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The art of the Spell

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    The art of the Spell

    Hello Everyone. First topic post so I thought id start with a question that has stuck in my mind for some time now. I have studied many different paths and religions before deciding to abandon religion and follow my own path. My path is made up of everything I have found useful, meaningful and true. I have always had a fascination with Magic and Spells however never delved into it's essence. Magic for me until now has always been the work of energy. When I studied the Jedi Path Magic was using the Force to manipulate the world around me. For example channeling Chi into something or using Chi to heal injuries. Always found it fascinating how energy works.

    However I do believe there is more to it. Thing to make a basic Energy Work more potent and powerful. Instead of just channeling base energy, doing something with it and offering it to my Deity Nocturna.

    But when I look for spells I end up with pages of pages with everyone claiming their spell works, but when I look through all of the information of each spell they are all different, all unique but all do the same thing. I understand it is possible to create spells. But how does one do this?

    How do you know? How do you make a Spell? If someone could give me an introduction to spells that would be cool. How can I make a spell? Can I use my experience of energy work with spells or is that a different kind of magic? Most of what I "Know" of magic is speculation.


    Re: The art of the Spell

    A spell, for me, is just an energy working which makes uses of varied symbols in order to better concentrate the caster's state of mind, therefore aiding in the success of the working by just psychologically amplifying the focus of the caster, enhancing the effect intended by the working.

    According to me (since I'm so awesome at I win at everything, I can cite myself) a spell, or an energy/magical working is made of three main things:

    1. Gathering the energy.
    2. Giving it an intent, a goal.
    3. Releasing/directing the energy.

    Gathering the energy means concentrating the energy that is to be used during the spell/working in a single compact format. This can be done by lighting incenses or gathering the offering in the offering bowl thingie, drawing energy from objects/animals/plants/deities/entities/yourself, or simply by meditating and focusing the energy.

    Giving it an intent means that this energy that you are gathering needs to produce a certain effect when released. It needs to manipulate other energies in order to produce that effect. Therefore you give it the goal you want to attain with the spell. Energy is like water in this case: It always uses the easiest path for it to reach the goal. Not the fastest, not the most efficient, just the most easy to travel. Maybe a very generalized "I want money" spell might result in a millionaire dying in front of you, his wallet full of dough evidently showing. Giving intent is the most crucial part of a spell/working, in my opinion. To symbolize suffering, some people tear a shirt or a piece of clothing belonging to the victim, this helps them transmit their intent into the energy. Same applies for the person who burns the picture of a lost loved one, in order to make a spell to help him overcome the past, their pain and sadness. Or you can meditate, put it in words, and just focus your intent as an affirmation/request into the energy.

    Releasing the energy means that your time bomb has powder (energy), and the timer is set (the intent), now all you need is to throw it. Sometimes you might want to direct the energy at some specific point/person. Some people use athames for that, or they fingers, or a wand, or an over-sized staff, or a ceremonial sword. Sometimes you don't want to direct the energy, but rather disperse it all around, sort of an Area of Effect spell in videogames. For that you might use a fire to disperse the energy in its smoke, or an incense to disperse it with the scent. I've also heard of people using friggin' fireworks or explosives to diffuse their magic. Sometimes you might want to have an object that contains the magic/energy and releases it little by little. Then you would need to channel the energy into a symbol, a necklace, a charm, a potato or your food in general, your altar, yourself. Or you can just visualize the method of releasing the energy in your head, during meditation.

    There infinite ways to consider how spell works. But this is what I've found that makes sense to me and works for me. This is my approach to spells.

    Feel free to ask further questions or add in your own thoughts. Welcome again to the forum and I'm super pleased you made your first steps in the community with such an elemental, basic, but yet interesting and complex topic with loads of room for discussion and learning.

    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


      Re: The art of the Spell

      Very informative. Thanks for all the detail in the reply. Seems we both have a lot in common. I have never been an expert with magic and I am far from it, but this has helped greatly. I guess becoming a powerful Sorcerer isn't going to be as easy as I thought :P. I look forward to learning some of the basics and going from there. Thanks friend.


        Originally posted by SeanRave View Post
        A spell, for me, is just an energy working which makes uses of varied symbols in order to better concentrate the caster's state of mind, therefore aiding in the success of the working by just psychologically amplifying the focus of the caster, enhancing the effect intended by the working.

        According to me (since I'm so awesome at I win at everything, I can cite myself) a spell, or an energy/magical working is made of three main things:

        1. Gathering the energy.
        2. Giving it an intent, a goal.
        3. Releasing/directing the energy.

        Gathering the energy means concentrating the energy that is to be used during the spell/working in a single compact format. This can be done by lighting incenses or gathering the offering in the offering bowl thingie, drawing energy from objects/animals/plants/deities/entities/yourself, or simply by meditating and focusing the energy.

        Giving it an intent means that this energy that you are gathering needs to produce a certain effect when released. It needs to manipulate other energies in order to produce that effect. Therefore you give it the goal you want to attain with the spell. Energy is like water in this case: It always uses the easiest path for it to reach the goal. Not the fastest, not the most efficient, just the most easy to travel. Maybe a very generalized "I want money" spell might result in a millionaire dying in front of you, his wallet full of dough evidently showing. Giving intent is the most crucial part of a spell/working, in my opinion. To symbolize suffering, some people tear a shirt or a piece of clothing belonging to the victim, this helps them transmit their intent into the energy. Same applies for the person who burns the picture of a lost loved one, in order to make a spell to help him overcome the past, their pain and sadness. Or you can meditate, put it in words, and just focus your intent as an affirmation/request into the energy.

        Releasing the energy means that your time bomb has powder (energy), and the timer is set (the intent), now all you need is to throw it. Sometimes you might want to direct the energy at some specific point/person. Some people use athames for that, or they fingers, or a wand, or an over-sized staff, or a ceremonial sword. Sometimes you don't want to direct the energy, but rather disperse it all around, sort of an Area of Effect spell in videogames. For that you might use a fire to disperse the energy in its smoke, or an incense to disperse it with the scent. I've also heard of people using friggin' fireworks or explosives to diffuse their magic. Sometimes you might want to have an object that contains the magic/energy and releases it little by little. Then you would need to channel the energy into a symbol, a necklace, a charm, a potato or your food in general, your altar, yourself. Or you can just visualize the method of releasing the energy in your head, during meditation.

        There infinite ways to consider how spell works. But this is what I've found that makes sense to me and works for me. This is my approach to spells.

        Feel free to ask further questions or add in your own thoughts. Welcome again to the forum and I'm super pleased you made your first steps in the community with such an elemental, basic, but yet interesting and complex topic with loads of room for discussion and learning.
        I like this. Good work Shaun.

        I tend to use Sympathetic Magic. Have a google of that. Im on my phone so tricky to delve deeper, but yeah
        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


        I have never been across the way
        Seen the desert and the birds
        You cut your hair short
        Like a shush to an insult
        The world had been yelling
        Since the day you were born
        Revolting with anger
        While it smiled like it was cute
        That everything was shit.

        - J. Wylder


          Originally posted by Heka View Post

          I like this. Good work Shaun.

          I tend to use Sympathetic Magic. Have a google of that. Im on my phone so tricky to delve deeper, but yeah
          Shit I spelt Sean wrong. Sorry mate, I have another friend I'm talking to spelt that way :S
          ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


          I have never been across the way
          Seen the desert and the birds
          You cut your hair short
          Like a shush to an insult
          The world had been yelling
          Since the day you were born
          Revolting with anger
          While it smiled like it was cute
          That everything was shit.

          - J. Wylder


            Re: The art of the Spell

            I agree with SeanRave on this one.

            When you boil it right down, a spell is just a way to focus your energy and intent, and give it all the specific little nuances that help the energy that you are directing to do it's job better. If you are experienced with energy work, then spell work shouldn't be too difficult.


              Re: The art of the Spell

              this article might be useful for you
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: The art of the Spell

                It depends on the spell we're talking about. I support Sean here.
                In Kemetism magic is done through words. So for me it's enough concentrating enough on the words I choose and with Djehuty. Then I let it happens.
                I used it only once. I can't remember when exactly. It was over a year ago.
                "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                  Re: The art of the Spell

                  Author: Aleister Crowley; Type: Downloadable PDF; Size: 258.0 Kb; Downloaded: 16346 times; Categories: Thelema Magick; The first three sections of this work consist of Parts...

