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Unicorn belief

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    Unicorn belief

    Does anyone believe that unicorns exist? I know there is faerie belief, but I've never seen anyone say they've seen unicorns, except in stories. But I feel that they're out there, somewhere. I love every single thing about unicorns. Their purity, their peace, their wisdom, etc. There are many different theories on unicorns, although I think most of it is just telling us what we want to hear to sell books.

    I just made a big mistake. I watched The Last Unicorn, and that movie hit me right in the feels. Although it is a mistake I'm glad I made. I am now as obsessed with seeing a unicorn as that old king was. I believe a unicorn will come if I believe enough, and I'm pure of heart, but I find it extremely hard to be pure enough to meet such a magnificent being.

    Has anyone ever seen a unicorn? Even if it was only in your dreams? I read that everyone has a personal unicorn, and can find him/her by meditating, but I am really bad at meditation. I could make a unicorn tulpa, but I would be living a lie, because tulpas are based on memories from the subconscious, and I cannot even fathom the pure beauty of a unicorn, so I would only be making a being that is based on what I've seen from movies and art.

    I am very serious, I am crying a bit while I'm typing this. Even if someone simply knows a prayer that may or may not work, I'll take anything
    What one believes in is infinitely more important than WHO they believe in.

    Re: Unicorn belief

    According to legends unicorns live deep in the forest by clear pools of water and only allow the most pure to approach them (usually that means virginal maidens). Everyone else they either run from or gore with their horn and if cornered it would kill itself, usually by leaping from a cliff. It was once popular for nobles to own cups and eating material made from "unicorn horn or bone" because it was believed that such materials would nullify poisons and/or cure diseases. In actuality these pieces were likely carved from normal animal horn or narwhal tusk, which greatly resembles a unicorn horn, or were just ivory.

    Unicorns originate from Greek writings about natural history where the animal was believed to live in India. Both Aristotle and Ctesias wrote about single horned horses, or chimeric cervid creatures, purportedly native to India. It's important to note however than India was a very far away place and seen as fantastical in it's own right. An unexplored and largely unknown land would fittingly have fantastical animals also. Indian examples of unicorns are much rarer and nearly unknown in literature of the time. Unicorns became extremely popular symbols in the middle ages of Europe where people would go on hunting expeditions for them. They came to be seen as representing the purity and goodness in the world, with connections to Christ and Mary. A recurring theme is that only a virgin (usually a maiden) could touch them, capture them, ride them, ect.

    Personally I don't know if they exist, I kinda doubt it. If they do exist in the spiritual, it's probably a thoughtform of some sort. If they exist and are not a thoughtform then they might be similar to fae. Fantastical beasts have been accounted all over the world with little evidence and only a few like the unicorn or dragon persist into modern times. Examples of unicorn horn are common and all tested samples are proven to be false through scientific evidence. I'm sure similar creatures exist, heck I know they do, but are they unicorns? not as we would think they are.


      Re: Unicorn belief

      I too have been in love with unicorns since my father gave me a golden pendant of one. I have been lucky enough to see the beautiful unicorn tapestries at the Met in New York. So splendid indeed!
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: Unicorn belief

        Probably some sort of nature spirit. Not physical entities, they would be similar to fae, there are more types of forest spirits than we can understand, though, specially in tropical forests.


          Re: Unicorn belief

          I have heard of a living unicorn. He was technically a goat but a goat with a single horn coming from the center of his brow, His name was Lancelot and was raised by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and toured with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
          Click Meh!!


            Re: Unicorn belief

            Originally posted by Ektor View Post
            Probably some sort of nature spirit. Not physical entities, they would be similar to fae, there are more types of forest spirits than we can understand, though, specially in tropical forests.
            This is pretty much my belief in regards to unicorns, too.


              Re: Unicorn belief

              We have ceffyl dwr or water horses in wales. They are tricksters, throw you over the next mountain as soon as look at you.

              Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                Re: Unicorn belief

                I found a site that has a lot of info on unicorns.

                I'm just wondering, there's one part that says to hold a rose quartz in one hand while meditating and imagining a unicorn with my mind's eye, then imagining the unicorn touching my third eye with it's horn. Then it says to feel the energy in the crystal in my hand, then down my arm, and imagine it melding with the unicorn's healing energy. Are these the type of rose quartz crystals needed?
                What one believes in is infinitely more important than WHO they believe in.


                  Re: Unicorn belief

                  You know, if you want to believe in unicorns, there's nothing stopping you. I've seen some weird and wonderful stuff in my time, and probably the closest thing to a unicorn (no horn though) was a ceffyl dwr on a dark road one night. Huge, white, everyone in the car saw it - and I had to drive through it!

                  But just remember that simply finding information that you want to believe doesn't make it so. I have a sneaking suspicion that unicorns and many other creatures exist - maybe not in this world or on this level. But keep an open mind and a level head. Don't rush to believe things until you have REALLY researched them.

                  It's great to be enthusiastic - and when you're starting out it's quite natural. But just remember that there's an awful lot of bollocks on the internet, in books and... well, everywhere really.

                  I have an interesting article on unicorns - though I warn you, it's rather heavy going and you'll need to stick with it. Nothing fluffy here, though you'll come away knowing a lot more about them afterwards. If you - or anyone else - would like a copy, please just pm me.


                  Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                    Re: Unicorn belief

                    Originally posted by jcaternolo View Post
                    Does anyone believe that unicorns exist?
                    Not in this world, but I think it's entirely possible they exist in the Otherworlds. And as with all Otherworldly entities, I think it's minutely possible that one may appear in Thisworld briefly, at certain spots where the worlds meet or the barriers are thin.

