spellcraft items and the like.

                        In my case the former lover is often the subject of a masturbation fantasy. If (fap=masturbation) fap is a type of sex magic, then i am hurting myself by it and feeding a person many miles away. If there is such a thing, and thats difficult to tell. Sometimes i believe in supernatural things more than others, its confusing.

                        I have not yet found described, a secular method for the afflicted individual to sever such a tie, if one exists at all. I think the christians dissapprove of fap, generally. I know that they mostly regard casual sex as a sin. Dwyer and others reccomend prayer to sever the tie.

                        I understand the call of the darkside now. I am only barely middle aged, under fifty. I remember always having plants indoors at a happier time, perhaps i will try that again. I would be easy to convince of anything that promised to help, at least sometimes i would. Other times i feel more moral or noble or something.

                        In general i think many strange and concieted things, it comes from isolation as a policy and an open mind, a voracious appetite for knowledge, and lots of free time.

                        I was trying to explain to someone about magic upon oneself being, at best highly inefficient, and in many ways impossible. I used the pick up the chair that you are sitting in description. I have many such strange ideas, some of them contradict eachother. I also think there is something that i call the invisible mirror, so that if i project hateful images of a fiery doom upon a certain pumkin colored fascist or instance, then that dark energy is reflected back on me, distorted like. So i try and stay love focused, and gratitude trip.

                        Also it seems i believe in the aether concept, that we are all swimming in a type of fluid. To heal a person takes a group, so that i and my friends can push back this jello like substance, blow a bubble around the person, while you as the more masterful alter the patient's energy field.

                        Sometimes it seems that altering an energy field to heal someone is like tuning a guitar and trying to warp the neck back to straight.

                        This would explain why sometimes faith healing has dramatic results, sometimes the circle of support is effective in casting a sphere of seperation around the patient, while mostly its not.

                        So what if ole whats her name did something to me, and i reaffirm it with what i do? Its poss right that my faptime is actually a magic werking? Are these soulties a concept that has legitimacy outside the above mentioned source? I bet that they are, i think alot of bible thumpers get the esoteric stuff from a source like this board, then give it a paint job and sell it as thier own.

                        Does anyone remember " mark profit, and his book called the lost teachings of jesus? I should proly throw it out, the guy is a nut job. He had a brain tumor when he wrote 2 or three volumes of his magnum opus, i have vol 1. Ethically should i destroy something i regard as false teaching? Is selling it like selling rotten fruit? Any takers? Its got some cool plates in it. I am willing to ship it, have no clue how the modern folk do all that, but i have a paypal accnt. Is that the right one? Paypal allows you to pay me doesnt it? Can i sell you a book or a walking stick or stones or something and then give you the paypal number? Sorry if i am wierd, sometimes the meds have odd effects, there is so much i dont know, i have been alone and isolated for a longtime now.

                        Thank you all for you kindness and support may the warm and fragrant breezes of Oregon in Spring, drift to you, wherever you are, as you smile and think of geese, and rhinoculus, and lilac, and the great laurels in bloom, and a million diferent shades of green....


                          Re: New here

                          Originally posted by Skittlebisquit View Post
                          .. Sometimes i see in my mind something that looks like a rope made of light that eminates from the chakra points in front and goes to other points on the body, rather than straight out, it may be just my imagination, i idk
                          Just a quick note here but in the Chakra system you have major and minor chakra's. The Major Chakra's are usually said to align with the spine. The minor or lessor chakra's are typically shown to be like wheels that are spoked off the main ones and located at the lessor joints in the body. Basically found in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and sometimes some say even at the very lessor junctions of the fingers and toes joints.
                          I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!

